• Member Since 21st Aug, 2012

Mending Paw

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Total Words: 23,070,838
Estimated Reading: 9 weeks



  • Featured 23598 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

After the invasion of Canterlot, ponies became aware of the frightening changeling race. As a result, they had adopted methods of exposing and countering the love-feeding parasites.

Glamour, like other changelings, have found it more challenging to find a stable supply of love. Seeing the flaws in posing as a pony's loved one, she tries a new way of getting love.

By becoming a fashion model.

All she had to do was become famous and bask in the adoration of her fans. However, the world of fashion is not as easy as it looks, and Glamour finds her life become much more complicated when she gets paired up with Manehattan's newest fashion designer, Coco Pommel.

First featured on 8/29/15

This story takes place a bit after the events of "Rarity Takes Manehattan".

Chapters (35)

Twilight had planned to visit Sunset Shimmer and her friends over in the other world for a nice, quiet weekend, away from all the worries and problems associated with being a Princess of Equestria. Unfortunately, things rarely go as planned.

After an accident cuts her off from Equestria, Twilight finds herself stuck in the human world until the gateway between the two worlds can be fixed. Which wouldn't normally be a problem...

...If she wasn't still a pony.

Now with TvTropes page!

Cover art
Proofread by Dusty Old Qrow, RQK, Dusty Tomes (Ch. 2), Emtu, and Doctor Candor.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Sunset Shimmer is FedUp!

Sunset Shimmer has a pretty good life. She has good friends, a nice apartment, she's back in the good graces of most of the student body at Canterlot High, and she has a hotline to the Princess of Friendship back in Equestria.

But Sunset Shimmer has always had a temper. And there are so, so many things that annoy her.

Like FedEx. And crabs. But she's already dealt with those things.

Lately, a lot of the human world's little annoyances, oddities, and even things that have somehow popped up that shouldn't even exist are getting under Sunset's skin.

And she's had enough.

It's time to fight back.

(Inspired by, but not a crossover with, Dan Vs..)

Chapters (7)

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy thought they were going to help banish Discord for a third time with their friends and the two princesses. That was precisely what was happening until they both found themselves suddenly transported to a strange new world under a flashing pink sky.

A man named Doug "TheSlorg" Collins finds two young women who are naked, confused, and smell of fudge in the Australian Outback. He then reluctantly agrees to help them return home. But when "home" turns out to be Ponyville, things become a bit more complicated than he bargained for.

Part of the PonyFall collaboration series.
Visit the PonyFall TV Tropes Page
Temporary cover art by Speccysy

Chapters (37)

The greatest displays of strength are not always the most overt. Fluttershy is not whom one would consider to be a strong pony. But when Rarity digs a little deeper, she discovers in her friend a strength that carries the weight of hundreds.

Inspired by Estee's Five Hundred Little Murders.

Chapters (1)

Semper Pie is one of Equestria's most honored and decorated soldiers. Protector of the innocent, hero of countless battles, champion of all ponykind. Even Shining Armor, ex-Captain of the Royal Guard, and Prince Consort to the Crystal Princess, looks up to this great stallion. Truly one of the best and greatest ponies to have ever served under the Royal Sister's banner.

Still, where did he come from? Where was he born? What has he done? Does he have any family? Why would he suddenly want to come to Ponyville?

And why, for the love of Celestia, does he specifically want to meet with the Element of Laughter herself?

Chapters (58)

The Tasty Treat becomes a successful restaurant, despite not having the three-hoof rating that makes all the restaurants in Restaurant Row successful. The Queen of Cuisine, Zesty Gourmand, will not let this stand without criticism.

Unfortunately for her, somepony else will not let her flawed method of critiquing restaurants go unpunished. And he's not holding back anything. No way in Hell, especially in his own kitchen.

Spoilers for Season 6 Episode 12

Random Oneshot Idea that just popped in my head.

Contains vulgar language and verbal bashing (Judging from the cover art, you can tell why).

Chapters (1)


Rainbow Dash blinked at Rarity. “Come again?”

“Polyamory. What you’re trying to build with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy is called a polyamorous relationship."

“Okay,” said Rainbow Dash, “fine. So I know what it’s called. But what I really need to know is how I’m going to make it work!”

Featured on the Pony Fiction Vault, 05/11/12!

Chapters (5)

Octavia Philharmonica would like nothing more than to practice her cello and to compose beautiful music all by herself. Unfortunately, her teacher Princess Cadance has other plans! Sent to Ponyville to assist with logistics for the Vernal Equinox Festival, Octavia wants only to get through the ceremony with as little interaction with the local populace as possible, but her plans are derailed by the return of two ancient evils. When the ancient tyrants Burning Sun and Nightmare Moon break free from their prisons and initiate a new era of war and devastation, Octavia finds herself and five other musicians -- Vinyl Scratch, Fluttershy, Lyra Heartstrings, Bluenote, and Medley -- caught up in a desperate race to find the Elements of Harmony and stop the alicorns. It will be a difficult journey, but it just might be possible, if Octavia can manage to befriend the other ponies... and if she can learn to truly listen to the music of Ponyville.

First story in the Cadanceverse!

Cover art generously provided by Mimicry.

Special thanks to my betas Blackbelt, Lev the Lurker, and RK_Striker_JK_5

Chapters (17)

Certain aspects of the palace have been stable for a long time, and the longer that time has gone on, the harder they are to shift -- no matter how badly Luna might desire it. But one tapestry is undeniably ugly. It's been ugly for more than a thousand years. And so she's going to do what should have been done centuries ago and simply kick it out.

Inanimate objects have a way of returning to the scene of the crime.

(A stand-alone, no prior-reading-necessary part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group: new members and trope edits are welcome. )

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Dedicated to Bill Veeck

Chapters (1)