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This story is a sequel to High Maintenance Alicorn Fillies and You.

While Celestia was defending Canterlot from Chrysalis, one of her spells hits a mirror and splits into four, hitting her, Luna, Discord, and Queen Chrysalis. Cadence arrived on the scene, and now is the mother of four, very powerful foals.

Having no idea how to handle babysitting Changelings, or Draconequus, she leaves Shining Armor to watch over the Crystal Empire and heads to Ponyville to ask six very important ponies what to do.

I mean, a spell that got divided between four can't be permanent, can it?

Chapters (6)

After Midna, the Twilight Princess, returned to the Twilight Realm and destroyed the Mirror of Twilight in the process, Link continues to travel around the land of Hyrule. One year has passed, and our hero in green revisits the Sacred Grove in Faron Woods where the legendary Master Sword resides. As he looks at the blade and all the events that was associated with it, a portal forms above him. He is sucked into the portal along with the Master Sword and later finds himself in a grassy field.

This story takes place after the events of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
This is my first story so be gentle.

Chapters (7)

Rainbow Dash had the little filly for a while now and she loves her little pony, However, she been recently busy with work and hate to leave Dasher alone. So to keep her company Dash decides to adopt a new pet for her to play with, and this new pet happens to be a tortoise.

Cover art: dm29

Note: First attempt to write a cute and adorable story.

Chapters (1)

During the end of dead space 2, instead of escaping, Isaac makes a bold sacrifice to save Ellie from the exploding Titan station and thinks that this is the end. It's not as he is soon brought to another world by something powerful. Something that sees Isaac as no more than a tool for its own use.

But can Isaac prevail and stop this new threat and perhaps learn the ways of friendship while he's at it?

Edit: Featured on front page? Thank you everyone!

Chapters (6)

First Featured: 05-10-14 (It was glorious!)
I got the idea from playing Rockstar's Bully and listening to 20% cooler.

Rainbow Dash, a disgruntled teenager, is forced to enroll in Manticore Academy, the toughest school in Equestria. The moment she sets foot on campus, she is targeted by the different cliques of the school. Rainbow Dash must show everypony that she in no pushover, and maybe make some friends along the way.

Even though this story is humanized, it still has unicorns, pegasus, earth ponies, griffons, ect. It also uses words like anypony, sompony, ect. Look at the cover art for a basis on how the characters look like.

I do not own Bully or My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

It should be noted that there will be chapters that are focused on a Slice of Life theme. This is mainly done for I could try to make a deeper story than just characters beating each other up for no apparent reason.

I think it's pretty obvious by now that I didn't make the cover image. It was made by this person: http://inuhoshi-to-darkpen.deviantart.com/

Chapters (22)

Trixie is very bored. In an effort to relieve said boredom, she is reading her textbooks on magic.

This is a very bad idea.

The result? A spell goes wrong and Ponyville ends up with two Trixies, or at least two pieces of Trixie.

One is carefree, pompous, and just a wee bit more arrogant than usual about her powers.
The other is a nervous wreck that can't work up the courage to do anything based on the thought that it'll lead to a personal failure in her responsibilities.

They are two incomplete halves of a whole that have a spell to fix.

The problem with fixing it?

One of them decided to run off to Neigh Orleans during a night of endless partying.

A Lunaverse Story.

Chapters (4)

Queen Chrysalis falls into the fountain of youth.
Cadence finds her as a foal and decides to take care of her. How will Shining armor react to this whole mess?
Lots of cute action and some drama.
Will little Chrysalis be happy with her new family?
Dive right in and find out.

Cover art by the awesome Beavernator.

Chapters (1)

Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were brought together by Twilight Sparkle and the magic of friendship and have had incredible experiences. But now they are trapped in a world they don't understand-Equestria. How will these five normal human girls deal with such dangers as dragons, minotaurs, parasprites, -and perhaps the most dangerous of them all,- themselves?

Art Source: http://demoncat8.deviantart.com/art/Eqg-In-Equestria-Cover-392108298

NON CANON with Season 4 and EQG 2.

Chapters (7)

During his revenge against the Animal Shelter, Dan decided to stop at Burger Phile for a milkshake, a plain burger and a small soda. Then he ends up meeting with a pink haired girl that will change his life.
Cover Image provided by FlamesofBlades with the original art of Technaro. Please visit her DA gallery, It is awesome.

Chapters (16)

The Adventure of Flynn Rider

This story is on hiatus.

This is a story about the legendary Flynn Rider... Okay, I'll be honest, I was just paid to say that! He isn't even that legendary, and this is just one of his minor adventures, okay? No, really! There's nothing too big of a deal here. Oh, but Flynn Rider will be narrating this story, so I guess that's worth something... Wait, why are you looking at me like that? You're expecting me to give you some information in this description? Forget it! I'm still getting paid for this, so why don't you find out for yourself? Just click one of those chapters below. C'mon, do it! You know you want to...

Flynn Rider is a trademark character of the Disney film, "Tangled." This adaption of one of his adventures is strictly for entertainment purposes only, and should not be taken as an illegally stolen property of a fictional character. Thank you.

Adding chapters weekly, (If possible) and no, that is not a real FBI notification.
I simply thought it made my description look cooler. :)

And now, for some good news! I'm completely refurbishing this entire story! Better grammar, and better story telling! This is now my main focus! Cheers!

Chapters (3)