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Sweetie Belle falls in love with the new colt in town, a colt that most ponies would identify him as the average antisocial gaming nerd. To Sweetie however, he's her Prince Blueblood to Rarity (That is before the Gala). He's the colt that she wanted to have by her side. He is Button Mash.
Cover art by Superrobotrainbowpig on DeviantArt. Inspired by Jan Animations and his tumblr blog, Ask-Thecrusaders.

Chapters (6)

Sequel to the fanfic. Rain

Miles Wilhelm, once a human living on earth, has been brought to Equestria by Princess Celestia herself at the request of Rarity. He has followed the once pony-turned-human Rainbow (Rain) Dash, the love of his life, and has found a brave new world as an orange pegasus.

What's next?

Now, the young stallion has to adjust to his new life as a stallion. It'll be hard, and there will be pitfalls along the way, but he's up for it. If, for nothing else, only for Rain and for Scootaloo.

Original Artwork by InTheStardust

Chapters (3)

Blacklight had the truth. He knew what he was. He knew Alex was dead, and that he was never human. He knew that Dana was never his sister, and that he was never even slightly related to her. He knew that there was nothing tying him to Dana, no real memories or biological similarities or even species based empathy. For some reason, Blacklight loves Dana like a sister he doesn’t have.

Perhaps this is what keeps him tame when he is brought into a place he does not belong. A scenario where a being of chaos and war brought to a place of harmony and peace is not often a pretty one. Yet with Dana there, somehow he manages not to go berserk and start murdering everything in sight.

Now the Monster of Manhattan contemplates his place in the world, lies to his sister and the ponies, and questions his lack of empathy when he begins to feel remorse for his actions. He is beginning to miss the simple times where the only things he had to deeply contemplate were methods of horrifically mutilating armies with the maximum amount of efficiency. At least that was straightforward.

(This fic operates under the assumption that Prototype 2 and its tie-in comics never existed. If you really have to ask yourself why, play the first game, then play the second game. The reasons should become apparent.)

(Well I'll be damned. Front page on the first day. Thank you all for your support!)

(Well, enough of you seem to think this is funny enough to be a dark comedy, so I added a comedy tag. I have to warn you though, I'm not entirely certain as to how consistent the comedy will be. So don't come into this expecting the wacky misadventures of a murderous psychopath.)

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Chaotic Love

[The sequel to Chaotic Love, reading it is advised.]

It's been ten years since Discord defeated his inner demons and married Fluttershy. Now the father of three children, Entropy, Pandemonium and Songflower, he lives his days in peace & quiet with his wife and their friends.

He couldn't be happier.

But when something from his past threatens to resurface and possible tear apart his whole world apart, he stands to lose the one thing he cherishes over all else.

His family.

Temporary Hiatus whilst plot gets slight re-vamp. Apologies!

Humanized ponies, cover art done by ManiacPaint, background from Google images. Edited version to come!

Chapters (2)

The cosmos, countless worlds upon worlds, in these worlds every possible reality exists.
With every choice made, it creates a world. History branches in two, Billions of beings, making billions of choices, creating infinite worlds. Some so similar to each other that you could spend a lifetime searching for any distinction. Others so radically different, they defy comprehension.
What is, what was and what will be started with a place called Equestria.

Like a title suggests, this is an anthology series of AU stories.
Tags and categories may change with time.
Also, looking for a cover image.

Chapters (1)

Rarity experiences an inspirational drought following the Fall Formal, one that Rainbow Dash relieves with the chance to design a new baseball uniform for her team. However, a series of strange encounters leave Rarity feeling attracted to Rainbow Dash, for all the wrong reasons.

And when one they know quite well disappears under tragic circumstances, she begins to question whether her future is worth struggling for...

Big thanks to Cynewulf, RazedRainbow and Azusa for pre-reading.

Chapters (2)

When Dusk Shine tries out a newly-revised teleportation spell, which he created with the aid of a book written by Swirly Star the Wise, it performs perfectly. Well, almost.

Trapped in a world where the Lords are Princesses and mare outnumber stallions four to one, he'll have to find a way back home before he is abducted by panting females who are just waiting to get him in their beds. To get home he must escape.... THE HEAT!
This is a one-shot story which is basically about Dusk Shine, the rule 63 of Twilight Sparkle, getting trapped in the 'normal' universe while all the mares of Equestria are in heat. Not to mention he is also an alicorn, but he hasn't been one for long.

Note: There is no intimacy in this story. At all.

Chapters (1)

The Doctor always travels with a companion, usually a human. But when he appears on a world that he has no prior knowledge of, he picks up a new companion. One that is not human, but a pony named Twilight Sparkle.

Now that the Doctor has a new companion, what crazy adventures will they encounter in space and time?

Note: The Doctor being used in this story is the tenth incarnation, and he is not a pony, he is the humanoid Doctor. And this is not a romance, it's an adventure story.

Chapters (5)

You may have read Mr. Timn the Librarian, but have you read the other ponies meetings with a so called... Mr. Timn?

Note: You may want to read Mr. Timn the Librarian first (on my page), and you also may, before doing any of this reading, want to look up Mr. Timn on youtube (watch the videos done by Julian Smith, not the takeout though (unless you absolutely want to))

Chapters (1)

Rarity fianlly sums up the courage to tell Spike that she is too old for him. Spike, depressed by this, takes up her words and then searches for a new love interest out there, but to his surprise it is with somepony that nopony would ever suspect.

((Art by Swift Melody ))
((Inspired by Mallajong's Spike's series, who was too busy to make this one "And probably due to his account getting banned yet again..." so I took it up and decided to make it. ))

Chapters (3)