Pinkie Pie Stories 174 stories
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It has been two years since Applejack died and Pinkie Pie took Applebloom in. She has done her best to raise the little filly, and has a true love for her, but the fact still remains;

Being a "Just found out we're related!" cousin, isn't the same as being an actual, closely bonded, sister...

Chapters (1)

Dash has one simple question for Pinkie, 'Why does she smile all the time?', but can she accept the answer?

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash notices something wrong with Pinkie Pie. What does it mean that her Pinkie Sense has stopped working? Twilight's tests make her violently ill, and reveal a shocking truth...

Cover art by Shelmo69 from deviantART.

Chapters (1)

All of her best friends have left Ponyville, each one having departed for a different reason. As such, the only pony left with Pinkie is Rainbow Dash, and even she knew the day when the pegasus would leave would arrive as well. The question isn't whether she can ask Rainbow to stay, but its whether she can say goodbye.

Cover art is by PhillyPu and is inspired by the song of the same name.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie wakes up sick one morning, which is just about the worst thing she can think of!

But Fluttershy will be there to make things better. Things are always better with Fluttershy around.

Also, check out the artist's deviantArt gallery! His pony stuff is all adorable, and I just went on a massive upvote spree of all his pictures on Derpibooru. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to see a doctor. I think my heart has melted from all the cuteness.

Chapters (2)

It was the news that shocked Equestria. Rainbow Dash did the unthinkable, she attempted suicide.
Luckily, she was saved from drowning at the last minute when Fluttershy saw her. After being taken to the hospital, news broke out. The question of "why?" on everypony's lips.
Her friends searched for any kind of clue as to what made their friend drive herself to do such a thing.
At Rainbow's house, they found out why.
A few days later, Rainbow Dash woke up in a hospital bed, and right next to her, she's confronted by the last pony she ever wanted to see: Pinkie Pie.
And this, was that conversation.

A huge thank you to TheOtherSideOfFluttershy for the cover art.

And a special thank you to SecretBrony01 for editing this.

Chapters (1)

It's Pinkie Pie's birthday and her friends are all busy giving her questionably wonderful gifts. However sadly Pinkie's lack of care to her teeth and diet result in one of her gifts proving to be a little too hard on her tooth. Soon her best birthday ever swiftly becomes one of her worst to the mention of needing to see the single pony she fears the worst. The dentist.

Chapters (1)

After the incident with the Mirror Pool, Pinkie Pie begins to realize just how close she came to losing everything and how the ramifications of the event manifested in more than just a ruined barn raising. She seeks the comforting help of one of her best friends, who is more than happy to help.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie has a talk with Ditzy.

Chapters (2)

While inviting everypony in Ponyville to a block party, Pinkie Pie encounters the frustrating and socially destructive enigma that is Siri.

Chapters (1)