Pinkie Pie Stories 174 stories
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After she has read inside a book that eating too much suagr can have some serious health consequences, Twilight puts Pinkie Pie on a strict sugar diet.
But it so happens that Pinkie Pie needs the sugar. By chance, Inkie comes to Ponyville to try and help her sister before it's too late. But to find the help she needs, she has to reveal the secret of the Pie's family which is all about Pinkie Pie.

I felt the need to write that story, even if it doesn't cover the whole subject I tried to handle in it, because I, as many others, use it very lightly in so many other stories as well as it is used for comedic purposes in the actual show. I wanted to try and show another face of it with my poor writing abilities.

Chapters (1)

After a party, Rainbow hints to Pinkie that she likes her. Unfortunately, Pinkie starts avoiding her and begins hanging out with Fluttershy instead, even going as far as to give the shy pony a nickname. Rainbow sees the writing on the wall and decides she'll put her own feelings to the side and get Fluttershy to admit she likes Pinkie.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy and Pinkie try to come up with a way to get Rainbow to admit that she likes Pinkie.

What could go wrong?

As usual, edited and pre-read by Key Tapper and CookieMonstar
There will be two chapters to this story.

Chapters (2)

When the fair comes to Ponyville, Twilight agrees to go with Pinkie Pie. She sees it as the perfect opportunity to express her feelings for the pink mareā€¦ but how will Pinkie respond?
This is pre-Twilacorn Twilight.

Chapters (1)

After a tragic event, Twilight tries to numb herself to the pain and nearly loses the most important thing in her life.

Just a short sweet fic i wrote trying to break out of my writer's block.

Many thanks to my editor for again working her black magic in making my rambling thoughts readable. Check out her page

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash have been dating for six months. Usually an occasion like that would be the perfect reason for a party, but the pink pony asks Rainbow to keep their relationship a secret.
What used to be a curious request to keep it a secret has now become nagging doubt that hangs over their relationship.
Rainbow is left wondering why Pinkie wouldn't want anypony to know.

This story is mostly just an excuse to write fluffy Pinkiedash.

Chapters (1)

Cheese has always loved his friend Pinkie, though in a strange turn of events it seems that Pinkie is the shy one, and she hasn't even noticed his love for her...or so he thought.

cover-art is by: kev_darkhood-deviantart.com

Chapters (2)

After doing extensive research on love and evaluating her feelings, Twilight comes to the conclusion that she has feelings towards her hyperactive pink friend. The only question that remains is whether or not Pinkie is ready to put her heart into another pony's hooves.
This story, is now complete for the time being. this last chapter is a little bit of me trying to be more descriptive and improve myself a bit. please tell me how you feel about it.

This is the first story I'll be posting in chapters. normally i like to post them all at once so i know the story's layout and can keep the tone all the way through, but going through about 14,000 words at once over and over again can be pretty daunting.

I promise though i will not let this piece languish over a long period of time. If there is one thing i dislike more than an author never finishing a story, its one that stops updating for weeks or months at a time.

Also a shout out to Bloopsy from the ponychan board is in order for some continuity and in character wrangling later on in the fic. Also he's the only one to ever volunteer to proofread a fic of mine and his help has been invaluable as a second viewpoint during the later parts of the story.

Wall of text.... hope you enjoy and thank you for your time!

No cover image as i am no artist when it comes to pics.....

Chapters (6)

Love is much like a river. Its power rings true not in the calm and serene of its waters, but in the perilous and daunting rapids.

Now, after a night of heated words, Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie will have to face the torrent in their relationship.

Edited and proofread by Key Tapper and Cookie Monstar. Go check them out! This story wouldn't be what it is without their help.

Chapters (1)

After another argument with her marefriend, Pinkie stumbles across a strange crystal. She falls victim to the daunting voice of the gem as it begins to fill her mind with fear for her wavering relationship with Rarity. Pinkie pleads for forgiveness.

And Rarity will not stand for it.

Cover art from Pinki3pie on DeviantArt.
Not edited yet! There will be errors. You're just going to have to live with it.
For those of you who read my recent blog, this is not the romance fic I was talking about. This was just a contest entry that I decided to put in.

Chapters (1)

-this story is bad and will be undergoing heavy construction soon-

After failing hard at baking, Twilight casts a greater observation spell which allows her to notice the little things she normally glazes over. Is she ready to see the things she accepts without questioning including the way a certain pink pony feels about her?

This is a rework and repost of a story i posted at two other sites. it's a rather short one shot light hearted twi-pie ship fic and should not be approached any other way.

Chapters (1)