Applejack Stories 143 stories
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When dashing off into the sunset and jacking leaves off trees, Applejack and Rainbow Dash realise that they share something special between each other. Through heated competition, they make each other very happy. How could they not be, after discovering each other as such worthy opponents? It's their rivalry, made of tough love.

Expansion Fanfiction story on the Season One Episode, Fall Weather Friends.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash likes it a lot more than she thought she would.

Chapters (1)

After a chilly night, Rarity catches a cold, so Applejack goes down to take care of her until she gets better. What better than a yummy, hot tomato soup? Maybe a lullaby and a belly rub.

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Rainbow Dash have competed against each other for months in an attempt to claim the role of Ponyville's Iron Mare. However, try as they might, neither can grasp the elusive title, and the resulting arguments have achieved a new level of annoying. In a fit of desperate irritation, Twilight Sparkle decides that one last contest is in order to resolve the conflict once and for all.

Can our heroes survive the deadly hurdles designed for them by their irate friend? Will either Rainbow or Applejack finally realize her dream of becoming the Iron Mare? And, most importantly of all, who is truly the best pony? Two of these three questions will be answered, in... The Great Equestrian Staring Contest!

Chapters (1)

When friends have a little cider, sometimes internal thoughts become external. When Applejack and Rainbow Dash both accuse each other of being lazy, they decide to settle that argument by recruiting changelings to imponyate each other.

Originally written for AppleDash Competition 3.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Friends and Family

A sequel to Friends and Family.

Rainbow Dash loves her family more than anything and would do anything for them, even if it means touching on a sore spot for Applejack. Emotions will run high and bonds will be tested when the Element of Loyalty sets out to perform what she considers to be the ultimate good deed.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Friends and Family

A sequel to "Friends and Family". Rainbow Dash loves her family and wouldn't trade them for anything. But despite that love she still suffers from doubts that plague her without mercy. During the light of day she can turn her mind off and stop thinking about everything so hard. But when night settles in and its time to rest the doubts come back. Her doubts and fears are beginning to creep into her dreams. Now she's afraid to go to sleep at night, afraid to take her afternoon naps, and she can't talk to anypony about it.

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash suffers a personal loss with the death of her parents and feels alone in the world. Her friends don't really understand her situation an she's not very inclined to explain it. However a certain farm pony isn't taking the matter at face value and doesn't feel inclined to leave her friend alone, regardless of what has to be done.

Edit 3/26/13: Corrected some grammatical errors.

Chapters (3)

After a near-death experience answering the map's call, Rainbow Dash and Applejack try to express how much they care for each other the best way they know how. By being cool about it.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack spend the morning cleaning up the aftermath of a AJ's unfortunate oversight from the night before. Their sisters are not happy about it in the least.

Chapters (1)