Applejack Stories 143 stories
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A Pinkie Promise is a dangerous thing. There are Tartaran contracts that are less strictly enforced. Making one before your first cup of coffee is just asking for trouble.

Based on a prompt by Bad Horse.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Morning Glory

The sequel to 'Morning Glory- About Last Night...'

Applejack and Rainbow Dash go on their first date. Was their drunken fling a one night thing, or is there something deeper between them?

Inspired by the song "Can You Read My Mind" by Maureen McGovern from 'Superman.'

Cover-art is (hopefully) a temporary place-holder.

Chapters (1)

After a long day of work, Applejack and Rainbow Dash spend the evening at their favorite bar, the Golden Mug. There they talk about AJ's past, how she lost her parents and how she and her family made it through those times. Besides that, Rainbow Dash has to find out that even in a nice little town like Ponyville, there are a lot of rumors flying around.


Note: This is a side story to A Silver Summer, but it isn't necessary to read that story to understand this one or vice versa.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Dear Applebloom

Granny Smith passes away and leaves Applejack a strange box in her will. Inside the box is a journal that's been passed down through the Apple Family for generations. The journal contains all the great secrets of the Apples... including a secret transgression that has been kept hidden for close to a century.

It is a secret that will shake Equestria to the very core... and set the eldest Apple daughter on her way to a greater destiny than she could ever imagine.

Amazing Cover-Art by Kaitlyn Warner!

Chapters (1)

Applejack was only gone for a minute, but now there seems to be a sea of blankets covering Rarity's living room. And unfortunately for Applejack, this ocean of blankets is home to a deadly and vicious snuggleshark.

Just a cute, fluffy story based on a rather silly idea I had the other day.
Header art is by me: http://kaminakat.deviantart.com/art/Rarity-the-Great-White-667397997

Chapters (1)

Today is an awesome day for Rainbow Dash. Today it came and finally she can enjoy the awesome experience that this game will bring.

However, her day is interrupted when Applejack, now as a police officer, arrests Rainbow Dash for many serious crimes she commited! Well, not really, since Rainbow doesn't know what the heck is AJ talking about.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Drop of Moonshine

Sequel to Drop of Moonshine -

Applejack receives an order from Princess Celestia, for a batch of cider prepared with a very special recipe that involves honey, yeast, and time. She's even invited to taste the special cider when it's ready. But, when Rainbow Dash finds out about the special tasting, the three mares soon have a little too much to drink. What shenanigans will unfold and how will Twilight keep a lid on things this time?

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash gets curious of one of Twilight's potion experiments and ends up having her mind switched with a dog's. Curiosity may kill the cat, but there's no telling what it'll do to Rainbow Dash.

Here's the sequel: Twilight is a Kitten

Chapters (1)

It was a long time ago and both sisters vividly remember the last fateful day they saw their parents, but they both remember things in completely different ways.

My tags: Uplifting


Chapters (1)

After Applejack's story got told to Apple Bloom, she swore to be more honest from then on. But Applejack is still looking out for her sister, telling her a story that only happened to her to teach her the true value of honesty.

(Takes place after the events of "Where The Apple Lies")

Chapters (1)