• Member Since 17th Feb, 2015


The Incredible, Amazing and Spectacular, Anonymous 1927. Long live appledash.

Favourites 463 stories
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Total Words: 15,388,900
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Coming straight out of FTL, Captain Amelia Finegold barely has time to blink as her ship, Cobalt Blue, crashes into an unknown vessel in deep-space. Struggling to get ahold of an unexpected situation, things take a turn for the bizarre when she finds out the other ship isn't driven by humans. Or even occupied by humans at all.

One moment, Twilight is asleep. The next, lights and alarms blare as she comes to grips with an unexpected emergency. Problems crop up one after the other. Irreparable damage, wounded ponies, and a new alien species?!

Set in an alternate universe where Equestria became a space-faring empire.

Small note: Some revisions have been made, thanks all!

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle - magus, heroine and Princess - has learned of worlds overlapping Ungulatia in space and time. Though this has been a well known phenomenon, safely traveling to these other worlds has always eluded pony mages. But now - after years of research and careful experiments - she prepares herself for the most audacious of all experiments: stepping hoof on the surface of an alien world and returning safely! What wonders will she find once she walks through her magic portal?

This assumes that Equestria Girls never happened.

Chapters (1)

A random collection of prompt-driven one-shots. Each has been lovingly hand-crafted.
The subjects are as diverse and colorful as the ponies which they describe.

New stories will be added now and then, so be sure to check back frequently.

Chapters (1)

During the first war with Tirek, Princess Celestia sends her sister Princess Luna a very short letter. Although the letter could easily fit onto a single page, Celestia uses two.

Sometimes the medium speaks louder than the message.

Written for The Writeoff Association's "Princess Not Included*" contest.

Chapters (1)

Golden Harvest takes Noi to the park to burn off some extra energy. After a dip in a puddle, and a rousing game of Settlers and Buffalo, Noi is a filly in serious need of a bath. Only problem is she hates bathing.

Reading by AShadowOfCygnus

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Braiding

A meeting with Nurse Tenderheart and a chance encounter with a filly motivate Sam to invite Rose over for dinner, as well as to push Sam just a little further into full integration with pony society.

Chapters (4)

Mootilda is a cannulated cow: she has undergone a medical procedure to allow direct access to her first stomach, for the purpose of collecting rumen. Twilight Sparkle is fascinated by the idea, and asks Applejack to introduce her.

Twilight is about to learn that cattle see life from a different point of view.

Written for The Writeoff Association's "Illusion of Choice" contest.

Chapters (1)

When Rarity’s friends discover that she has been secretly meeting with an escort, they begin investigating, and soon discover a web of lies and unrequited romances none of them ever could have expected.

A reimagining of Rarity's Mare of the Evening.

Chapters (5)

After ponies make peaceful first contact with humanity, President Dick Cheney retaliates by declaring war on Equestria and attempting to overthrow Princess Celestia's tyrannical reign with the finest American military equipment that can be shoved through the small portal into Equestria.

Things don't go as well as planned.

Now with a reading by AShadowOfCygnus!

Chapters (1)

Now that Earth and Equestria have made contact, lots of ponies dream of visiting Earth, and while tourist visas are hard to come by, a few lucky students each year can participate in a foreign-exchange program.

Silver Glow is one of those lucky ponies.

She thought she was prepared for Earth, but can you ever be fully prepared for a truly foreign exchange?

Link to the dramaturge

Chapters (379)