3~5 1041 stories
  • 3~5 1041 stories Well written and entertaining but overall average quality.
    Created by xgfhj
    - February, 2015
Found 1,041 stories in 74ms

Total Words: 8,738,744
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks


  • 6~5 27 stories The best of the best, must read stories.

  • 5~5 84 stories Favorite worthy, but not on my favorites list.

  • 4~5 224 stories Memorable or special.

  • 3~5 1041 stories Well written and entertaining but overall average quality.

  • 2~5 254 stories I didn't like it, it was poorly written or just boring.

  • 1~5 39 stories I hated it, it was terribly written or it did something that I can't morally agree with.

  • unread 203 stories I haven't read it yet, I'll get around to it at some point... maybe.

  • re-read 36 stories Stories that I need to read again to properly rate.


  • Featured 23598 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

It's the last day of winter and Sweetie Belle is all the glad for it. She's had enough of the cold and snow, but when Rarity goes out on a date, she asks Sunset Shimmer to watch Sweetie Belle.

As feelings rise and bloom, the snowy night brings about the greatest warmth two people can find with one another.


An entry for Oro's Sunset Shimmer Shipping Contest.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer has made everything perfect for proposing to Trixie. A luxurious restaurant, a beautiful ring, and she's invited Starlight and Princess Twilight to be there as witnesses. But when Starlight shows up with Trixie instead, Sunset and Trixie feel emotions rising as their journey of love comes across a bump. Sunset and Trixie confront themselves and each other as they find out if they can take the next step together or not.

An entry into Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest: Journeys

Chapters (1)

Twilight is summoned to Canterlot Castle at the behest of a letter from Princess Celestia. Is it a test? A warning? Or something that could potentially alter the course of the next thousand years for the young Princess?

Chapters (1)

The first time Maud meets Trixie, she thinks she's an egotistical narcissist, and Trixie thinks Maud's an emotionless robot with no worries. Funny how first impressions change...

A romance told in snippets with frequent time skips and written for Jake's Horse Words Extravaganza (Obscure Shipping contest): https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212414/jake-the-army-guys-horse-words-extravaganza

Chapters (1)

Granny Smith founded a humble farming village; it was her son, Bright Mac, and his best friend, Burnt Oak, who seized their chance and turned it into a thriving town. Now Burnt Oak tells the three Apple siblings the truth about their father's legacy.

Written as part of National Pony Writing Month 2018.

Chapters (1)

Sunshine Smiles is totally a serious businesspony. Totally! Like, prestigious enough for all those Canterlot types, you know? Um.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy put down the marker pen and frowned at her calendar. “I just thought: When is your birthday, Discord?”

On the sofa, Discord stopped eating his saucer and stifled a chuckle. “Birthdays? Come now, Fluttershy. What makes you think the Master of Chaos wastes his time on birthdays?”

Originally intended for Loganberry's Flashfic 150, September 2018: "Birthday Magic" event.

Chapters (1)

Becoming a Wonderbolt Reserve is probably the best thing that's ever happened to Rainbow Dash, and she doesn't want her party celebrating it to end. Fortunately Pinkie Pie won't rest until Rainbow Dash decides the party's over. And she hasn't said that yet.

But how should two ponies carry on partying when the rest of the party has gone home? Pinkie Pie knows the answer: a race. In the end there's more on the line and on Dash's mind than simple celebration or victory, though.

Cover art by mister-hand. Regrettably their DeviantArt account is now inactive.

Chapters (1)

When Adagio turned up shortly after the Battle of the Bands with apparently no memory of ever being a siren, Sunset wasn’t convinced right away. But since then, she and the former siren have grown very close and carved out new lives for themselves. They’re stable, and happy with each other.

Until Adagio starts remembering.

An entry for (and 4th-place winner of) Oroboro’s Sunset Shipping Contest.

Edited by forbloodysummer and preread by Tethered-Angel.

Chapters (1)

The calm certainty of the Apple family's morning routine is shattered when Sugar Belle pays a surprise visit, only to find Big Mac in bed with another mare. But that doesn't make any sense to Applejack, and she takes it upon herself to answer the question on her mind.

How could a shy, sensitive pony like Big Macintosh even get into a position to cheat on two mares?

Edited by Curify, MissytheAngle, and Wand3r3r3.

An entry in FamousLastWords' contest: "A Two-Faced Charade"

Chapters (1)