3~5 1041 stories
  • 3~5 1041 stories Well written and entertaining but overall average quality.
    Created by xgfhj
    - February, 2015
Found 1,041 stories in 82ms

Total Words: 8,738,744
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks


  • 6~5 27 stories The best of the best, must read stories.

  • 5~5 84 stories Favorite worthy, but not on my favorites list.

  • 4~5 224 stories Memorable or special.

  • 3~5 1041 stories Well written and entertaining but overall average quality.

  • 2~5 254 stories I didn't like it, it was poorly written or just boring.

  • 1~5 39 stories I hated it, it was terribly written or it did something that I can't morally agree with.

  • unread 203 stories I haven't read it yet, I'll get around to it at some point... maybe.

  • re-read 36 stories Stories that I need to read again to properly rate.


  • Featured 23597 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

When Princesses Celestia and Luna visit a public art gallery, they come upon a painting of Celestia, banished to the moon. They react to this in the only reasonable way: artistic criticism and analysis.


Cover art by that paragon of good sportsmanship and all-around talented person, Rocket Lawn Chair.

Originally written for the Reversal of Fortune writeoff, with the cover art as the prompt. Thank you to everyone there for the pre-reading and advice, and to Pascoite for his (always invaluable) additional help and editing suggestions!

Now available in Spanish, courtesy of SPANIARD KIWI.
Now available in Russian, courtesy of oranzinispegasas.

Chapters (1)

It's Equestria's first, foremost, and simplest rule: Nightmare Moon comes first in your heart. Always. To betray one's devotion to Her Majesty with love for another is unthinkable. It is an act of high treason: a Heartcrime.

Night Chamberlain Rarity is not perfect. She's had the occasional liaison with her favorite Night Guard, a couple of incorrect feelings here and there, but she is certainly not a criminal. She is sure of it.

But then, Rarity's been wrong before.

An entry Winner of the Raridash doodles contest

Chapters (6)

I knew there was a special group of fillies in Ponyville . . .

After Princess Celestia used the Elements of Harmony to banish Luna, the magical gems went dormant. Celestia realized that she was not destined to bear them again. Instead, her destiny was to find new Bearers and give them as much or as little guidance as they needed. Even if it took a thousand years.

Pre-read by HeroOfWinds.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (5)

“Non-Compete Clause” never happened. Rainbow Dash and Applejack are frustrated when they aren't chosen for Teacher of the Month. But instead of getting carried away with competing against each other, they ask their students for honest feedback about how they can improve. The answers surprise them.

Chapters (1)

While out on a rather standard errand, a young Rarity encounters a strange new filly. A hyperactive pink one, who seems to be struggling with her own newfound talent as well.

Part of the Jinglemas 2018 exchange, written as a gift for Tangerine Blast.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

Of course Applejack wants everypony to think apples are the best. Usually, she doesn’t flip out about it, though. What did Dash do to get her in such a snit?

An entry in scribbler’s 2018 BronyCon fiction contest. Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (1)

Vice-Principal Luna seems to get all the leftover jobs nobody else around the school will do. If not for getting cooped up in the building, at least she could enjoy some moonlight. But once again, she finds that her students will never cease to surprise her.

Chapters (1)

One day, Blueblood receives a note from Fluer Dis Lee, with nothing but a time and a place. Surely this is a romantic proposition, is it not?

Written as a spinoff/sequel of Dafaddah's excellent Pas de Duex, for the Springtime Switcheroo!

Chapters (2)

After going on Iron Will’s Cruise of the Princesses, Star Tracker finds himself in the awkward position of being an honorary former member of the Sparkle family. Hearth’s Warming is just around the corner, and gift-giving is tough when you’re not even sure if the person you’re buying for counts as a sister or a stranger. What’s a colt to do?

Overthink it, of course.


Written for 2018's Jinglemas!, as a Secret Santa gift for ChillyKitty.

Now available in Spanish, courtesy of SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (1)

The Glorious Thousand were the ones who stayed. They were the ones who fought. They were the ones who died so that others may live. This was their final moment of respite, in the face of certain death. Here they waited, at the end of it all.

Chapters (1)