3~5 1039 stories
  • 3~5 1039 stories Well written and entertaining but overall average quality.
    Created by xgfhj
    - February, 2015
Found 1,039 stories in 81ms

Total Words: 8,733,286
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks


  • 6~5 27 stories The best of the best, must read stories.

  • 5~5 83 stories Favorite worthy, but not on my favorites list.

  • 4~5 224 stories Memorable or special.

  • 3~5 1039 stories Well written and entertaining but overall average quality.

  • 2~5 254 stories I didn't like it, it was poorly written or just boring.

  • 1~5 39 stories I hated it, it was terribly written or it did something that I can't morally agree with.

  • unread 200 stories I haven't read it yet, I'll get around to it at some point... maybe.

  • re-read 36 stories Stories that I need to read again to properly rate.


  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

When a nasty bout of feather flu renders Fluttershy unable to model for Rarity at an important competition in Canterlot, she is forced to turn to another one of her friends at the last minute in order to find a replacement. Unfortunately, the replacement comes with a few ... issues of their own. Will the show be a rousing success and another feather in Rarity's cap or will Applejack's lack of refinement lead to strife between the two?

Chapters (1)

As Twilight is quickly discovering, there are many wonders to be had in Equestria, but unfortunately not all of them are positive experiences; when a storm hits while she is studying alone late one night, she's left feeling more afraid than she's ever been before. Fortunately, her mentor is there to provide her with some solace, and a startling confession of her own!

Chapters (1)

A friend returning home after a long absence is something to be celebrated, isn't it? In other circumstances, Rainbow Dash would be delighted that Fluttershy is back after almost a year away, but all she has are questions; questions and dark, disturbing thoughts that she'd rather not delve into. The most important one being, "How could I not have known what was happening all this time?"

Chapters (2)

Inside a stone statue at the far end of the castle's gardens sits Discord; imprisoned for a thousand years since Celestia and Luna defeated him in combat, he awaits the moment when he will be free and he can have his revenge! Until then, he has to listen to the shenanigans taking place at the annual Grand Galloping Gala. Perhaps the pink and yellow pony who has wandered into the garden looking to make friends with some exotic animals will provide some momentary amusement?

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash wakes up to an odd winter heatwave, but at least Scootaloo wants to play with her. By the end of the day, she's fighting her way through a nightmare blizzard. And only one question burns through her mind: WHERE'S THE REAL SCOOTALOO!?

Chapters (1)

Hey there, Braeburn. Sorry to hear about your troubles finding a colt to settle down with in Appleloosa, but I reckon I got just the thing! I know a unicorn named Hoofclid who ain't had much luck finding a special somepony either. He's about as far from a farmer as you can get, but he's cute as anything and I've got a hunch this could work if you give it a try. Why don'tcha come on over to Ponyville for a week so you can meet him?

Looking forward to it already! Love, Applejack

A fluffy illustrated romance story based on my comic blog, Hoofclid and Friends. Many thanks to Krickis and TallFry for proofreading and encouraging me to post this here.

Chapters (1)

Routine, it hounded her relentlessly. What she had once found so enjoyable was now reduced to nothing more than the next scheduled stop. Yet she found respite in the lofty rocks, and she heard a calling in the setting sun. It urged her to follow as it journeyed across the sky, beckoning her to adventure under its rays. She wanted to do just that. So why was it she never gave chase?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Impossible Numbers' Flashfic Anthology, Volume Two

Careless talk costs life lessons, as Amethyst finds out when confronted with the insatiably curious mind of Dinky.

Genres: Comedy, Slice of Life
Prompt: "The Most Important Things"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/368072/closed-flashfic-150-august-2018-the-most-important-things#comment/6531432

Fluttershy takes dedication of her animal friends to a whole new realm. A posthumous one, to be precise. Rainbow Dash is curious enough to find out more.

Genres: Drama, Slice of Life
Prompt: "Dead or Alive"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/375831/closed-flashfic-150-october-2018-dead-or-alive#comment/6607215

Take the Cutie Mark Crusaders, add a broken cookie jar, and what do you get? A headache, as Applejack inevitably finds out.

Genres: Comedy, Slice of Life
Prompt: "I Didn't Do It!"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/383925/flashfic-150-december-2018-i-didnt-do-it#comment/6689983

Fluttershy knows that sometimes, you learn the secret of flash bee diplomacy from ancient legends and patient detective work. Rainbow Dash knows that sometimes, you just wing it.

Genres: Comedy
Prompt: "Honesty Ain't the Best Policy"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/387339/flashfic-150-january-2019-honesty-aint-the-best-policy#comment/6730141

Zecora receives a rude awakening when a midnight thief decides to dig up some ancient history.

Genres: Drama
Prompt: "Hidden Motives"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/390888/flashfic-150-february-2019-hidden-motives#comment/6754980

Octavia Melody finds herself in the unexpected position of convincing Lyra Heartstrings of the existence of mixed genres, such as Dubstep Cello. It requires a most unorthodox detour through past seasons.

Genres: Comedy, Random, Slice of Life
Prompt: "I Was Blind, (But Now I See)"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/394488/flashfic-150-march-2019-i-was-blind-but-now-i-see#comment/6782038

The no-nonsense, highly organized Amethyst has to come to terms with an uncomfortable fact: this bumbling, chaotic, well-intentioned pegasus has had a far more interesting life than hers.

Genres: Slice of Life
Prompt: "The Last Thing on the List"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/397877/flashfic-150-april-2019-the-last-thing-on-the-list#comment/6829897

Chapters (7)

Discord has failed to break the friendship between the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Desperate and with a rainbow of friendship blasting towards him, he teleports himself to a future where the Elements of Harmony are no more so that he could trade places with his future counterpart.

What he didn't know was that in this future, he has been reformed and the ponies there think he's somehow lost his memory and are determined to refriend him. Gag!

Meanwhile, the reformed Discord is teleported to the past, facing very hostile ponies and a world of Chaos his past counterpart had created. Chaos is a wonderful thing and he was all up for having some fun but what was the point if he had nopony to share it with?

Chapters (4)

Fluttershy wakes in the middle of the night on Hearth's Warming Eve to find Big Macintosh waiting for her outside. He has a surprise for her, and their subsequent adventure rekindles old feelings and memories of Hearth's Warmings past.

Chapters (1)