• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2015


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Song and magic are two parts of the same whole in Equestria. When Rose saw Anon, it was love at first sight, and as if to shake any doubt, she heard their song, the one they're meant to sing together. It was the happiest moment of her life.

Until she realized he couldn't hear it.

An RGRE story

Chapters (3)

Having failed to reach Davy Jones' Locker with the rest of his crew, Captain Hector Barbossa finds himself stranded within a hell many times more terrifying; a land infested with magical talking horses and little baby dragons. Despite the odds being stacked against him and the inhabitants of Ponyville at his back every step of the way, he vows to return to his own world and finish the quest he started.

If only fate did not have a new adventure in store for him. An adventure that could very well change the fate of Equestria and the Caribbean seas forever...

Chapters (26)

In one last ditch effort to take over Equestria, Queen Chrysalis does the unthinkable and makes copies of herself using the Mirror Pool.

Unfortunately for her, even brand new copies of the Queen don't like being bossed around.

Artwork by DashieSparkle. Based off the ending to "Queen Chrysalis Does The Thing".

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Ponyville Noire: Tails of Two Private Eyes

When reformed thief Daring Do and private detective Phillip Finder took down Silvertongue, the reigning king of Ponyville's underworld, they hoped that things would get better for their city, and for each other. And with the dawn of a new year, and the honest if harsh Cold Case as the new chief of the Ponyville Police Department, that hope seems fruitful.

But nature abhors a vacuum. The throne that Silvertongue vacated has been taken by his former associate: Zugzwang, a cold, bloodthirsty sociopath who harbors a chilling obsession with Phillip Finder. But not all meet his rule willingly: the griffon Whitestone declares war on Zugzwang and his allies, and Phillip and Daring are caught in the center. Amidst the chaos, the mysterious Scarlet Letter manipulates all three sides as part of an unknown plan.

Ponyville is burning all around them. With a few friends at their side, Phillip Finder and Daring Do fight to restore order, but they and the city might not survive without a few scars.

Updates weekly. Proofread by Eagle—Paladin of Shadows

The second major story of the Noireverse.

Sex and Gore tags for suggestive content and graphic description.

Click here to check out the theme music by the L-Train!

Chapters (67)

He has faced the impossible...and failed against the impossible. He has had the chance to return to his home, only to sacrifice the chance for the sake of others. He is the prince of a fallen kingdom who has given everything to make up for the past. But now the samurai's journey takes him to a land of peace and friendship, where he has one more chance to make it back to the past. One more chance to undo the future that is Aku.

Written after season four. And yes, Jack will be a pony. In the past crossovers I've kept them as humans and for this one I wanted to try something different.

I own nothing.

Chapters (34)

After Starlight Glimmer solves the Royal Sister's relationship issues, the pair begin to spend more time with one another, mostly through conversation during meals. But Luna proposes an idea - a Nightmare Night spent with Celestia. Initially turning her younger sister down, Celestia rethinks her decision, and heads towards Ponyville in earnest. However, she has no idea what this festival involves, and is in for a surprise once she finds out...


Just a fun little one shot for Halloween. It was an idea that started well over a year ago, with a drastically different outcome. But I wanted something more light-hearted, so here we are. Happy Halloween everyone!

Cover photo: https://www.deviantart.com/thedracojayproduct/art/Pumpkin-Carving-491885213

Featured 10/29 - 11/01 2018

Chapters (1)

Ever since Twilight Sparkle has arrived in Ponyville, Caramel has always had a soft spot for the mare. He never found himself in love with her, but there was no doubt that Caramel found her attractive. One day, the stallion gets the idea to give the now Princess of Friendship some flowers and thank her for what she has done. Only one problem, or rather two: the first is that Caramel is giving flowers to a princess. That in on itself is stressful. But the even bigger issue is how several mares Caramel encounters, not including Twilight Sparkle, think differently of the stallion's kind gesture. Caramel only hopes to make Twilight happy; nothing more.

Art made by this awesome person! (This was given to me as a gift :D): https://sipioc.deviantart.com/
Art link: https://sipioc.deviantart.com/art/Just-Some-Flowers-706613958

Chapters (1)

Octavia's lived the high life for years. Practice after practice paid off and she's risen through the ranks. Now, she works for the Royal Orchestra itself, toiling every day to produce perfection. Untouchable, practiced, impeccable...lonely.

Vinyl couldn't be any lower. Out of home, out of work, and nowhere to go but to a cold grave. Cast out and left to fend for herself, Vinyl has nothing, not even a friend to call her own.

The two cross paths.

A love story that many have known, and yet different. Both come in broken, beaten down people, their only hope each other.

Chapters (21)

Troy is a Gryphon who moved to Equestria to pursue a new life; however, his seclusion has left him feeling unsatisfied with how his life was going. All of that changes when he becomes involved in a storm prepping job outside of Ponyville for Princess Twilight Sparkle. Before the storm, Troy finds Canvas, a badly injured Earth pony, lying on the ground near death. As time goes on and wounds start to heal, how will the Gryphon's life change as he helps the stallion struggling to regain control of his life?

I want to give a big thanks to Bad_Seed_72 for her assistance in editing and proofreading. Also, major props to JackAnarchy for the cover art.

Chapters (54)

NOTICE: This is an unofficial and highly expanded story adaptation of the "PWaaMLPfim" Youtube Video Series: Phoenix Wright / My Little Pony FIM - Turnabout Storm! The videos came first, NOT this story!!!!

A quiet summer night in Ponyville takes a violent turn when two pegasus ponies enter the Everfree Forest and only one comes out alive, leaving the second accused of murder, on trial for her life. Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright finds himself dragged from his own world, magically summoned to Equestria by Twilight Sparkle to defend Rainbow Dash from charges of killing Ace Swift, a superstar pegasus athlete and champion racer.

Trapped in an unfamiliar world ruled by magical talking ponies, Phoenix must draw on all his wits and experience to solve the crime and uncover the conspiracy behind it... before Rainbow Dash is banished to the sun for a murder she didn't commit.

Parts 1-43 written by RavenRegios, and edited by Firesight. Parts 38, 42, and 44-epilogue written by Firesight with additional input and prereads from TheGoldCrow, AJ_Aficionado, and Leo Archon.

Ownership transferred to Firesight on 1/15/2018.

Chapters (68)