• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2015


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This story is a sequel to Friday Night Twilight

A cartoon pony named Twilight Sparkle visits me every other Friday night. We talk more than we used to, but she still makes me watch that show of hers. Isn’t anything ever going to change?

Chinese Translation by ComradeSpark

Note: that Romance tag doesn't equate to mushy stuff, and it's not the reason for the Teen rating. This is much closer to Everyone than Mature.
Cover art generously provided once again by statoose
Big, heartfelt thanks to Skeeter The Lurker for helping me deal with reader reactions, and to Craine for proofreading the new final chapter.

Chapters (8)

In the civilized world of monsters, Twilight is a teenage human who never really worries about things outside of school and personal projects. In fact, inside her gated community she's never even met any monsters.

One day when Twilight finds a vampire out on her front lawn, slowly burning alive, Twilight manages to takes them inside, saving their life and giving Twilight her first real friend. However past experiences with friendship has left Twilight nervous in this prospect.

Is friendship really not so scary? Even if your new friends are monsters?

Inspired partially by the Monster High idea and by The Albinocorn's story Sunlight, which I highly recommend!

Warnings- Slight Gore, not enough that would warrant serious warning, but I rated Teen just in case.

Chapters (8)

Ponyville declares to Celestia that they are now their own sovereign nation. It goes about as well as you'd expect.

Written for Aragon, comedy master, for his birthday.

Edited by Majin Syeekoh

Chapters (1)

George has a lot to learn about Equestria. For the most part he's been doing that by reading all he can at the royal library, where he works. He's not too concerned with going out and making friends but meeting one pony may change how he feels about things.

Thanks to FallenAngel for commissioning this story.

Chapters (6)

Apple Bloom's room is right next to Applejack's. It was never a problem until one night she hears Big Macintosh come over and... certain sounds follow. After a few nights of the noises continuing Apple Bloom can't take any more; she has to confront her siblings and end their late night antics.

A short, stupid story with a surprise ending. Rated PG-13 for implied topics.

Chapters (1)

Rarity had always known she would have an arranged marriage—such was the life of a princess, after all. She just hadn't expected her wife to be a sphinx or that she would actively avoid her, and not just because she loves books.

Commission for the lovely Earthsong9405 set in one of her AUs where Rarity is in an arranged marriage to Princess Twilight Sparkle, a sphinx Princess from Saddle Arabia.

Chapters (1)

"Cloud Nine: guard, pegasus, and not much else" these were the words he often used to describe himself in his head. For years he had followed a simple routine, wake up, eat, go to work, be bored at work, go home, wish other ponies talked to him, go to sleep. But with the sudden appearance of a being that he has no clue who, or what, is, everything changed

Note: added sex tag so nobody could complain about any dirty jokes or euphemisms I use.

Also added comedy tag 'cause apparently some people find my dreadful jokes amusing.

Chapters (46)

His name is Dustin, but he tends to go by either Dee or Dustchu. He's a somewhat regular guy, loves to write fanfiction and daydream constantly instead of actually doing anything worthwhile with his life. But there comes a day in everyone's life that changes everything. Maybe it's meeting the love of your life, getting that job promotion you wanted so badly, or actually managing to go to another country and experience what little life has to offer you.

For our hero, Dee, it's being torn from his own world somehow and thrown into a world filled with magic, fantasy, and fuckin' rainbows in every direction. It seems like a world that is too good to be true, a world he had loved for five, almost six years.

But if he's learned anything by now, it's that beneath all of the glamor and sunshine... there's a whole heaping mess of darkness. Our hero's new life in this world isn't always going to be sunshine and rainbows. But, before he gets into the nitty gritty of Equestria proper, he decides to go on the adventure of a lifetime! Instead of... ya know, going right there lickity split and shits. Follow Dee on his adventure throughout the vast world of Equus, as he tries to survive the fantasy world where darkness lurks around every corner just waiting to capture him in its icy cold talons.

Note: This story is a self-insert and it is written entirely for fun. And if you call the MC a Mary Sue, well I'll just take that as a compliment and assume you're telling me I'm perfect :heart: Enjoy friends!

Othernote: Coverart may change when something better is obtained.

Hit the Front Page 7/8/2017


Chapters (12)

Lately, Princess Cadance has been feeling inadequate. She's spoken of this briefly to Twilight Sparkle at the Starswirl the Bearded Traveling Museum, but her longing for a grand adventure is really starting to get to her, as are the thoughts that she isn't doing her best.

When help comes in the unlikeliest of places, Cadance finds herself getting more than she bargained for, starting with her companion of circumstance: King Sombra.

Book One of Sombra's Odyssey. Takes place in between seasons 4 and 5 of MLP:FiM canon. Proofread by: NorrisThePony and ElderXelpud Spoilers in the comments. The cover art is assembled from a piece by sugarberryart, plainoasis, and Pedro Hander. This story is a rewrite of Crystalline. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (15)

Limestone Pie: a 20-year-old homeschool graduate who can't imagine life outside of working her father's quarry.

Flash Sentry: an 18-year-old senior at Canterlot High with no bloody clue what he wants to do in life.

On the surface, these two seem like an unlikely pairing. But when a chance encounter over heavy music pulls them into an unexpected love triangle, the pair find a spark of attraction that rocks.

An early version of chapter 2 appeared in the November 2015 Writeoff, "Like the World Is Ending." Custom cover art by Captain Wuzz! Pre-reading by Dubs Rewatcher, 621Chopsuey, and Soufriere! Featured on Equestria Daily 25Apr.2017! :pinkiegasp: Also featured by Seattle’s Angels! :coolphoto: And at long last, featured on FimFiction 06Jun.2019! :heart:

Chapters (13)