• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2015


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  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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I remember that fateful hunting trip. It was just me, my rifle, and the prey. That was supposed to be it. Score a big buck and come home with the kill. That was not the case here as nothing could have prepared me for the outcomes of that day. As I was following a trail, I stumbled upon a cave of sorts. Curiosity got the better of me and I found the most beautiful crystal I had ever seen. And like a moth to candle flame, I touched it. And man, as soon as I laid finger on that stone, everything changed. As cliche as that sounds, it’s the truth. Stranded in the middle of no where, I am now the chosen light among the chaos in this new world. Armed with nothing but my rifle and my wits, a world of wonder and magic is up for the taking. Thus my new life and adventure begins. And before I go, know that I’m in this game till the end.

- Jack Cobalt

Note of 11/29/18. Made it briefly onto the Feature page. I am very happy for how long I earned said spot. Even though it was shortly lived. 😁

Chapters (7)

When a six year old human boy is transported to Equestria by accident, he will need a home. Everyone needs shelter, protection and love to live a happy life, but who could love a predator from another world? Luckily for young Chris, somepony steps up to the plate.

Cover art by akumamattata Deviant Art
Re-imagined by Hunterhd1
Edited by Dream Seeker
Read by Leonexus Random

Chapters (59)

An Alternate universe that deviates from the storyline seen in No, I am NOT a Brony, GET ME OUTTA EQUESTRIA!!! in which Celestia reveals at the Gala that she can in fact send him home.

Eager to do exactly what he's been waiting to do, he grabs his Clovevellian Staff and computer, and is promptly sent back to Earth, free from any more pony (and no, he will most certainly NOT be watching the show either).

A year passes and TD is happy back on Earth and has a job as an RA at his school. You know, the kind of job that requires a lot of human contact.

That's when the box shows up...

Yes, this is a TD version of My Little Dashie. Don't read if you don't like either MLD or TD in general.

Chapters (14)

I hope that you’ve opened this particular tome looking for a guide to the life of a traveling hero, presented through the story of a young unicorn rising up to defeat the disembodied spirit of a powerful and evil archmage.

If you’re not interested, you’re in the wrong section of the library for cookbooks, and for the record, I’m very sorry for the life you must live.

My name is Mortal Coil, and this is the beginning of the most important story in the history of Equestria.

A Price of Loyalty story.

Chapters (54)

This story is a sequel to The Painter

Collab Writer MadDonut
Cover Artist PillowRabbit

Sequel to The Painter

A few days ago my living room needed to be painted.

I really didn’t feel like painting.

Fortunately Fresh Coat, one of the nicest, most beautiful and attractive mares I have ever met, was more than willing to help me out while simultaneously throwing us into a whirlwind of love, pain, and confusion along the way brought on by my pitiful attempts at a one night stand.

I ain’t exactly the… swooziest lover with the slickest tongue if you know what I’m saying...

Chapters will be Published every other week but for those of you who don't want to wait forever Chapter One and Chapter Six are the most corrected ones so far. So for those of you who just want the smut then have at it.

Chapters (8)

Moondancer, after talking with Twilight, came to the distressing conclusion that a lot of her dear friend's life has been manipulated by Celestia. When she works up her courage to confront her, however, Moondancer gets the last answer she expected - Celestia agreeing.

A commission for Alex Warlorn.

Chapters (1)

[2nd person staring Octavia and you]

You work in a small music shop in Manehattan when one day a curious black-maned gray mare walks in with a problem, you quickly fix it, but end up with plans by the end of the night. Is that even possible? no way life can be that good...

Read and find out :)

Credits: DjMidli for proofreading, and MASSIVELY making me change my story xD
Derpalicious for proofreading.
CptOfTheFriendship on deviantart for his one-cello picture i modified in gimp.
Shadowswipe for ideas.
Kiwiscarebearkawaii for co-authoring.
Inspiration: Whirring Gears' Room 213

Chapters (7)

Spike has had a lot of extra time since Twilight and Starlight have become busy with their various duties. It's understandable, but he feels rather useless at times.

After taking a trip to the local hospital, Spike starts volunteering to entertain the fillies and colts in the children's wing. Spreading laughs and smiles to children and families who need encouragement is more fulfilling then he could have ever wished.

But, when a certain blonde-maned pegasus with much less fortunate circumstances takes notice of Spike and just how caring he truly is, how will Spike react?

Editors: Note Pad, ChappedPenguinLips, and Soaring.

Cover art by Doctor Disco

What critics have to say about Blonde Moments:

"...so cute and heartwarming and wholesome that I literally think I'll end up being dumb and shoehorning SpikeXDerpy into my fics from now on." - re-Yamsmos

"I Love you for this story.... And I Hate you for it" - DocShadowVine

"Well, that was rude. Didn't ask for even more feels." - JMP

"Too real too fast. Ouch." - _SkyHorse

"... it made me cry... at work. I work at a front desk for a public building. I loved it so much!" - RainbowShyBrony

"I think this story cured my depression, it was beautiful and a work of art." - The Sandwich Guardian

Chapters (44)

This story is a sequel to You're Not Fine

Friendship is a give-and-take relationship. Fortunately for you, Pinkie doesn't ask for much, and she has plenty to give.
Maybe it's time to start giving back.

Chapters (21)

Kuno, a young changeling, is left weak, bloodied, and bruised after the events of the Canterlot wedding. She is soon discovered by Warden, a Royal Guard. But for some reason, Warden shows her mercy. Instead of taking her into the custody of the Royal Guard, he becomes both her captor and her savior. But over time, Kuno will come to ask herself the hardest question she has ever pondered: Can a changeling feel love?

Chapters (16)