• Member Since 13th Dec, 2011


Just another average teenager who likes videogames, books and ponies.

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Raul has long since retired from the gunslinger business, however, a little orphaned foal and the infamous No-Face gang force him to take up his revolver one last time.

Written for this writing contest, also a prequel for a Roleplay a couple of my friends and I are doing, which may eventually be remade into a fic itself.

Update: I won! Oh my gosh, first place, I won! Thanks to all the judges and the Turn of an Era RP group.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Celestia Uses An Online Dating Website

The God Emperor of Mankind is in Equestria, and he's looking for love. Good thing for him that Celestia is looking for the same thing. The problem is that he's a warmongering immortal monarch, and she's a benevolent alicorn princess, so clearly they'll get along swimmingly. Here's hoping Equestria survives their relationship!

Chapters (12)

Hope is the faith of the young. Losing everything she holds dear, Puppysmiles embarks on the adventure of her life to find her mother, her hopes of meeting her again driving her through the horrors of a world not of her making. Too bad the Wastelands doesn't care about hope.

Chapters (21)

Waking up with a hole in the head might seem like a bad way to start your life, but what if you deserved it?

"Every pony like me should be shot in the head at least once."

When he discovers the entire wasteland hates him, the amnesiac Ripple, once Two-Kick Rip the raider warlord, sees his wounds in a very new light. On a path that's half vengeance and half bid to redeem himself, he must rid the wasteland of his old gang and another, much more sinister foe.


The cancelled sequel is over at Fallout Equestria: Echoes of Chaos.
This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat; a familiarity with the source material may aid your enjoyment.

Chapters (24)

Princess Twilight Sparkle is perfectly happy with her perfectly ordinary life in Ponyville. Every library book is properly shelved in its appropriate place, and her life continues on exactly according to her meticulously planned out schedule.

Then she gets a bodyguard.

Now she has to find some way to fit this new pony into her life on short notice. It won’t be an easy thing to adjust to—especially since Captain Storm Kicker’s presence makes it that much harder for her to go on living like the same old Twilight Sparkle she was before she became a princess.

Chapters (1)

It is the day of the Summer Sun Celebration, and Princess Celestia is coming to Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle is overseeing preparations yet again, and has meticulously planned every last detail to ensure that everything is perfect for her mentor's arrival. Nothing is going to go wrong.

Except when the big day comes, Twilight has gotten four hours of sleep and Fluttershy is nowhere to be found. Pinkie Pie sets off after her with nothing but a dark coat and the voice of a chain-smoking stallion, and the Apples and the Carrots are at each other's throats while Rainbow Dash is attempting to fill in for Fluttershy.

As her plans collapse around her and Ponyville descends into chaos, Twilight Sparkle must focus on obtaining the one thing that can set everything right: the all-powerful, awe-inspiring magic of caffeine.

Six Star Equestria Daily Feature

Chapters (1)

You'd think that being trapped in stone would mean that, if nothing else, I could get some peace and quiet. Unfortunately, it seems that Celestia has other ideas.

She has appointed these ponies... these 'Keepers', as she calls them, to keep me entertained during my incarceration.

Honestly? I'd prefer the boredom.

Cover art by matrosha123
Spanish Translation by SPANIARD KIWI found here

Chapters (3)

It's been more than a year since Princess Luna's return to Equestria, and she is making great strides in her language skills. And along with this come a slew of new writing skills.

However, Celestia may have a few objections once she finds out just WHAT Luna has been writing...

Now with a reading by Fanficsational!
And another by Doom Pie Network!
And another by FarnesyFudge!
And another by Teksune Studios!

...Almost forgot to mention! This fic is dedicated to FIMFiction user Karrakaz, who requested more silly Luna and Celestia! Hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Finding herself unable to sleep, Princess Celestia occupies her mind by penning a letter to Twilight Sparkle. But for a weary princess, the mind has a tendency to wander...

Written for Equestria Daily's Writer's Training Grounds #7.

Dramatic readings available courtesy of Goombasa and PhantomBrony.

Cover art by unknown artist; modified version by Goombasa.

Chapters (1)

Ravens. The most intelligent creature to take to the air. Creatures that strike fear and give rise to superstition in the hearts of the weary and weak.
One of these creatures, Lord Noble Eyes, is a bird in need. To accomplish his mission, and to save his murder, he must come into contact with six mares.
But how does communication work, when both sides are so different?
Everything is a matter of perception.

Chapters (1)