• Member Since 19th Apr, 2012


Admin for various groups, occasional vectorer of screenshots, and writes stories like Cubic Zirconia, among other things.

Canceled / On Hiatus / Virtual Hiatus 404 stories
  • Canceled / On Hiatus / Virtual Hiatus 404 stories - 107 unread chapters Stories That were either cancelled, put on hiatus, or haven't updated in a long time. (Prior to 2016's what I'm currently going by.)
    Created by arcum42
    - March, 2015
Found 370 stories in 71ms

Total Words: 8,274,158
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



  • Featured 23594 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Scootaloo is absent from school, causing worry for Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell. When she returns the next day, she is not the proud and enthusiastic filly they know her as. With great concern Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell approach Scootaloo after school.

What could be so bad that it would make their strong and brave Scootaloo cry?

(Note: Well this is my first fanfic for MLP:FIM, I maybe a little rusty, haven't written a fic in about 8-10 years. I hope you all enjoy. Also current picture is temperary until either I create one or some fabulous brony honors me with their art.)

Chapters (3)

I write a lot of Twilight and Pinkie stories, and sometimes they are just too short to stand alone. In the interest of me and of Twinkie this anthology was born.

Kicked off by "Alliteration" this compilation features mostly romantic snapshots of everyone's favorite duo: Twilight and Pinkie. How exactly can the party pony and the scholar make any sense out of a relationship? Or maybe they'll find that not making sense is half the fun.

Rated Teen for occasional sensuality. The Cover image was drawn for me by the wonderful Donny's Boy you should go check his stuff out if you haven't already.

Chapters (7)

Princess Luna must go on a diplomatic mission to the isolated city of Marem, and is tasked with choosing a suitable traveling partner to accompany her on the way. She does not choose the talented and magically-inclined Twilight Sparkle, nor the quick and loyal Rainbow Dash, nor even the strong and talented Applejack. Instead, she surprises everypony by taking Pinkie Pie with her and leaving without a word. Not even Celestia can guess the reasoning behind her sister's choice.

For whatever reason, Princess Luna and Pinkie Pie set off to find and negotiate an agreement with the mysterious community of unicorns located beyond the borders of Equestria. What they find there will impact not only Equestria's stance on foreign policy, but the very lives of the two ponies at the center of it all.

Chapters (7)

She lived in a city of clouds, yet could not fly. She was surrounded by caretakers and foster families, yet felt alone. She saw other foals get new toys and sweets aplenty, yet got scolded if she complained about the meals she got. The orange and violet foal gladly left it all behind. With even her name cast away, she struggles to build a new life on her own terms.

Chapters (4)

This is the story of Mjolna. An otherwise unremarkable mare living an unremarkable life in Ponyville. After dealing with an unfortunate accident that leaves her injured and otherwise incapacited she spends her days walking about town, certain that she'd never be able to return to her old daily life. Little does she know that fate has something much grander in store for her....

Edited by 59caddyyel

Chapters (3)

An old book Twilight finds inspires a strange reaction form Princess Celestia. Add to this, the fact that both Celestia and Luna refuse to tell where the Elements came from and you have the making of an adventure. Twilight and her friends journey to the last remaining mountain form a mountain range that, according to the book, vanished overnight about 600 years before Discord rose to power. What happened to the mountains? How does this relate to the Elements of Harmony? And most importantly, What will happen when they discover the "Truth"?
-Author's note-
well...uh...I'm kinda new to this. I've written a (horrible) fanfic before, but never put it on the web(and thank goodness it was lost when my computer crashed a few years ago)
I haven't written anything in a long time but I recently rediscovered how much I love it. I actually plan on this being the capstone to a to a project I've been working on for...oh god...tenish years. (more things i am glad are lost). It'll relate to the old story but explain itself as it goes. I'm not sure how long this will be, or how often i'll update or if it will even be interesting to anybrony but me. But I've haven't noticed any mean-spirited comments so far and hope that this entire community is as even half as joyful as it's inspiration
Feedback would be appreciated, but don't be too rough, I'm still easing back into writing and haven't gotten used to it again.
A big thank you too PhoebeJ for making this picture found at http://phoebej.deviantart.com/art/Mane-Six-263144329

Chapters (10)

The story follows Scootaloo and the tragedies she suffers during and after moving to Ponyville. The story details how she slowly comes to terms with her past and her realization of how she should continue her life.

Chapters (6)

It all begins with a night spent above the clouds�
Overnight, everything changes for Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash as they at last begin to realise that they�ve always been a little more than just friends. As they unravel their newfound feelings, discovering more about each other and themselves, they can't help but wonder if they both feel the same way � and after Rainbow Dash makes a mistake that could take a lifetime to mend, she fears that she may lose her closest friend forever.

Cover Art: Mornin' Sleepy Head, by Kiyoshiii at DeviantArt

Chapters (10)

When Derpy Hooves accidently crashes Rarity's store, Rarity is forced to find a new temporary home. This task, however, is proving to be more difficult than Rarity anticipated. To make matters worse, Sweetie Belle and her friends are causing all sorts of trouble! Out of all the things that has happened to Rarity, could this actually be "the worst possible thing?" Probably not, but it was fun to write ^.^!

Thank you for viewing this. I appriciate feedback, suggestions, thoughts, and constructive critism. I hope you enjoy!

Chapters (7)

Trixie has returned to Ponyville, apparently a changed pony. Twilight is not convinced. Mysterious incidents start to happen in Ponyville and The Mane Six start investigating. Could Trixie be responsible for these events?

Chapters (2)