• Member Since 19th Apr, 2012


Admin for various groups, occasional vectorer of screenshots, and writes stories like Cubic Zirconia, among other things.

Canceled / On Hiatus / Virtual Hiatus 404 stories
  • Canceled / On Hiatus / Virtual Hiatus 404 stories - 107 unread chapters Stories That were either cancelled, put on hiatus, or haven't updated in a long time. (Prior to 2016's what I'm currently going by.)
    Created by arcum42
    - March, 2015
Found 370 stories in 256ms

Total Words: 8,274,158
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



  • Featured 23570 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Name's Gilda. Ya know, me n Dash did a bunch of crazy stuff back at flight camp. I remember this one time when we... eh, maybe I should start at the beginning... how we met.

A continuation of Dash Eats Meat! (Reading not necessary)

Chapters (2)

Scootaloo wants to be just like Rainbow Dash, but that's kinda hard when you'll never be able to fly. So this strong little filly must find a way to keep true to her identity as a grounded Pegasus.

Chapters (1)

Magic is a peculiar force. It lives in and through everypony, but none more so than Twilight Sparkle, the famous element of magic. In her mission to ascertain the true nature of magic and its most basic origins, she accidentally finds herself in a new plane of existence where light and dark are neither the same nor different. The world of twilight opens up to her, unleashing her true power and self. But in the process a shadow creeps forth, threatening to forever eclipse the land that is Equestria. What does it truly mean to be A Twilight Princess?

Cover Image by me.
-Hopefully it's not that bad. I don't usually do digital art. I'm much more fond of the pencil like my profile pic.

Chapters (6)

Death is scary. Death is painful. Death is lonesome even surrounded by many, but moreso when it happens out of the blue.

What would you do if you had a second chance? In a new world, one of peace and prosperity. One you're already familiar with, and one you know the quirks of.

For one man, we find some answers and end up with a boatload of new questions. But, in many ways, it's just The Same Old Story you've already heard. He's just another Human in Equestria.

//First Fic, all criticisms accepted + wanted//Further characters added as they become relevant//

Chapters (7)

Five years ago, Scotaloo's parents disappeared within the great jungles of Zebraca to the far south of Equestria. Many looked for them, but all returned empty handed. Years after giving up the hope of ever seeing them again, Scootaloo receives a mysterious package containing a journal belonging to her father.....

Chapters (2)

Two silly short stories about Luna, Celestia, fashion, and legal theory. "Slice of life stories if your life is crazy royalty cake with cinnamon sprinkles." - JadeCriminal@SpaceBattles.com

6/17/2020: Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI.

Go to the Equestria Daily story page to see the stories in this set by Georg and Dennis the Menace. (If you can't access the page, it's because your school blocks google docs.)

(This is not "incomplete"; it's an open-ended anthology.)

Chapters (2)

The Evil Robot Empire has fought Equestria for centuries. Imperial secret robot agent, Lyra Heartstrings, has been sent to Ponyville to infiltrate local cult of Smooze worshipers. To achieve that, with help of her trusty henchpony Bon-Bon, she kidnapped a little sister of one of prominent cult figures and replaced her with her robotic doppelganger.

Say hello to SweetieBot.

Nothing can go wrong, am I right?

(This is technically Friendship is Witchcraft fanfiction, but knowledge of that abridged series is not required to enjoy this story.)

Chapters (10)

Greater things are often found through the smallest of interests.

Chapters (3)

Soarin could have never fathomed the chain of events that would result from finding a freezing and dying filly in the middle of winter. Instead, it threw him into a world of conflict, mystery and betrayal. But every cloud has a silver lining and the Wonderbolt might find himself, for the first time in his life, with a caring family.

That doesn’t mean it will last. Time is always moving forward, progressing. It’s one of the archaic laws of nature. Equestria has settled down into a nice niche as the powerhouse of the world. However, the longer you stay on top, the faster you will fall, blinded by power, wealth and success. The winds of change have already started to blow and Soarin will have to decide whether to watch it come to pass, or fight for what he knows is right.

Chapters (3)

While DJ-ing a nightclub, Vinyl Scratch finds herself DJ-ing against some pony she never expected to be able to DJ...and she's good at it too. But who exactly is this mysterious mare? What is Vinyl suppose to do with this new found love for classical music? Vinyl's on the hunt to find out the answers and hopefully to DJ with her again.

Chapters (1)