• Member Since 19th Apr, 2012


Admin for various groups, occasional vectorer of screenshots, and writes stories like Cubic Zirconia, among other things.

Canceled / On Hiatus / Virtual Hiatus 404 stories
  • Canceled / On Hiatus / Virtual Hiatus 404 stories - 107 unread chapters Stories That were either cancelled, put on hiatus, or haven't updated in a long time. (Prior to 2016's what I'm currently going by.)
    Created by arcum42
    - March, 2015
Found 370 stories in 53ms

Total Words: 8,274,158
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



  • Featured 23598 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

You'd think life would be all caviar and high society luncheons if you were born into Equestria's wealthy elite. But that might not be the case if you also grew up in Ponyville, if your parents named you "Filthy," and if you had a grandfather who had some very odd notions about how rich ponies are supposed to behave.

This is a story about growing up in the time of Applejack's parents' generation. It's also about the Apple and Rich families, what happened with them, and why Diamond Tiara is such a mean little filly—especially to Apple Bloom. But mostly, this story is about learning to be rich, trying to truly love and be loved, and whether it's really possible to have both in this different take on Ponyville's richest citizen.

Cover art by the illustrious Wolf Gibbson.

Chapters (4)

Candy J. Mane is listed in Equus World Records as the world's oldest blank flank. She has struggled with this deficit ever since she passed the age that she could claim she was merely a late bloomer. Her journal begins 25 days before Winter Wrap Up in Year 2 of Sororal Rule. This is her story, as it occurs, and as she experiences it.

[Rating may change as the story develops.]

Chapters (4)

When Twilight Sparkle accidentally transforms Rainbow Dash into a stallion, Rainbow's entire life is flipped on its head. He has to cope with changes in his body and his friends. How will this affect his budding romance with Applejack? Are Rarity and Fluttershy suddenly giving him the eye?
Twilight Sparkle is working 'round the clock to find a way to break the spell, but will she be able to make time for Big Macintosh?
Our heroes scamper to piece together the fragments of their lives after the events of The Prince and the Workhorse. Will the loose ends continue to fray, or will some degree of normalcy return to the citizens of Ponyville? Find out as the story unfolds in RAINBRO DASH!

Chapters (2)

The burdens of a goddess weigh heavy on her heart. Celestia starts to have terrible nightmares of her past, and turns to the only pony, other than Luna, that she can trust to help her. What will Twilight Sparkle uncover once she wades into the depths of her mentors mind?

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Spike are sleeping in Ponyville in peace when the unthinkable worst possible thing happens... the smoke alarm goes off. What shall Twilight do?!

Chapters (1)

It wasn't the end of the world right? It's not like she'd meant anything by it. What was so wrong with a little "Just Friends" kiss? Oh, who was she kidding?
Rainbow Dash was so screwed. She didn't mean for it to happen. Now she would have to deal with the fallout. Of course, she could just avoid everypony until the end of existence. A girl has to keep her options open.

Rated for naughty language.

Chapters (1)

One night, a broken and lonely Scootaloo decides to get a drink, only to run into an old friend who has become quite the entertainer. Through her Scootaloo gets reintroduced to more old friends, and is forced to deal with some feelings both old and new.

Chapters (5)

Scootaloo has always wanted to be closer to Rainbow Dash. Well after an accident at Zecora's hut, Scootaloo's dream may come true.

Chapters (3)

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. Three ponies who forged a friendship in youth. As time marches on however, lives change and friendships fall to the wayside. In adulthood, Sweetie Belle returns home to find herself again after an incident in her career. What she finds is that, while things may have changed, and friendships can be altered, something run deeper than just time. Somethings truly are eternal.

Chapters (2)

When a clash of planetary proportions drives the Royal Sisters apart, Twilight Sparkle must find a way to make them reconcile with each other.

Chapters (1)