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(2nd Person Story Starring You (a human) and Princess Luna)

After enjoying the Nightmare Night celebration, you and Luna decide to take a little break. Leaving the festivities, you both venture just outside of Ponyville, and share some cuddling and playful frolicking.

Author's Note:
This is just a little something I came up with in honor of Nightmare Night. I decided to write for a little over an hour using the prompt "Under the Full Moon" and see what I could come up with. This is the result. It's probably not that good, but I wanted to challenge myself with something new. Oh, and get this, there is no clop or love scene in this. But this story did warrant a Teen rating! ~_^ Enjoy!

- Dedicated to Princess Luna, the enchanting mare of the night! -

Cover art by Skyline19, check out his awesome work here.

Chapters (1)

(This fic is rated [Romantic] by the rating scale of the Sensual Fiction General on Ponychan)

All you want is to make Fluttershy feel as happy as you do just from her being there, but a discovery at her house sheds a new light on the pegasus that you would never guess in your wildest dreams....

Chapters (1)

The princess of the night leads you to her royal bedchambers at the top of her high tower. Therein she shows you the night sky in its entirety and presents the heavens’ great mystery in her beautiful night.

Come, share an intimate moment with the Night Princess.

Edited by The Abyss

Chapters (1)

(This fic is rated [Snuggly] by the rating scale of the Ponychan Sensual Fiction General)

Being a reclusive colt with strange hobbies doesn't exactly lead to having many friends, if any at all. That is, until the literal life of the party pays you a visit out of the blue (or is it pink?)....

Chapters (1)
by Selbi

Emerald Sky is a young, homeless filly living in a shabby alleyway in Manehatten, her home being made of nothing but cardboard. Her life came to this after a number of tragic events. And yet she keeps smiling even through tough times.

Based on an original idea by Cider Barrel (taken from this short audio skit by him).

Here is an audio draft of the story's first part. I highly recommend to check it out!

Huge thanks to Kill Joy for the cover art!

- ReFro
- Abcron

Chapters (5)

Pinkie Pie, Ponyville's official party planner, and the happiest pony in the world, friends with everypony, you'd think she never had her moments of sadness and sorrow. How wrong you'd be to think that.

Five years ago, back on the rock farm, she finds a cave on one of her little trips on the edge of the farm, and inside she finds a lonely pony. Having discovered that her special talent was to make ponies happy, she approaches her and soon, Pinkie and this other pony become friends. However, this pony is not really a pony... well, not completely.

After an incident that scarred Pinkie since then, she moves to Ponyville to live her own life and meet more ponies to have fun with, hiding a troubled past deep under her happy facade. But what happens when said past resurfaces after so many years? Will the Element of Laughter be able to fix it, or will she turn her back on it and keep the grudge she has against it?

Chapters (7)

You've only lived in Equestria for a month now. You made a couple of friends, but mostly kept to yourself. That is, until you have a wild night of binge drinking at a party and wake up in bed with Lyra Heartstrings! Wacky hijinks ensue!

Chapters (1)

(Second person "You" x Lyra NON-clopfic)

Lyra's been staying with you a week now and seems to be settling in well. But now it's laundry day and strangely enough, you can't seem to locate your favorite black shirt. Where could it be? Maybe Lyra knows...

Based off a scenario most likely familiar to anyone who's seen those greentext things. I just took it in... a slightly different direction. Because I am silly sometimes, and I needed something to get the creative juices flowing before I got back to something more serious.

Picture is by Avante92-- but watch out, the picture itself is adult in nature, and so is most of his gallery!

Chapters (1)

Lyra stands alone under the tree where she met the love of her life.
With only a hoodie to shield her from the cold night she reminisces about the short time she spent with her love.

Chapters (1)