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Cover Art by FriendlyTwo3
*Takes place after season 2 finale.*
(Currently revising past chapters to make them sexier and more appealing.)
(Currently revising summary description.)
(Note to self, remember to eventually revise summary description.)

Diabolical and evil human goes to Equestria, and tries to take over the world? Pfft, if he's "Evil", then that one guy who doesn't say 'bless you' when you sneeze must be Hitler reincarnate.

A HiE fanfic that was probably done a couple times before, BUT I MADE IT BETTER.

Wacky protagonist genius, an army of robots with stun-guns, a goal of domination, a moral code, and a determined mindset! Meet "Evil Lord Emperor Connery NotEvilGuy!" The inevitable future emperor of us all!

You can tell that he's pure evil, because he has the word "Evil" in his last name!

A guy that steal money from you, if you're a Government official that likes to deal drugs and smuggle newborn infants. A guy that will build a laser that can blow up the freakin' moon, but only if it was about to crash into us. He'll freakin' TICKLE YOU if you defy him and his empire!

Yeah... Diabolical mastermind right there.

Rated T: For lots of potty-mouth nonsense.


Chapters (22)


[2nd-Person Fic starring you and Rainbow Dash]

Having turned away from the spotlight, you preferred to distance yourself from fame and popularity. Instead, you chose to live a simple life away from the crowds and fortune. But when you meet a multicolored mare with an unusual request, can you find it in yourself to go for the gold again?

A/N: Okay, this is going to make very little sense at first, but just bear with me.

So I've been playing a ton of Kid Icarus: Uprising lately. It is hella fun, and Sakurai did an amazing job at revitalizing the series. It has easily stolen the spot of "favorite 3DS title" in my heart, and I can't put it down.

So you're probably wondering, "what does Kody's videogame preferences have anything to do with a romance story involving Rainbow Dash?" Well, everything, actually.

A friend of mine noticed my new addiction to this title. He knows I write about ponies, and as such, he jokingly made a bet with me saying that I should write a story in which I use music from said game in every chapter. I shrugged it off and ignored it at first, but I went and started to listen to the soundtrack. Somehow, I developed a plan and storyline from doing so. Now, this story won't reflect the events or storyline from this title. It is entirely original.

The rules I was given are simple:
1. The music must come from Kid Icarus: Uprising.
2. At least one song must be used in each chapter. More than one song is viable.
3. The same song may not be used more than once.
4. Remixes or fan-made renditions of songs are not allowed.
5. The song must be used in a way that enhances the reading experience. I can't just toss a song in and say 'mission accomplished.' It must complement the events and make sense.

Now, I know what you are thinking, and yes. This is really weird. But hey, it worked, and this story was born as a result.

EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that some of the songs used in the story are blocked in certain countries. As much as I would love to get this fixed, I'm afraid I don't have much of a way around this. If this affects you, I apologize deeply.

ANOTHER EDIT: Since Youtube is such a fickle thing when it comes to copyrighted music, a link may end up leading to a broken video. If this is the case for any of the songs, please let me know via PM so I can fix it ASAP. Thanks!

This is how it works. When you get to a bit of blue text such as this, that's a link to the song. Open it in a new tab and continue reading as the music plays. Simple. When you get to some red, underlined text, that is the cue to stop the music. Sometimes, that cue may not be there, and the song is meant to play until the end of the chapter. Songs don't carry over to other chapters, however.

The music is not required for the reading experience. It is entirely optional. Well, for you it is.

I hope you enjoy my nerd-ery!

Artwork by celebi-yoshi of dA.

Chapters (9)

The year is 1989, Afghanistan.
The USSR, having recently suffered defeat after defeat in this 'desert Vietnam', has begun with withdraw its forces from the combat zone. A tank crew commanding a T-55AM-2 gets bogged down by a sand-storm, buttoned up and alone, they wait it out.

However, upon unbuttoning their tank, they find themselves no longer in the land of sand, but on a dirt road with trees all around them and a small village not to far ahead.
Trouble ensures when a Pink mare decides to bring her friend over to investigate this strange machine, and after dubbing it a golem, they attempt to study it.
The crew is not so please on the idea, and quickly make their escape with some rather unusual means.

When the commander of the tank team is captured by Celestia, the crew devise a plan to rescue him, but during the process, are manipulated by a certain villian to free him from his banished state.

(Done in 2nd person)

>This was a short AiE story I want to paste here as well as an off-shoot for another story with the similar context to be done in the future.

Chapters (8)

They taught me how to put that uniform on... I just can't get it off...

Nopony knows where this human came from, or why it is here. But to Princess Cadance and the Elements of Harmony, it is a quite a surprise to her to see this silent creature that was once to be thought just a myth.

But, to US Navy SEAL "Lucky", the now lone survivor struggles to endure the loss of his brothers, as well as figuring out what to do in this strange world that has once never lived in war for generations.

*Based on the song "A Soldier's Memoir" by Mitch Rossell & Joe Bachman
*Dedicated to the men and women who serve our country till this day (yeah, I know this story is a bit late, but the moment I heard this song, I had to write a story out of it)
*This story takes place during S03E12
*My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro
***Story has been edited and fixed. Hope you enjoy!

(Nov. 16, 2013) WOW!! Holy hell, in just a day my story has already hit the popular story section! All I want to say is thank you so much for liking this story! I really appreciate all the positive feedback, and I respect those who say they'll be joining the military soon! Thank you!

Chapters (2)

Most legends are born from a single small grain of truth, others are born from the pure imagination of a few ponies, but as Ponyville very well knows not all legends are that. When something saves Apple Bloom from a pack of Timberwolves will she be able to convince the others of what she saw or will she just have to find the truth herself?

The Supplement to this story is ready to be read. It's right here. Read it. I mean... if you want to. I'm not your boss.

I would like to give a big big thanks to Danupert for pre-reading chapters 4 through 12. Thank you so much.
Also want to thank Annoyed Changeling, Ratfinkdos, and Crystal Static for being willing to help with this story as pre-readers. Thank you very much.

Chapters (24)

This story is a sequel to The Monster in the Twilight

Now that Luna has returned to the throne, and the aftermath of her brief appearance as Nightmare Moon is being cleaned up, the story is over. Right?

Not quite.

Twilight Sparkle had nearly been destroyed in the chaos of Nightmare Moon’s return, but now with the assistance of her five friends, she is facing a fascinating new world filled with wonderful things. No longer the scarred monster who nearly destroyed Canterlot and raged through the Everfree Forest for over a decade, now she has been healed by the Elements of Harmony and is living at the edge of town with her adoptive mother Zecora. Not all the fears of her past can be left behind that easily though, and now she must face the consequences of her actions as she faces the most daunting challenge of her life.


Letters is a sequel to the alternate universe story The Monster in the Twilight. In this story, Twilight Sparkle exchanges letters with Princess Luna, two ponies with a common problem of fitting in and making friends after the destruction of Nightmare Moon.

Normally I would try to talk you into reading the sequel even if you haven’t read the original story, but in this case, you’ll probably be more confused than entertained. But go ahead. I don’t mind if you don’t read the first story. You’ll never find out what an Urlock is, but that’s fine. It’s your funeral.

Editing Assistance by Alicorn Priest, Peter and Tek

Credit for the incredible picture All Night Study Group goes to Bibliodragon at Deviantart

Physical books are available on Lulu.com (up to Chapter 82)
Letters From a Little Princess Monster (Paperback) 726 pages
Letters From a Little Princess Monster (Massive Hardback) 780 pages

Chapters (99)

Would you believe Queen Chrysalis has a child of her own? No, she is not a warrior or military tactical genius, nor is she planning to rise against her mother and bring liberty to her people, and she is sure not planning on infiltrating Ponyville to seek acceptance from the ponies anytime soon. Heck, if asked, she probably could not even point out Equestira on the map.

The truth is, Princess Pupa Roachanov, the only child of Queen Chrysalis spends most of her time in the royal gardens, waited on by her nannies and treated with as much delicacy and care as the rarest rose. It's a quiet, meager life, but it's the only one she's ever known and she is content with it.

The only thing she ever really wishes more of is the affection of her beloved mama...

Chapters (1)

Let's just say your luck with the mares isn't all that great, two months in Ponyville and you've had your heart stomped on more times than you can count. That coupled with the fact you've lost your job, your house, and have barely enough bits to feed yourself means your life isn't exactly going so great. And after another botched attempt at a relationship you're ready to swear off of the whole dating game for good.
But after a night of drunken debauchery you awaken to find yourself in the service of Ponyville's premiere fashionista, you're willing to forget your previous pledge to the single life after she proves herself to be the kindest and most generous pony you've ever met, but only time will tell if she'll be your future lover or the next in line of a long list of mare's who you'd rather forget.

Chapters (25)

Queen Chrysalis has only one grub that has survived into fillyhood; her daughter, the physically lame and mentally impaired Crown Princess Pupa. Chrysalis has never been what many would call the 'maternal type', even towards Pupa, whose adoration of her mother has no bounds. Preferring to swamp herself in the dire affairs of state, Chrysalis lets her crippled daughter be raised by her affectionate nanny.

But one day, as the Changeling Kingdom's problems reach boiling point, the Queen's already short temper erupts and she must deal with the heartbreaking consequences...

Edited and pre-read by Chaodiurn
Pre-read by Scarheart

Now with a TvTropes Page. Feel free to contribute.

Chapters (16)

Is love really eternal? Can the actions of one pony leave a mark on the life of another forever?

Reviewed by The Descendant!
"What an interesting little exploration of one of the hardest things to ponder... a relationship with one of the immortal alicorn princesses of Equestria. It's not something that is done very often outside of Twilight/Celestia. It's accomplished even less often with O.C.'s, and rarely this well." (Full Review, Includes Spoilers)

Given the highest honors on the Las Pegasus Tribune!

Chapters (2)