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Just a short story about the romance between you and Fluttershy during a bad storm.

P.S. http://www.rainymood.com/ and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcH4wT2FIsc at the same time. I can think of nothing better to listen to while reading this. It's good writing inspiration. In fact, it's what I listened to while writing this.

Hey, if you liked the story, you think you could add it to a group or two?

Chapters (1)

College is a fun time if you meet the right people and get the right teachers. Well college changes in a big way for me. For the past nine months a portal between Equestria and Earth has opened allowing free passage between the two realms. This is the story of how one unicorn could make college life much more different then you think,and her name is Twilight Sparkle from Equestria, and she is going to take me to places I've never been. I didn't even ask for half of this crap like helping aid in saving Equestria. All I wanted to do was have a normal college experience.

Chapters (47)

It can takes the average newborn foal a day to walk. Sometimes it takes longer. Sometimes something is wrong. Sometimes a foal bounces back.

Featured by the Seattle's Angels in review #60.
From Corejo:

As a disclaimer, the prose gets a little cluttered toward the middle of the story, when he’s working on his diagnosis. All it takes is a little care in parsing the information, and you’re rewarded with a brilliant origin story that will leaving you smiling and saying, “why didn’t I think of something like that?”

It’s short. It’s sweet. It’s worth your time. And who doesn’t love little snippets of why something is the way it is in the show? I definitely do. Go check it out.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash asks a friend to proofread a story for her. What he doesn't realize, of course, is that the story may be more than just a tale.

Chapters (1)

You are Anonymous the lone human in equestra. Everyweek, you meet with twilight to talk about how things go back where you came from. But a meeting for one pony, might look like a date for another...

Finally, the story alot of you have been waiting for. My explanation to why the quality is a bit lower than the rest: I HAD TO WRITE IT OVER LIKE 6 TIMES. everytime changing the story completely. Why you ask? Because I couldn't think of anything with twilight :P

Story number eight in the heartwarming moment series.
Who's next?

Chapters (1)

You are Anonymous the lone human in equestra. After Twilight turned in to an alicorn and went away to canterlot you are left homeless. Lyra offers you to stay with her and Bon Bon. She knows Bon Bon likes you, but you didnt... Oh boy.

Story number seven in the Heartwarming moment series.
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This story idea was by : Seraph973
He made up the story idea and what would happen and gave me permission to use it.

Chapters (1)

You are Anonymous the lone human in equestria. You accepted to foalsit Diamond Tiara for 60 bits, will you regret it? Or will it all turn out better than you thought?

My sixth story in the Heartwarming moment series.
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Chapters (1)

You are anonymous the Lone human in equestria. After a short trip to the market some awkward stuff happens and you end up taking care of Fluttershy. Lets see how this turns out.

My third story in the Hearwarming moment stories.
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Chapters (1)

You are Anonymous the lone human in equestria. You've been living in Rarity's boutique ever since you came to equestria. After Rarity has yet another failed date you decide to take her out to cheer her up.

My fourth story in the Heartwarming moment series.
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Chapters (1)

You are Anonymous the lone human in equestria. You work on sweet apple acres and after a fun game with applebloom and applejack. something goes wrong. A misunderstanding makes awkward situations.

My fifth story in the Heartwarming moment series.
Who's next?

Chapters (1)