• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2012


Amateur Writer. Proud Brony since August 2012. Married to Fluttershy. Active Reader.

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This story is a sequel to Rarity Reveals...

Mental illnesses are, by definition, invisible to the onlooker, thus often overlooked. Just because one seems fine does not make that true. Sometimes the afflicted simply need a break. Sunset Shimmer, feeling down for no explicable reason, listened to her heart and blew off school. Rarity visits on that rainy Monday afternoon to check if her best friend is okay.

This story is part of Sunset's Recovery Arc.

EDIT: Featured within half a day of its upload. :pinkiegasp: Thank you so much!! :raritystarry:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The First Step

It has been a few weeks since the fall formal. The school has been repaired, Sunset has been, begrudgingly at least, accepted back into the student body, and she even has a few friends.

They all have so much energy to them. They laugh, they tease, the fight and make up. Sunset can't do that. Not yet. It takes too much energy, energy she doesn't have. Being around them is great. They've been so kind to her. They stand by her. Sunset only wishes she had the energy to do the same for them.

-- Cover art by JanaDashie over on Deviant art.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Prom Night's Light

At long last, after four years at Canterlot High, it's time to walk that line. The girls and their classmates are all graduating! What's more, Sunset Shimmer has been selected to be valedictorian! This is certainly going to be a night for her to remember. Just what surprises are waiting for her tonight?

Fourth Story in the Rays of SunLight series.

Chapters (1)

Anon-A-Miss has become a plague on the halls of Canterlot High. Students are on the brink of a fight every day and tensions are rising in order to stomp out Anon-A-Miss before the winter break.

With no-one in Canterlot High to turn to, Sunset Shimmer braves it alone and decides to pull out her old blackmailing tools in order to get the job done. It might be illegal, but it's the school's last hope for order to be restored.

Chapters (1)

It has been a few days since the Fall Formal. Sunset is the construction crew's gopher, she still eats lunch alone, and she's feeling worse than ever. At the very least, she can feel proud of not having been a total she-demon since the dance. In fact, other than being lonely, she's been a model student.

So why in the name of Celestia is she being called to the principal's office?

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Sunset get locked in school.... And a frighting Thunder Storm has cut out the electricity. Fluttershy is there to save the day! "Yey."

Chapters (1)

This happens in the world of my series, Harmony Quest.

So because of the recent advancements in technology thanks to the humans bringing in their inventions to the pony world, Rainbow Dash was definitely bound to make use of it to cause a little mischief on her friends.

But it only took one social experiment to make her reconsider. And she was too nervous to apologize after what happened.

Inspired by a story I wrote at school as a composition during English class! Cool right?

Chapters (1)

When Pinkie Pie finds a smashed cell phone in the CHS cafeteria, it can mean only one thing!

Definitely not an Anon-a-Miss story.

Chapters (1)

[story isn't dead; completion is just too grand a task for me to take at this point in time]

Equestria Girls. It's the end of the school week and Rainbow Dash can't wait to kick back and relax for an awesome weekend of partying with her friends. It's also progress reports time at Canterlot High, and one of the Super Fun™ activities planned (by Twilight, who else?) involves an unboxing of their grades. This doesn't go too well when Rainbow is forced to reveal her whopping 0.3 GPA and leaves in tears.
Intelligence comes in many forms, but Fs only come in one. Luckily for Rainbow Dash, that's the letter that friendship starts with.


Takes place after The Legend Of Everfree but before Forgotten Friendship.
Prequel to my fic Milkshake, and begins a Sci!TwiDash friends-to-lovers arc.
Part of my extended Equestria Girls Continuity.
Tagged for naughty words and minor social drugs.

Content warning: contains underage drinking, cannabis use, discussion of teenage sexuality, a scene containing homophobic and lesbophobic slurs, and struggles with autism and ADHD.

Chapters (1)

While working on a spell to see if Pinkie and Applejack are related, Twilight discovers that she has a little sister: Scootaloo! But how is this possible? And, more importantly, how will this affect them?

Featured 11/6/17

Chapters (8)