• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2012


Amateur Writer. Proud Brony since August 2012. Married to Fluttershy. Active Reader.

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It's almost time....the contract has just one stipulation left. Just...one. After that...well Discord gets to make good on the promise he made to Fluttershy all those years ago,he promised her she would live on through more than just memory,but she made him sign a contract. It's so tempting to give that last part a tiny little push...but he knows better,the stipulations must happen naturally...but still,the wait has driven him sane.

Chapters (1)

It had been a year since Twilight had heard of anything from Trixie after the Alicorn Amulet incident. Unexpectedly, she receives a letter saying that her so called "rival" has tragically died and is requested to be at her funeral.

Thanks to CommanderX5 and Magic Man for editing.

Thanks to Neko-Me for the cover art.

Live Reading by Aria The Brony

Chapters (1)

When things don't go the way we hoped for, it's easy for ones mind to become clouded with grief. It's times like these that all seems lost with no way of recovery. However, sometimes, the thing that one needs most is someone to talk to. Someone who will listen to your aching heart. When the invasion of Canterlot didn't go as Chrysalis had planned, she placed a heavy weight on her heart that nopony would ever be willing to lift, nopony, except Doughnut Joe, that is.

Chapters (1)

One day, Rainbow Dash notices something about Sunset Shimmer: she only eats salads, fruit, and non-meat products. So she decides to dare the former pony to try a meat product the next day at lunch. Little do they know what's on the menu that day...

Set in the Equestria Girls universe.

Chapters (1)

In the warmth of her cloud home, Rainbow Dash is about to turn in for the night when she hears Scootaloo crying outside in the middle of a vicious blizzard. Plucking the freezing filly from the snow, Rainbow hopes to provide some much-needed comfort for the otherwise tough young pegasus, but she uncovers a disturbing reality that she knows she cannot handle alone.

Knowing only one pony that could really help her out, Rainbow enlists Twilight’s help, determined to set things straight for Scootaloo. But what Rainbow doesn’t know is that in her efforts to provide a better life for the filly, her friendship with Twilight will develop into something more.

Edited by Alcatraz, Rated Ponystar, Rocinante, Ponysopher, Marshal Twilight, Knight of Cerebus, ShimmeringStallion, and Jake The Army Guy

Proofread by Neko Majin C

Chapters (23)

Twilight has had a crush on Rainbow Dash for a few months now, and it's starting to become unbearable not being able to confess. When Twilight calls Rainbow over and has a sleepover with her in the library, could this be the chance she was looking for?

A really fast, fairly adorable, one-shot TwiDash fanfic.

Picture made by Ambris on DeviantART. Go check that person out!

Chapters (2)

I've always wanted to raise my own child, but the means behind receiving one have always been beyond my reach. One particular morning, I found a filly in a box and brought her home. The only problem was that the filly was Diamond Tiara. I immediately regret my decision.

Featured on 3/31/2015. Why.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer gets a surprise visit from Twilight Sparkle, but Twilight gives her a even more surprising news, she has a chance to study under a Princess again.......but its not Princess Celestia.

Read the sequel to this story called A Chance at Self Forgiveness.

Chapters (4)

Traveling back to Equestria for summer vacation seemed like the best idea ever. However Sunset Shimmer's home brings back memories and thoughts that haven't surfaced since her reformation. Forgiveness is never easy especially when it comes to forgiving oneself. That coupled with a deadly changeling plot against Princess Twilight has Sunset running in circles to protect her friends and figure herself out.

Extra Tags: Chrysalis, Changelings, Flash Sentry (I'm so sorry).
This may be subjected to change as the story progresses.

Extra side note: the cover art for this story was done by me :twilightsmile:
Extra Extra side note: To everyone who has faved and liked thank you so much!
Final Side Note: I've edited the spacing and scene transitions so it's less of an eye sore.

MUST READ: So an awesome friend of mine has started working on an animation for this story. He has a rough cut of the first scene in the first chapter. Check it out here and leave some feedback!
Summer Sunset Chapter 1 Animation Test

Proof Read/edited by: 1DATMLP

Chapters (13)