• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2012


Amateur Writer. Proud Brony since August 2012. Married to Fluttershy. Active Reader.

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(Special thanks to thegreatcat14 for letting me use her art and corrupting giving me a new way to look at Sonata XD.)

You've been dating Sonata Dusk, a siren from another world, for about 8 months now. But after coming home from a long day at work at the supermarket during the winter season, you find her drinking out of something that you never expected to see in your life.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to An Open Door

After receiving a request from a rather unexpected source, Twilight helps deliver a long-overdue message from Celestia to her former student.

This story is set one month after An Open Door, which itself occurs about six months after Rainbow Rocks.

It's not required to read Open Door first. Just go into this story with the understanding that the Dazzlings have started to befriend the others, and have come to realize there is some joy to be found in their new life-after-magic. If you're interested in how that went down on this timeline from Adagio's perspective, then Open Door is the place to check that out.

Cover art is my own. You may have seen it here already, as another author had created a story based on it some time ago. Drawing this piece is what got me interested in fanfiction. So now that I've had a taste of writing with Open Door, I've decided to come full-circle and write something for it myself.

Pre-reading and brief creative input from Jondor (thanks, man)
Editing, proof-reading and additional input from Csquared08 (I made some small tweaks after the final edit pass, just recently. So any typos are my fault and not something overlooked by C. ;)

Chapters (3)

Twilight visits her Canterlot High friends for a sleepover at Sweet Apple Acres, just a few weeks before the girls graduate and summer begins. They have some awkward drunken fun, you know how it goes.

Here's my addition to the slumber party genre.

Chapters (1)

Luna is on a mission and she will not rest until her mission is completed. Her objective?

To snuggle with her big sister.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A New Chance

After nearly two weeks of being Princess Luna's student, Princess Luna sent a message to Sunset Shimmer telling her that she wanted to help her forgive herself. Luna knew that this would be the only way for Sunset to truly forgive herself and face her darkness head on, but will this be enough to truly help Sunset or will she tremble to the darkness within her.

Chapters (10)

According to popular myth, girls don't fart.

Yeah, we all know that's a load.

Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy are having a slumber party, having a good time as friends, when the unexpected happens.

Someone farts and stinks up the whole room.

None of them will admit they did it. Each of them is blaming one of the others.

Can a fart destroy friendship?

Chapters (1)

For a long time, Twilight and Rainbow Dash have been marefriends, and as time passed on, their love for each other kept on growing.

With her recent ascension to an alicorn, Twilight recalls the longtime pegasi tradition of feather gifting and wishes to bestow one of her own to her special somepony. After much preparation, she sets off on her next date with Rainbow, hoping that her lover will accept her gift.

A simple fic written as a belated birthday present for that jerk my friend, Twilight the Pony.

Audio Reading by GutiuSerenade

Featured on 5/6/15.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is awakened in the middle of the night by the sounds of furious knocking coming from the front of her home. When she investigates, she's surprised by the source of this disturbance.

Cover art provided by:Stripedbrain
Art used with permission

Chapters (1)

After the Fall Formal, Sunset Shimmer begins acting strangely. Soon, she disappears altogether, leaving her friends worried and confused.

Takes place in between Equestria Girls and Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks.

Chapters (1)

Our Heroes have saved the world once again, and now retire from adventuring for the day and have themselves some much needed shut eye.

Edited by: Level Dasher <3<3<3

Chapters (1)