• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2015


I'm not good at short bios.

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This story is a sequel to Ponies Are Animals Too

When Sweetie sees a griffon carrying a pony, and then sees the griffon drop the pony she manages to save his life with her burgeoning magic. The results of which may change Ponyville and all Equestria forever.

Set after season 4 with the exception that Scootaloo was adopted by Fluttershy in season 4. If you want to read how that happens read Ponies Are Animals Too. Knowledge of the story other than Scoots is adopted by Fluttershy is not necessary to understand this story.

I've been working on this story for awhile, and have had many, many hooves involved a special thanks to all those that have helped, including, but not limited to:

The Great Eater
Autumn Breeze 24
Dusk Midnight Melody
And as always my loving and understanding wife

[If you helped and I forgot about you please PM me, I've bounced ideas off of so many ponies I actually can't remember who else helped]

Sex tag is for sexual situations and innuendo.

New cover art courtesy of Enti0, be sure to thank him for me.

Chapters (42)

Meant to not interfere with the actual show, this story is told through chapters based either around, or opposite events seen in the show. Marked AU just to be safe.

Scootaloo, an orphaned pegasus living her life out in Ponyville.

Fluttershy, a sweet animal loving pegasus who once she finds out Scootaloo is an orphan is determined to give her a home

Sorry, I am horrible at descriptions.

Cover art used with permission from ShrapnelLeader

Profreed/edited/and ideas bounced off of: TheGreatEater
As always none of my stories could exist without the help of my loving wife.

Chapters (10)

Summer Flight Camp was going to be bad enough for Scootaloo, but she held out hope that she would escape the worst of the humiliation. Unfortunately, there is no escaping that green badge and the fate it has decided for her. The moment the thing touches her chest, she becomes the outcast at the gates of an uncertain future. But fortunately for her, she has two other fillies to share in this fate.

Note: Cover made using vectors and backgrounds.

Chapters (1)