• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2015


I'm not good at short bios.

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After realising that Scootaloo has never been to Cloudsdale, Rainbow takes the filly to the citadel of the pegasi, much to Scootaloo's excitement.

A short sketch for Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo; gentle friendshipping.

Update: It was translated into French! Have a link: Scootaloo à Cloudsdale
Update 2: And then it was translated into Russian! Wow! Скуталу в Клаудсдейле

Chapters (1)

Luna's isolation and difficult reentry into Equestrian life has left her without the confidence to communicate with the ponies around her. Especially the one pony she most wants to talk to. Celestia is angry, Twilight is upset and it's all her fault. Then she has an idea... She'll invite Twilight into her dreams. What could possibly go wrong?

Chapters (9)

*Sex tag added for adult situations, remarks, humor, etc.*

Princess Luna has returned from her 1000 year banishment on the moon. Now she must learn to cope with the changes that have occurred during her absence, while dealing with the guilt and regret from her past. In an effort to redeem herself, she tries to right her past wrongs and show the ponies of Equestria that she is no longer the evil nightmare that scared them for centuries.

During her period of repentence she rediscovers one particular group of ponies that was hit the hardest when she turned into Nightmare Moon, the 13th Infantry Division. They had pledged their loyalty to her and were one of the most elite fighting units in the entire Equestrian army. Now, their only claim to fame is their past and being the biggest joke in the military. A place for misfits and undesirable soldiers, as well as punished officers. Can the newly returned princess redeem herself and the division that devoted itself to her? Or will Princess Luna fall back into the open arms of sorrow and despair?

Pre-reading and editing from the prologue through chapter 4 were done by Arkenai

Pre-reading from chapter 5 onwards done by Auramane

A huge thanks to both of you!

Chapters (9)

Tia agrees to make her little sister Luna a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but she makes Luna work for it. Does Luna have what it takes to get the sandwich she craves?
Then, 1000 years later, Celestia brings Luna another sandwich to help recreate the bond that was broken with Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon.
Just a quick fic that I wrote in a couple of hours, based on an idea that I had while at work.

Cover Art belongs to TehResistance on deviantART

Chapters (2)

What if Luna wasn't banished to the moon? What if she was there by choice? On vacation?

Just an idea that popped in my head one day. I banged this out in only three hours, so constructive crtiscism is welcome.

(Contains slight Molestia and Trollestia)
(Sexual themes are mentioned, but not explicitly described)

I sincerely hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Inspired by and based upon Statistics, by xTSGx.

Sometimes, one source of data isn't enough. Sometimes, another set of statistics is necessary to tell the whole story.

Chapters (1)

Finally, after years of begging, Celestia gives Twilight permission to access the Forbidden Wing of the Royal Library, a wing so secret even the other princesses can't access it. Twilight rushes to Canterlot, excited for the research potential.

Then she finds those books…

(There's an FAQ here. Please read that before commenting.)

Chapters (1)

Finally, Roseluck's special project is complete. Now, it's time for her to request an audience with Princess Luna, and see if her rose really does give her luck.

A short and sweet one-shot ship. Thanks to the overwhelming popularity of this pairing, I'll definitely be making a sequel! As always, I adore getting comments, the more specific and prolific, the better.

Proofreading by RaylanKrios.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Oldnew Luna

Twilight and Luna have now been living together for two years. Luna regains her powers over the night sky and the pair must move to Canterlot for Luna to once more take up her duties.

Chapters (9)

Twilight Sparkle is called to Canterlot Castle where something has happened to Princess Luna that has reverted her to a weakened state, she has to live with Twilight whilst she recuperates her magic.

Chapters (22)