• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2015


I'm not good at short bios.

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It was during Harry's summer before his second year. He was locked up in his room and unable to leave with out the grace of his neglectful relatives. In desperation to escape, his magic came to the fore and whisked him away to a new world. A world with no Voldemort, no fickle wizard society, and no Dursleys.

In this new place, with a new body and a chance to be something, someone else, to choose his path, he seizes it.

Not that he is without secrets in this new world. In the middle of slowly building relationships with other ponies, finding himself, and reaching his own chosen destiny, he tries to keep secret his origins, his true abilities, and one rather obvious difference between himself and other ponies, something that could disrupt his new ideal life in this amazing world full of ponies.

*Please be aware that episodes will be out of order at times for plot convenience, or my own playful whims:pinkiecrazy:

Oh, and if anypony doesn't like it, please comment to me why, I am always looking for good constructive criticism.

Chapters (21)

Nopony knew Scootaloo was an orphan. Scootaloo didn't know who her parents were. After discovering her secret, Twilight casts a spell that can show the young filly her parents. The result will change both their lives forever.

Edited by LunaSol, Templar22 and Bpkyle777

Chapters (3)

Scootaloo grew up at an orphanage ran by Gerda. The old hag had clipped Scootaloo's wings last time she tried to escape. Now, under cover of darkness years later, she has finally escaped and boarded a train to Ponyville. Will she stop running from her past long enough to enjoy her new life?

A slice of life story that will follow Scootaloo from orphan to daredevil, from the Cutie Mark Crusaders to Dash teaching her to fly, and beyond!

This story is lightly self-edited and I'm aiming for a pace of a short chapter a day. It keeps me busy while my editors work on my other, more "serious" stories

Warning: This story contains way too many cheesy pop culture references, and horrible title puns. They're my guilty pleasure.

Chapters (38)

Scootaloo often goes down into the fields of Ponyville to watch the one and only Rainbow Dash defy physics and gravity with her dangerous stunts that wow even the most talented of pegasi. However, a chance encounter with Ponyville's mailmare leads Scootaloo to confront issues long held in her heart.

A story of Derpy and Scootaloo, of family, trials, and a sense of self-worth.

Chapters (1)

It's getting embarrassing.

Scootaloo, pegasus extraordinare and honorary sister of the coolest Wonderbolt ever, is still unable to fly. She'd been told to wait a while and she'd grow out of it. She'd been told that her wings would get stronger if she just kept practicing. She'd been told that she was just a late bloomer.


It's time Scootaloo finally flew. She's going to pull out all the stops, break all the rules, and try every strategy in order to achieve her lifelong dream. Not alone, though. She's going to need lots of help from her friends if she wants to do it without getting killed.

At long last, Scootaloo will fly!

Rated Teen for

Muchas Smoochas

Chapters (15)

Rainbow Dash has always been fond of Scootaloo, cheering her on from the sidelines and admiring her with almost religious reverence. But when her parents are absent from the talent show Rainbow Dash learns that this is in fact a common occurrence and begins to suspect that there's more to the filly than she originally thought. She takes it upon herself to find out the truth and help her number one-fan.

Chapters (2)

Scootaloo has been on her own for quite some time, after her parents were taken from her. No one had suspected anything of it. But the orange pegasus will discover that she doesn't have to face life alone when she is in need of love.

Chapters (10)

Twilight Sparkle has always been a friend and supporter of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. However, Scootaloo doesn't seem to come by the library anymore...

She just needs time...

Prequel to Twilight Time, set shortly after Flight to the Finish.

Vector by liamwhite1

Chapters (2)

Scootaloo has a secret, and she's not telling anypony; not even her best friends. But as suspicion arises over the days following their last cutie mark attempt, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle make it their business to figure out what's going on.

Chapters (9)

Dreams are such delicate things, and Scootaloo’s are more fragile than most.

But in Equestria, dreams are protected. Sometimes a filly just needs a helping hoof to learn how to hope again.

Edited by Knight of Cerebus

Cover art by Joemasterpencil. Go check him out!

This story has a reading! Slightly older version of the story, but the reading is very well done. It can be found here.

Chapters (1)