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This story is a sequel to Dawn of a New World

This story is also a sequel to The Forgotten World

The prophecy has been fulfilled. The ancient race known as the Sleipnir have returned, resulting in a shattered Equestria and leaving little hope for all ponies. Equestrians look to Griffonia for help, although the winged beasts seek to claim Equestria for themselves. Ponykind's only remaining strength lies in the Crystal Empire, whose citizens grow afraid of the threats around them.

Among the greater power struggle between ponies, Griffons, and Sleipnir, several ponies seek to make some kind of peace for all. Fluttershy, who learned of her ability to communicate with the Sleipnir, envisions a world where she can live peacefully with her remaining friends, without having to resort to violence. In the southern deserts of Zebrawe and Saddle Arabia, the Cutie Mark Crusaders fight for their own lives against the Changelings. Will they be all be able to rejoin and survive the inevitable battles to come?

Because of how multiple events take place at the same time and throughout the world, the narrative is split into chapters each focusing on a different character or group of characters. In this story, there are 6:

-Fluttershy, who is traveling south in order to confront the Sleipnir and find her friends.
-Berry Bunches, the filly Fluttershy had saved, who awaits her safe return in the Crystal Empire.
-Twilight Sparkle, newly-dubbed Princess of Equestria along with Princess Cadence.
-The Cutie Mark Crusaders: Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle. Lost with Spike in the southern deserts.
-Peyton, a loyal griffon soldier of the Griffonian empire.
-Roddel, a Sleipnir knight with a troubled past.

“There is no greater sorrow then to recall our times of joy in wretchedness.”
― Dante Alighieri, Inferno

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to Dawn of a New World

This short story actually serves as a prequel to the above story, and everything else MLP. However, I do recommend reading the above story first before starting this one.

Everypony knows the tale of Hearth's Warming Eve, but not many know what happened before then, back when the first ponies came to exist. Ten thousand years before Celestia and Luna's rule, the then-unnamed land was ruled over by beings known as Sleipnir, eight-legged horse-like beings that kept order in the land. They constantly fought with the Draconequus, who upset the order with a mix of chaos. While the Draconequus take reality and make the impossible, the Sleipnir take the impossible and make it reality.

For many years, balance was kept between the two races. However, everything changed once the Six Sleipnir kings found an ultimate weapon to keep order: six keys to amplify the creation power of the Sleipnir. This threw the world into an unbalance as the Sleipnir soon strayed from their ideals of order in a lust for true power.

Follow Roddel, a young Sleipnir guard, as he witnesses the birth of a new era. Roddel's loyalty to the High Sleipnir King is unmatched, yet he will have to make very important decisions that put loyalty against safety, life against death, and will pave the way to the Equestria we know today.

Chapters (9)

(Credit for the Cover Image goes to everyone who worked on the Double Rainboom fan-episode.)

"And the world shall end in fire. From it, a new world will be born in its ashes. A world of tragedy, of fear, and of an unclear future...only to be cleansed by the ancients who used to roam this earth. Such is the way life on this planet will go."

This is the hidden prophecy that very few knew about. Nopony knew when, and nopony knew how. They would only know after the fact. And their fate in the new world would be left to the gods.

This tale of adventure and self-enlightenment follows Fluttershy, a very timid and soft-spoken pegasus, and her friends as they face a post-apocalyptic Equestria and all of the hardships, encounters, and struggles they will all face as they try to survive...and nopony is safe. Survival can bring out the worst in us. Will Fluttershy be changed by what she faces in this new world? Will anypony else? Is an even bigger threat just around the corner?

The first eleven chapters are written as an adventure story from an omniscient POV, while the rest of the chapters are written from various characters' points of view, and detail what happens after the first eleven. It used to be twelve chapters, but I combined chapters 6 and 7 and reordered the rest.

As of right now, it's complete, but I'm always ready to go back and make some parts better if needed.

“Do not be afraid; our fate
Cannot be taken from us; it is a gift.”
― Dante Alighieri, Inferno

Chapters (26)

Almost a year after what seemed to be the concluding battle in Celestia's great crusade against necromancers, something Mortem believes to be borderline discrimination, he discovers one of Celestia's armies setting up camp just outside his stronghold.

Not wanting to jump to any conclusions or risk angering the very powerful Princess, he concludes a diplomatic solution would be the best way forward. And so, he writes a letter.

Proofread by the wonderful Soren Mercer
Featured on Equestria Daily here
Audiobook versions by Illya Leonov and TheArchitect are here and here respectively
SoundCloud verion of Illya Leonov's is here

Chapters (1)

After Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash announce their engagement, Twilight's parents have a chat behind closed doors.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Hurricane's Way

It's no secret that pegasi have a long, proud history as the warrior tribe. Their race boasts some of ponykind's greatest military minds, fearless legions that struck fear into the hearts of any who dared oppose them with their mighty lightning lancers and thunderhead squads.

Honor, duty, and protecting their own kind were the very foundation of the old legions, a notion that holds true to this very day. The strong protect the weak, and the weak stay safe under wing, grateful for their care.

But just how do they make such a big decision? Who determines the stronger pony out of two so closely bonded?

For all those questions, there is but one answer:

The Challenge.

Preread by Cynewulf, Jondor, and Timaeus. Thanks, guys.

Cover art by FairDahlia.

Chapters (1)

Shortly after becoming Celestia's student, Twilight spends the day at the lake. However, after a spell goes wrong, Twilight is turned into a sea pony, and she is loving it.

Chapters (1)

History is written by the victors and the Equestrians excel at winning. Far to the south of Equestria in the Badlands, the region that separates the Equestrian frontier and the unknown lands of the long forgotten Humans, lies an ancient citadel of knowledge. Generations of magic, both well versed and obscure, holy and ghastly. Its reinforced walls still stand though the tomes and coveted secrets were purged after years of warfare, degradation and abandonment. Despite the armies, bands and packs who tried to finish what the Equestrians started none were able to breach the gates of the Lost Archive. None aside from the few faithful to the old ruler and Lord Hierophant have ever entered. His reign was cut short because of the same people who gave it to him and his followers, though misguided and few in number, would see fit to restoring his former glory even if it's more myth then legend.

Current cover art by Echira Sorin.

Chapters (13)

When Fluttershy's parents learn of how well she did at flight camp they decide to have her go to another camp, only this time on the ground. They believe this new experience will help her get out of her shell and to make many new friends.

They hope.

Adorableness ensues.

Cover art belongs to the talented Dividedby-ZER0. The artist is very talented so do go check him out.

I have to thank my editors for the splendid job in getting this story to what is. First JP Sanders, who helped getting the bits and bobs and giving advice for how the story should go. Another editor, who JP Sanders invited, was Lunatone. This editor helped me a great deal with getting the story right and even making the story flow. Both of these editors have my utmost thanks.

Chapters (1)

Fancy Pants and Fleur Dis Lee were made for each-other: the perpetual playcolt and the sultry supermodel. Now, they've been going out for over a month. Has she fallen for this stallion? Is he finally ready to settle down? Can true love blossom in the high-pressure world of Canterlot's social elite?

With thanks to special guest editors KingMoriarty and PresentPerfect!
For Estee's Swift Selections contest, category: Slice of Life
PS - Yes, I was forced by a contest to do another shipfic!

Chapters (1)