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Princess Celestia is the epitome of purity. Everypony loves her, and worship the ground she walks on. But what about Princess Celestia herself? How does she truly feel about the attention she gets.

If only they knew what she really thought of all of them. They might not worship her then. Instead, they might actually realize that Nightmare Moon was the least of their worries.

My entry for the Twilestia is Bestia 10th bimonthly contest. Please enjoy it!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Dawn Of The Silver Sun

The Corrupted came from the west, that is all that's known. Before ponies understood what's going on, princess Celestia marched to stop them. She had to know something nopony else did, but it wasn't enough.

The last vestiges of ponies and changelings are now ruled by princess Luna, queen Chrysalis, and Twilight Sparkle, starving and losing hope in face of an enemy who grows stronger with every passing day.

Sex tag for: descriptions of bodyparts and base animal instincts. No clop.

Chapters (36)

Spike almost destroyed Ponyville when he became a greedy giant; Starlight brainwashed an entire village so they would live by her rules.

When the two have a chance encounter at midnight, the two discuss their evil past, and what may have been their evil future.

Chapters (1)

Princess Cadance wakes up with a hangover, and some garbled memories of the previous night's events.

Thanks to Marston241 for giving me the idea for the story.

Now with a reading by CaptainBron3y.

Chapters (1)

I never thought my life would end up like this. Coated in the colored remains of my fellow ponies, working 16-hour shifts under dangerous conditions. My lone comfort is a white hoof, limply hanging from my shoulder. It will tell me what to do. It will show me the way. It gives me hope.


This is a Rainbow Factory x Pokemon crossover. Greatly inspired by Orunan0459 and his song [Pokemon x MLP] - Lavender Factory because talent. In all seriousness, though, yes, I know that Rainbow Factory sheez has been DONE TO DEATH, but I couldn't pass up the chance after hearing this kickass song. It's so simple and creepy, and it takes two of the darkest elements from two cool fandoms and melds them both into one.

Orunan0459's youtubbz dawg

Rainbow Factory story by AuroraDawn on teh Feemfeectionz

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash hasn't been having a good time since Discord was defeated. Her supervisor suddenly thinks she can't handle a simple weather schedule. Her relay team all suddenly have a grudge against her. Something isn't right, and it's not limited to her. Applejack's family is watching over her like a jailhouse warden. Twilight is avoiding them all, visiting with strange ponies, and losing sleep on something she won't talk about. Pinkie Pie, and Rarity are both having problems they can't explain. And for Fluttershy, it's the worst of all.

Without Twilight’s guidance, 5 ponies have to figure out what happened to the town, and why their lives are so messed up despite Discord being long gone. Somehow they have to get Twilight to open up to them again, and accept help from her friends. But nothing they do seems to work right. They’re at a loss of what to make of any of this, until Rainbow Dash stumbles upon a truly chilling revalation, that throws into question everything the 5 of them have ever known.

When trouble calls, Dash wants an obvious goal, a big bad monster to defeat, but now the only thing she can see in front of her are all her friends.

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle awakens one morning to find all of Ponyville wholly consumed by a spreading cloud of white.

Hopefully The Stranger inside her castle can help her understand what this all means.

Chapters (1)

After the daily mountain of paperwork that results from the insanity that is Ponyville, Ivory Scroll has had enough, and has made a list forbidding things that Ponyville citizens are forbidden from doing. A one shot of surprisingly epic proportions, written in the dead of night.

Chapters (3)

In the stars, a hundred years' journey away, the alicorns gather, to mourn, to mate, and to give birth to the new. They call to their sisters across the galaxies, and Celestia hears them.

Meanwhile, Dotted Line wants her to review tax rebate applications.

(2nd place out of 113 in the "No Regrets" write-off. Dotted Line is from "Whom the Princesses Would Destroy" by GhostOfHeraclitus. Picture by Earthsong9405 & AquaGalaxy, found by Georg. Reading by Super Trampoline. Russian translation by Doof Ex Machina.)

Chapters (1)

For two years I've been hiding, for two years I've tried to just live my life. But it all came crashing down the day I chose to have lunch at a Diner. Now I'm forced to run again, forced to leave the life I tried to build. But what choice do I have, what choice does a mere clone have when she shouldn't exist?

Chapters (1)