• Member Since 13th Sep, 2014


(Nay-vee-ka) Welcome to my corner of the multiverse. Please leave your Blunderbusses by the door.

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Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer are the only two living ponies in the world that can lay claim to one of Equestria's most prestigious titles: the protege of Princess Celestia, ruler of the land of Equestria and perhaps one of the most powerful magic users to ever walk the face of the planet.

However, they are not the first: since Equestria's medieval ages, Celestia has held pupils under her tutelage. Some of these pupils went on to do great things, while others fell prey to their own ambition and power, but even though those students have been dead for years, Celestia still remembers every name that came before.

Her reminiscing becomes more than memories, however, when her very first pupil shows up on the castle steps. One by one, Celestia's former students begin to appear in the prime of their youth, their minds seemingly leaving off right after their deaths. It's up to Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer to find out why these ponies have risen from the dead, and what they're being drawn to...

Rated T for sexual references, profanity and violence.

Featured on 4/14! Thanks everyone!

Chapters (31)

Heres a good rule to live by: If you find something interesting in the Everfree Forest, leave it there.

Chapters (5)

Twilight crosses the mirror portal to pursue Sunset Shimmer after the theft of the Element of Magic. She finds herself in a world of odd two-legged creatures, and for some reason they're all obsessed with a card game called "Duel Monsters." Twilight soon learns that the only way to get her crown back is to win it in the school's semi-annual duel tournament, of which Sunset has been the reigning champion three rounds running. The tournaments have divided the school, and split up a group of five friends similar to Twilight's friends in Equestria.

Twilight now faces her biggest adventure yet. She must master Duel Monsters, reconcile these other versions of her friends, and defeat Sunset to win the Autumn Crown. And she has only three days to pull it off. It's time to duel!

Pre-read by The Albinocorn and RTStephens. Cover art by EGStudios93

View Twilight's deck here. View Sunset’s deck here.

Reading by Martialartfruituser here

Artwork of the Harmony Spirits by Ajustice90. View them on DA here and here.

Chapters (24)

Daniel Kroger is a Marine who likes military history, even if he found his interest by accident. He wakes up in a M4A3E8 Sherman in a forest, he struggles to understand how he got there. He hides from the local residents and protects them from harm when they enter his forest. They call him 'The Guardian'. What happens when he comes out?

Teen for gore and language.

Contains a misleading title, an author who has no schedule for releases, anthro ponies, horrid grammar at the start, wonky things mentioned once and never again, an author who probably shouldn't be writing in the first place.

When did I get featured?

Chapters (44)

Twilight Sparkle has lied to Princess Celestia; tried to deceive her.

Caught in her misdeed, Twilight needed to repair the damage she had done. Saying that she was sorry and a little groveling should have worked. Celestia is kind. Celestia is forgiving. The fear that Celestia would banish her to magic kindergarten for what she had done, was just that, an irrational fear. It should have worked. It would have if Trixie had kept her big... fat... mouth... closed.

If only she had been banished to magic kindergarten instead.

Chapters (1)

Nathan Frédérick Nadeau Bergeron doesn't come from an ordinary family. They have resources—maybe even enough to survive the end of the world. As CelestAI gradually supersedes the instruments of human civilization, the greatest dangers are often entirely natural. But he's determined, determined to survive no matter what it takes. Nathan has given himself a mission: to record the end of humanity.

Now if only that pony would leave him alone...

A Friendship is Optimal story. Makes passing reference to my previous work in the universe, though reading it isn't required.

Editing by Two Bit and Sparktail, cover by Zutcha.

Updates daily until complete.

Chapters (8)

Immortality. Being able to live forever. But, do people really think about what that might imply?

One day your friends will die.

One day your planet will die.

One day your star will follow.

One day the never-ending force of entropy will destroy the universe.

Twilight's lived to see this.

This is the last story.

But there might just be time for one last adventure.

Author Note. This story was started many years ago. A lot of the older chapters are pretty atrocious by my own admission. I considered going back and editing it to shit but in the end I decided to keep it as it was for archival and posterity.

Hope you enjoy, this fic has been a journey. And i wish you all many happy new beginnings in whatever you do.

Chapters (37)

As Celestia's personal student, there was no doubt in Sunset Shimmer's mind that she was the most powerful Unicorn in Equestria. There was no spell she couldn't master, no lesson she couldn't learn...save for one.

Hoping to rectify the situation, Princess Celestia broke one of her own rules and unearthed Starswirl's Mirror, hoping that, by gazing into it, Sunset would see what she always wanted. Unfortunately, the plan worked a little TOO well, but not in the manner she hoped.

Cast out and believing herself betrayed by Celestia, a desperate Sunset decides to seek out her 'Hearts Desire' on the other side of the Mirror...to a place where she will learn the lessons Celestia so desperately wished for her to learn: that Friendship is Magic.

Chapters (7)

So it's official. In order to better serve his friends, Discord has given up chaos.


Now if only the fate of Equestria didn't rest on him using chaos again.

Like in the next five minutes or so.

Looks like it's time for a chaos intervention. A reverse one.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has led a good life. She's become a princess, been on lots of adventures, made a lot of friends, and read a lot of books. A pity the books don't love her nearly as much as Twilight loves them, or she might not have been killed by one. But it's alright, this skeleton fellow talking to her seems nice.

Twilight Sparkle has led a good life.

Her death may be even better.

At least she has books.

A crossover with the Discworld series.

Pre-read by RTStephens, The Albinocorn, and FanOfMostEverything

Chapters (1)