• Member Since 13th Sep, 2014


(Nay-vee-ka) Welcome to my corner of the multiverse. Please leave your Blunderbusses by the door.

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After an unfortunate accident, Spoiled Rich wakes up thinking she's her old self before her marriage to Filthy, and boy isn't she different. The whole town is shaken up in the process, and Diamond is about to uncover some long lost family secrets...

Featured Nov 16th-18th 2017

Chapters (11)

A charity concert played by the violinist star Melodia Allgrezza, and the chance meeting with the matron of the Heartstrings family leads Octavia to reunite with an old university acquaintance, Lyra Heartstrings. The two of them chat it up and it is revealed that Lyra has a friendly date with Vinyl Scratch, her friend for many years. Octavia is invited along and accepts, joining the two for a night of fun. It quickly develops, however, to something much more than that. For of all the things that Octavia had expected to see when she met up with this Vinyl, it was definitely not a near copy of Melodia Allegrezza.
Curiosity is a virtue, they say, and Octavia's drives her to one question that she will see answered no matter what: What is the relationship between Melodia and Vinyl Scratch? Who are they?

And here we go! My first (chaptered) TaviScratch story! I hope you guys like what you see so far.
I have been sitting with this idea since later summer 2013, and I finally got the chance to write it! This story isn't going to be your usual TaviScratch, I hope, and I will do what I can to mercilessly slaughter and then crush and then burn every trope I come across. I want to bring you guys something unique, and this will be it.

Hop along for a story of love, mistrust, friends and, most importantly, secrets!

Rated Teen for future sexual references, and the likes.

Chapters (17)

When Starlight Glimmer cast her spell and shattered the bonds connecting the Elements of Harmony, she inadvertently created a cosmic crack that would have further reaching consequences than she could ever imagine. The consequences of her actions rippled across time and space, shattering the very destiny of existence itself. The only thin string holding the universe together now is Twilight Sparkle, the representative of the Element of Magic and the Princess of Friendship. But with destiny already defied, how can she hope to pick up the pieces of a broken reality?
Well, starting with helping her other self might help.

Cover art created by myself. Shoutouts to Vebuzurr for being my proof-reader.

Chapters (5)

Takes place during the Season 5 Finale. (And hints of EqG: Friendship Games)

Sunset Shimmer is out of space in her journal for communicating with Princess Twilight. On a whim, she decides to return to her homeland for a replacement. Unfortunately for Sunset, a pony named Starlight Glimmer was busy enacting revenge, catching Sunset in the crossfire and placing her in a different timeline than she expected. With no Elements of Harmony, no Princess Twilight, and no clue, Sunset must reunite the main six, save the timeline, and find a way home... eventually.

Check out the trailer!~

Chapters (70)

Kuno, a young changeling, is left weak, bloodied, and bruised after the events of the Canterlot wedding. She is soon discovered by Warden, a Royal Guard. But for some reason, Warden shows her mercy. Instead of taking her into the custody of the Royal Guard, he becomes both her captor and her savior. But over time, Kuno will come to ask herself the hardest question she has ever pondered: Can a changeling feel love?

Chapters (16)

Ponies all across Equestria have sought the help of the princess-goddess sisters who rule them. Time dictates whether one princess or two was available to aid them, and if one was ever held in favor over the other.

Princess Celestia has dedicated her life to helping every good pony.

But there are always ponies who cannot be helped.

Proofread and edited by CoffeeBean, VoxAdam, and NorrisThePony. An entry into Cynewulf's Worldbilding Contest. This story has been reviewed and recommended by PresentPerfect, you can find the spoiler-filled review here! Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (1)

Now available in print format, thanks to our Kickstarter supporters!

It turns out that the magical land of Equestria is not a flat plane covered by a bowl of stars after all. This is big news to Queen Chrysalis. If the moon is actually a place, then she can travel there, claim its magical energies, and finally get revenge on Celestia, Twilight Sparkle, and everypony else.

Of course, there are problems. One problem is that everypony else is also rushing to get into space. Another problem is that Chrysalis really has no idea how to do it. Fortunately a certain earth pony with a taste for cherries is willing to help... provided she gets to fly the ship, and provided Chrysalis keeps the space program honest and open and legal.

Together, Chrysalis, Cherry Berry, and a horde of brave-but-dumb changelings will make world history... or, more likely, they'll make a lot of really big explosions.

Inspired by Kerbal Space Program. Current cover art by Jason Meador aka texasuberalles.

TVTropes page here! Thanks to GymQuirk for making it!

Old cover art (and Changeling flag) here:


1-21-2017 Included in The Goodfic Bin's High Quality Fics! Thanks! Review here: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/206510/the-goodfic-bin/thread/173558/submissions-folder-decision-thread-v2#comment/5750494


Chapters (24)

Discord never betrayed Equestria for Tirek, aiding in returning the magic to all the drained unicorns. As a result, Celestia deems him ready of a "small" gift: The Archduchy of the Everfree, technically making him the highest noble under the princesses.

Naturally, this shocks everypony, including Discord himself. Now of course his lands will some have some chaotic magic and strange laws in effect, but that doesn't mean he doesn't take the noble thing a little seriously. Why is anypony's guess, but it'll be entertaining to watch.

Chapters (3)

Contains Movie Spoilers

Derpy arrived home after yet another long, grueling day at the post office, wanting nothing more than to unwind with a nice cup of tea and some muffins.

She never would have expected Twilight Sparkle to interrupt her rest, nor did she expect the events to follow when the Princess of Friendship wanted to talk about a deed that had gone unnoticed.

Cover art by FluffyXai and used with permission.

Top featured on 12/8/17

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Prince

Five years have passed since the Equestrian victory against the invading minotaur army, and peace has returned to the land. The first annual memorial celebration has arrived in Canterlot, led by Prince Antares. However, in the midst of the celebration, Equestria is invaded by an army from far away, led by the powerful unicorn Tempest Shadow in the name of The Storm King.

Now on the run, Antares must reclaim his conquered nation, no matter the cost.

Buy a print copy of the original here!
Just as a brief point of interest: I loved the movie. This is not a fix fic any more than the first TD Alicorn story was a fix fic of the Season 3 finale. This is just an interesting idea I had.

Edited by Strike89 and roker12

Chapters (11)