Favorites 335 stories
  • Favorites 335 stories - 12 unread chapters Awesome stories that are completed.
    Created by BrianPony
    - October, 2014
Found 323 stories in 57ms

Total Words: 21,464,776
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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Inspired by a song you might have heard, in this story Applejack finds that not everypony in Ponyville approves of how Applebloom is being raised in the so far unexplained absence of her parents. Fortunately, the notoriously audacious Rarity has been there before, and is there to help Applejack deal with any criticisms...

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie has a tummy ache. Fortunately, there's some pony who will take care of her. Not her mother, but close enough.

(Takes place sometime before Mrs. Cake's pregnancy.)


Just a short story about Pinkie Pie having stomach ache. Don't expect anything great. Special thanks to Inumaniac for being my proofreader for this one.

Audio version here Courtesy of Star Strike.

Read the polish translation here, courtesy of Dolar84.

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, it is better to speak without saying anything at all. But when not saying anything at all is the only option, it can make life much harder.

A man awakes in a new place, alone, yet not. Will he meet someone, or somepony, that will accept him for his differences?

Chapters (25)

Twilight Sparkle's imagination as a child was unbelievable, probably due to all those books. Which also make up the amazing Fort Book, Twilightopia's first stronghold against the country of Armor! With the help of Captain Smartypants and Private Cadence, General Twilight defends her fort against her brother's advancing army of one!
A tale of Twi's childhood told from her point of view.

Inspired by the cover picture.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight Sparkle falls to a mysterious illnesss, it becomes apparent that a certain, yellow pegasus holds the key to saving Twilight's life. Fluttershy however, has no knowledge of how to help her friend, and she is quickly running out of time.

Special thanks to by Ventious for the awsome cover art. You should go check out his other art, over on his deviantART page. My story would not be complete, were it not for him. So go tell him how much you love him, he deserves it. :)


http://ventious.deviantart.com/ <-------- You can find Ventious here.

http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Dreken <------- You may also find Dreken here.

Chapters (8)

When they first moved to Ponyville, Fluttershy moved into an ornate cloud house, and Rainbow Dash moved into an animal infested cottage. As they settle into new lives and meet new ponies, they quickly discover that this isn't going to work at all.

Chapters (1)

When a scheduled snowstorm goes awry, Rarity and Sweetie Belle are left snowed-in at the Carousel Boutique. They try their best to have a fun, worthwhile day nonetheless. A sweet, fluffy, lighthearted oneshot.

Chapters (1)

They say everything comes to an end, but it seems like rainbows never fade. Though they disappear visually, a certain magical element stays in our hearts. The same is to be said for Rainbow Dash. No one ever thought she'd go. Accidents were common for Dash, but... nobody thought it'd end this way.
Like I said, rainbows never fade.
(Note: This is my first fic, so constructive criticism is welcome.)

Chapters (1)

Determined to win Fluttershy's heart, Rainbow Dash takes her out on a nighttime, moonlit flight. To show her a lovely time and hopefully come off to be as romantic as possible. All that's left is to confess her feelings.

Chapters (1)

When Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Spike get together to play a certain property trading board game, they soon find that even friendships as strong as theirs can be put to the test — and that in the dog-eat-dog (or pony-eat-pony) world of board games, there can be only one winner.


This is just a silly little one-shot I came up with one night, while unable to sleep. Comments contain spoilers.

Chapters (1)