Favorites 335 stories
  • Favorites 335 stories - 12 unread chapters Awesome stories that are completed.
    Created by BrianPony
    - October, 2014
Found 323 stories in 53ms

Total Words: 21,464,776
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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It is Hearts Warming Eve and Rarity is full of joy. So she decides a nice stroll is in order, no matter what she may encounter along the way

Chapters (1)

The families of the mane six come together to celebrate a Hearth's Warming Holiday, partying together, giving presents, and blessing each other with a Happy Hearth's Warming.

All except Rainbow Dash...

-Jeez, my grammar was BAD back then! But I'm too lazy to fix it, sorry. But I might resubmit it all polished up...next winter.

Chapters (1)

Hearths Warming has come! The season of mirth, hope, happiness, presents, mistletoe, and above all, family. Yes, it's a time when everypony gets together for a happy evening meal and spend time with their loved ones.

This is precisely why Rainbow Dash is feeling glum this Hearths Warming. Being estranged from one's family does that to you.

Chapters (2)

The Great and now Apologetic Trixie wants to give back to Ponyville for her past actions. The holiday of Hearth's Warming Eve is fast approaching and she figures that the best way to get Ponyville to finally forgive her is to spread the joy that this holiday brings. With a red and white outfit, and a matching hat, Trixie takes up the role of Noel Hooves, the patron of Hearth's Warming folklore. She goes about her mission in a 'creative' way, and on her quest, she learns what the true meaning of Hearth's Warming really is.

Chapters (5)

When her plans for the holiday hit a disappointing bump, Spike invites Rarity to spend Hearth's Warming Eve and Hearth's Warming with him and Twilight. A warm, if somewhat dysfunctional and amusing pair await her. And in the end, maybe she'll get what she needs this year.


Cover by: chelseasnow

Chapters (1)

Every year, on Applejack's birthday, Applejack and Big Macintosh smash a barrel. It's a tradition they've had since Applejack was born. A tradition that started with their pa, and one they're proud to carry on.

Because some barrels need to be smashed, to be the best pony you can be.

Chapters (1)

Alicorn Night is the last day of Hearth’s Warming; a time of friendship, family, and forgiveness. So why wasn’t the whole family invited to share it with the Seeds? Babs loves Hearth’s Warming, and she wants to know why. The answer is a sweet but sad chapter of family history she will never forget—but that perhaps she can re-write.

The cover image is by DaughterofFantasy on DeviantArt.

Chapters (3)

No pony deserves this news, not from a regular check-up. Certainly not Miss Cheerilee. But when she's told she has a week to live... what will she do? How will she tell her family, her students?

Chapters (7)

One of the most time-honored traditions of Hearth's Warming is the giving of gifts--but sometimes the real fun is not actually knowing who gives what to whom. Santa Hooves has decided to let all of Equestria play this game. Ponies (and even some non-ponies) who may have never even heard of their receiver have all been tasked with buying one gift and then delivering it completely anonymously! So, let's spread the season's cheer to any and everypony! Happy Hearth's Warming!

This is a collab where one person chose a single character and then decided whether they were the giver or the receiver. The other half of the pair was chosen at random to increase the chances of really odd or seemingly impossible pairings to increase the challenge.

Cover, used currently without permission (so it may be removed), by: atryl

Chapters (12)

A short story about the blossoming romance between a struggling baker and an enchanting young lass who changes his life forever.

Chapters (10)