Favorites 335 stories
  • Favorites 335 stories - 12 unread chapters Awesome stories that are completed.
    Created by BrianPony
    - October, 2014
Found 323 stories in 57ms

Total Words: 21,464,776
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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When Rainbow Dash finally builds up the courage to ask Fluttershy out; and surprisingly, when Fluttershy says yes; the both of them plan for nothing but a simple, quiet date; no one else...

However, when Pinkie Pie finds out about it, she has other plans...

(WARNING: The usual Pinkie Pie WTF'ness will ensue.)
(Also, fanfiction reading here.)

Chapters (1)

It's bathtime for some of the young characters, and who else but you gets to wash them? Each filly and colt has a different personality, though, and some of them REALLY hate baths!

Cover by ~strabArybrick on deviantart

Because of the CT limit, I used the "other" tag. But keep in mind that there will be many ponies here.

Chapters (23)

The day finally comes when Pinkie Pie has to part with her beloved Gummy. Of course, that's easier said than done.

Inspired by and featuring the song 'Saying Good-Bye' by the Muppets.

A live reading of the story by munngojerrie;

Chapters (1)

For Derpy Hooves, it seems like every day gets worse than before. Her whole life she has been seen as nothing but a rolling disaster. She's seen as a clueless, quirky, messed up pony, simply due to her walleyed disability. How can she possibly hope to erase the stereotypes she was assigned? For Derpy, it's impossible.

Impossible, that is, until she chances into a certain purple unicorn. Will this meeting be yet another failure, or could it be the opportunity she's been looking for, and how could that opportunity affect her life?

I'd like to thank slip_stitch for being both an editor and a proofreader for me. Without her help, this story would literally be one giant punctuation error.
Also, thanks to Ardensfax for giving me the inspiration to try my hand at writing, Tobyc for putting a massive amount of work into a tvtropes page dedicated to the story, and Perilian for the massive amount of encouragement that kept me motivated enough to work my hardest at writing.

With a giant thanks to Kevinltk, Address Unknown is now available in both ePub and mobi formats! If you would like to download them, they are available here:

ePub - Teen (Clop Free)
mobi - Teen (Clop Free)

Cover art designed by Novel Idea

And, for everyone out there that enjoys Address Unknown, I have been honored to have a dramatic reading done by HanaYoriUta!

Here are the links, in 3 separate installments:
Chapters 1-15
Chapters 16-30
Clop Chapters

Chapters (30)

Pinkie Pie is beyond excited to teach Twilight baking, and Twilight couldn't be a more perfect learner, thanks to her book. But as they begin creating their delicate delicacies, Twilight realizes just how wrong she really is.

[Cover art by Conicer]

Chapters (1)

Braeburn's visit to see his relatives in Ponyville doesn't go quite as he expected. After discovering that he doesn't have a Special Somepony, Applejack resolves to fix this problem - by having Braeburn try to date each of her friends, in hopes things will click between one of them and her cousin.

Unfortunately, the road to Tartarus is paved with good intentions, and the poor stallion finds himself being roped into one disaster after another. Bear attacks, wearing a fancy suit, and a near death experience are just a few of the challenges he soon finds himself facing. Will Braeburn succeed in finding a Special Somepony to call his own? Or will Applejack's attempts to help her cousin only make things worse for him? The answer may surprise everypony.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie is alone for Hearts and Hooves day. And thats okay.

Writen for an Author Support writing prompt.

Chapters (1)

On a boiling day, Twilight's friends get her out of the library for some fun. Come along for summer fun, a little world building, and a slice of life.

Chapters (1)

Twilight left Ponyville to become Princess Celestia's head researcher, now, years later she finally returns to Ponyville and meets a few of her friends along the way.

Chapters (1)