Favorites 335 stories
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    Created by BrianPony
    - October, 2014
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Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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Hearth's Warming is approaching,Twilight prepares and celebrates with her best friends, and Celestia has put Luna in charge of decorating the Castle. Things can only go well.
A fuzzy, hopefully heartwarming story where nothing really happens except fun and frivolity, enjoy!

Chapters (1)

You know that feeling? You know, the feeling that you get when you realize you've forgotten something that is very, very important? It is 10:32 p.m. on Hearth's Warming Eve, and Twilight Sparkle has just gotten that feeling...

Chapters (2)

Before you read this story, I ask that you curl up on a couch, wrap yourself in a warm blanket, and get yourself a mug of cocoa. If you can't do that, just make yourself comfortable and give yourself enough time to enjoy a short story.

Twilight and her friends have gathered together on Hearth's Warming day, and spend the evening enjoying each other's presence in front of a warm fire.

Chapters (1)

There's nothing worse than feeling alone during the holidays, something that Scootaloo is all to familiar with. She knows that she has no family to celebrate with, save for a mother so drunk off cider she doesn't realize her daughter's heartbreak.

This is the filly's reality- the harsh card fate has dealt her. But this Hearth's Warming Eve, as she treks home through the brisk air all by herself, a certain rainbow-maned pegasus will show her the true meaning of family.

Cover image by Mickeymonster on DA: Mickeymonster/

Edited by DJ GarV the Expert

Chapters (1)

It’s Hearth’s Warming Eve! The stockings are stuffed, the cookies are out, and the presents are wrapped. Everypony all across Equestria is preparing for a whole day of gifts, giving, and family togetherness. There’s just one slight problem.

Princess Luna hates Hearth’s Warming.

Only adding to her misery is the fact that she, not her sister, will be playing the part of Lunushka, flying around Equestria and delivering gifts to all the good little fillies and colts. With bumbling Shadowbolts, crazed children, and a mysterious scrooge who wishes to put an end to the annual holiday hindering her every move, will she be able to deliver all of her gifts before she brings Hearth’s Warming to a screeching halt?

Her first stop is Ponyville. Let the yuletide shenanigans begin.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to And He Silently Painted A Rainbow

Hearts & Hooves Day is arriving soon, and Rainbow Dash had prepared many plans to spend time with her new and special coltfriend, Taciturn Bleach. However, a small note soon found its way onto her doorstep, and it wasn't long before she had to be whisked away to attend, much to her disbelief, a funeral: the passing of Taciturn's father.

Sure enough, Rainbow soon found herself at the grand estate of Taciturn's family, despite the colt's slight whimpers. However, behind the luxury of such a wondrous home, the mare quickly realized that there was more to his life than just paintings and his carefree attitude, and beneath the solace of his home slept the skeleton in the cupboard that Taciturn had never wanted her to find.

Every pony has its secrets, but sometimes the silent ones keep the darkest secrets...

Cover art made by me. Yay!
Sequel to And He Silently Painted A Rainbow. You might have to read that first, or you probably won't understand anything from this story.

Chapters (9)

Hearth's Warming Eve was one of the many holidays where Rainbow Dash would've appreciated, with sledding alongside the rest of the Mane Six and her usual snowball fights with Scootaloo. Instead she was stuck with nursing a pony who had, much to her dismay, a few problems of his own.

Through the twelve days towards the Winter Wrap Up, however, the pony, inaptly named Taciturn Bleach, began to inspire her, only by his rare and drastic talent; one that she had found out perplexed most, if not, all of the ponies around, including her.

After all, not all rainbows have to be colorful to be perfect.


Author's Note: Each chapter will be released in the twelve days of Christmas, so it's gonna be a quick one!

Chapters (13)

When Spitfire, Soarin' and Misty go to judge the 'Best Young Flier' competition, Spitfire only expected to be bored to tears watching amateur fliers peruse their casual hobby; but things take an unexpected turn when two ponies fly onstage for the last performance. For the Wonderbolts, unexpected is usually a very, very bad thing.

Thanks to crazypsychowoman for the cover art.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is feeling down, the day had not started on a good chord and something she had worked for so many years has bit her on the flank.
So who can help heal the Pegasus's wounds? Who can help make her smile and laugh again?
What a dumb question, who better than our resident dragon?
Hijinks and sweet moments ensue.

Credit to 8-Xenon-8 for drawing. If you dont want it up i shall take it down and replace it.

Chapters (2)

Applejack is an awesome, hard-working and totally cute friend, and that's cool. But she's also totally oblivious to Rainbow Dash's advances. With just one more day before Hearth's Warming, the pegasus is determined to get through to her crush... whatever it takes!

Chapters (2)