• Member Since 10th May, 2015


This is for the ones who dream/ Foolish as they may seem. [No longer active]

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This story is a sequel to Extra Cheesy

Twilight and Lyra met up at the newest eatery in town, Cheesy Changeling Pizza, decided that not only had it been way too long since they had really had some fun together, but invited Bored along too.

Bored is a special kind of changeling. When his Glorious and Masterful Queen, Chrysalis, announced that a pizza shop was going to open in Ponyville, he was too slow to avoid being volunteered to work the counter. He was terrified delighted to find out that the Princess of Friendship wasn't the changeling-destroying monster everyling made her out to be, and was actually pretty sweet—taste wise.

But that was another story, another cheesy story. This one is about what came later. This is, Totally Cheesy.

Contains: Fun, silliness, changelings... again. But this time there is totally a cameo from the rest of the mane6! Rated T this time because mention of alcohol.

EDIT: So, this universe is completely identical to the normal canon universe, except Twilight Sparkle freakin' loves cheese (unlike the first time, I now know what a quesadilla is, but the cheese-puns are just too tasty to leave alone).

See This Blog for licensing.

Chapters (1)

Watch as Donald Trot goes from buisnesscolt to Prince of Equestria, but he will face challenges on his way to being elected.

Story includes a re-imagining of the election and lots of pony puns.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is trying her hardest to be nice to everyone she meets at CHS. When she accidentally upsets a girl (with a strange name), she tries her hardest to correct that.

Chapters (1)

Teleportation - the best way to travel! Not many unicorns master this ancient spell, and even among those who do, the details of how exactly it works remain a mystery. Some even fear what it may or may not do to the caster, but nopony knows for sure.

After much studying, it is time for Twilight Sparkle to perform the spell for the first time. A simple test: Just move from Point A to Point B. But Twilight is about to find out that there is more to teleportation than she thought.

A lot more.

Set prior to the show canon.
Inspired by (but completely unrelated to) Ocalhoun's story Blink.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, in a surprise gesture, goes to visit her Canterlot friends and take them all out to dinner, also having gotten tickets to see a wildly popular stage show. They're all happy to go, but Moondancer's noticing that Twilight seems rather... desperate... in her need to see them happy...

A commission done for Alex Warlorn

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle is getting to be that age. She's thinking thoughts she never thought before. One such thought is about babies; Where exactly do they come from?

And why is it so difficult to find the answer to that question?

Chapters (1)

Authors are a strange kind of beings, that isn't much of a surprise to anypony. They just see the world a little different than most others and find enjoyment in that. Some just fade away when they decide to leave, never to be heard from again. Yet one of them tends to go out on his own terms when the time is there. For one author is the end of a chapter right in front of him, and a new one waits just beyond the horizon.

Coverart created by: avui
Quite possibly my last fanfic ever, wanted to finish it in style.

Chapters (1)

One day Twilight Sparkle wakes up to find she has wings. No big deal. She’s had them for months, maybe even a year now. A pair of wings and the accompanying feathery mishaps had come to be an expected facet of the Princess’ early morning routine.

But that’s the problem. She expected to have a ‘pair’ of wings. Anything but that is just... unnatural.

For searches: Sollace

Chapters (6)

Scootasynopsis: Following a potion mishaps at Zecora's, the Cutie Mark Crusaders accidentally spread a highly-contagious magical curse. It's an incredibly mundane, banal and tame joke-magic curse, but in Ponyville, that's enough to set ponies off in a Scootariot.

Written experimentally, with a premise but no planning, so the plot was written wherever the characters took it.

Day 1 of my Self-Imposed 28 Fics in 28 Days Challenge

Chapters (1)

Twilight has a problem on her hooves. An hour before Celestia was supposed to come to Ponyville for the Summer Sun Celebration, she's accidentally gone and killed everyone dead. As in, "dead as a doornail" dead. Now she's got to fix it before Celestia shows up and finds out.

Or, at the very least, make sure that Celestia doesn't know that they're dead.

Blame Blueshift for this.
Now with a sequel!
Now with a reading, graciously provided by Skijarama!

Chapters (1)