• Member Since 10th May, 2015


This is for the ones who dream/ Foolish as they may seem. [No longer active]

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The Equestrian Unicorn Society is meeting one night, and things appear to be going well. That is, until an old member shows up and things start to go downhill...

Chapters (1)

Just when you thought it was dead it comes shuffling back to life like a zombie ex-cop gunned down and hellbent on revenge. So join me as we take another trip into the world of Your Adolescent Horse: Companionship is Devil Worship.

Once again this what I think fan fiction will be like without copyrighted material.

*Special Note* This was written when another Internet Censorship Bill came back again in August/September.

Fuschia Celebration Pony
Book Enthuisist
Meek Animal Lover
Redneck Fruit Havester
Vanity Obsessed
Technicolor Obnoxious
Short Purple biped
The Exaggerated and Boastful Trisha
and many more of your favorite nondescript characters

This time the parody it's Equestrian Gurls

Chapters (1)

If we couldn't use copyrighted material we couldn't write fan fiction, right?
Answer: Of course we could, We just have to tip toe around certain words and phrases. This is an example of such a fic. This is loosely based off of "Party of One."

Everyone is out of character or extremely warped.

This was written based on very ignorant understandings of how the SOPA/PIPA thing works.

I shouldn't have to explain who is who in this story.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight pays her CHS friends a visit on Hearts and Hooves Day, she expects to learn a bit more about their strange world and it's rituals. She did not expect to find out just how much her friends actually think about her. Sex tag is for raunchy language and mild suggestiveness.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Everyone Wants to Have Sex With Twilight Sparkle

Twilight had been thinking about this for about a month; How best to exact her revenge against her disgustingly shameless best friends. The Valentine's Day discussion has been mostly forgotten, but Twilight Sparkle never forgets.

Dark tag for apparently inappropriate and disturbing mind-altering magic.

Chapters (1)

She swore she'd left the life. She'd hung up her sunglasses and her rapier wit, trading it for a modest life of attempted world domination followed by a little redemptive pennance. But it was not to be.

With Equestria fallen to a second changeling invasion, and every one of their greatest heroes felled and imprisoned, it will fall to her to raise the mic and attitude once more.

The burn-meista is back.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle unwittingly makes her first prank phone call. It's... an experience.

I don't know where this came from. It was a stupid random idea, but one that just begged to be written, so I did, and it turned out pretty alright for my first comedy. :pinkiehappy:

Now with a reading on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LK_V6pjzcUA
Thanks, Agent Fluffy! :raritystarry:

Chapters (1)

When Luna became Nightmare Moon, she was turned into an observer. She was forced to watch as her desires were corrupted and she was banished by her own sister. She stayed a 1000 years on the moon... and she counted every single day.

With each passing minute, there was only one thing she could do. With every second, there was only herself and the Nightmare entity on the moon. With every thought, she was alone to ask herself one question...

How many seconds... are in eternity?

Cover art by me, Cover art Luna belongs to and is used with care from: TheDracoJayProduct

Chapters (3)

But she doesn't care.

A short tale about Big Mac and Applebloom. Nothing too spectacular, but I hope you like it. Takes place a couple of years before the start of Season 1.

Special thanks to Inumaniac for being my proofreader once more. The amazing cover has been done by PapaSam. Used with permission.

Read the polish translation here, courtesy of Dolar84

Reading here, done by HeySagey; and here done by TheArchitect

Chapters (1)

Big McIntosh: Farmer. Brother. Doer of many things. Apple Bloom has a favor to ask him, and he's not gonna like it...

The third SYNCHRONY oneshot in the same continuity as Synchrony and Oathmaker.

Chapters (1)