• Member Since 10th May, 2015


This is for the ones who dream/ Foolish as they may seem. [No longer active]

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Applejack was only gone for a minute, but now there seems to be a sea of blankets covering Rarity's living room. And unfortunately for Applejack, this ocean of blankets is home to a deadly and vicious snuggleshark.

Just a cute, fluffy story based on a rather silly idea I had the other day.
Header art is by me: http://kaminakat.deviantart.com/art/Rarity-the-Great-White-667397997

Chapters (1)

Twilight attempts to lose her virginity at a party during her college years.

The keyword being 'attempts'.

An entry into FanOfMostEverything's Imposing Sovereigns contest.

Chapters (1)

Remember that time Lemon Hearts got her head stuck in a beaker?

Except... it wasn't a beaker, was it?

Time for Twilight to set the record straight.

Reading by Short Stories! (no longer available :C)
Reading by Illya Leonov and Scribbler!

Chapters (1)

Trigger warnings: no sex, brief raunchiness, consent is not one of the reasons
(One of these days I'll figure out how to write consent.)

Everyone dreaded when Pinkie Pie was "it" in Truth or Dare. Already much clothing had been lost. And there were few secrets Pinkie Pie didn't know about the girls now.

Only one had yet to be broken.

"Truth… or dare?" Pinkie Pie said, menacingly.

"Truth," Sunset Shimmer replied.

Pinkie Pie took a breath, and then said the most embarrassing and raunchy question she could think of.

"Do you wanna screw a horse?"

What happened next would change all of their lives forever.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie has mystified Discord for a long time. How is it that she can regularly break the laws of physics, be everywhere at once, and never run out of energy? In many ways, she reminds him of his own abilities. That gets him thinking about things, and a lightbulb goes off in his head.

This brainstorming gives Discord a rather interesting theory, one he's eager to find out if it's correct. If so, it would delight him to no end. Of course, he has to put his theory to the test, in the way only a draconequus can.

It might be a good idea to pray for Pinkie's safety right about now.

Edited with the help of Salnalus.

Chapters (1)

Twilight, after making her friends do her Twilightlicious videos, decides to make Sombra do it. Despite his many protests, he agrees. Also, Pinkie decides to help.

Hilarity ensues.

Chapters (1)

Name's Gilda. Ya know, me n Dash did some crazy stuff together at flight camp. But this one time, I wasn't so hot on Dash's little craving at lunch. Hey! Don't gimme that look! I didn't MAKE her do it!

Short one-shot. Another something I had stuck in my head.

YouTube Reading by AShadowOfCygnus

Chapters (2)

Sunset Shimmer wears a leather jacket, walks with confidence, and used to be the school bully. So it's only obvious that she could probably kick anybody's ass.

Tonight, she's having her friends over and they're going to find out just how true that statement really is.

Edited by: Autumn Bramble

Apparently someone made a Spanish translation of this fic, so that's pretty rad.

Chapters (1)

Welcome to the Equines. It's a very special night in Equestria, where all the prizes for best ponies are hoofed out in various categories. The main one is about to be awarded... but hold on, who's this running onto the stage? Could there be.... a mistake?

I wonder what inspired this fic...

Chapters (1)

After the changeling invasion, Starlight becomes very possessive protective over Twilight.

Edited by Violet Rose in the Rain

Chapters (1)