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Ever noticed how almost nopony knows how to properly discern between tracks and favorites?

Critical acclaims:


Holy shit this is meta.....so very meta....


Chapters (1)

Applejack takes it upon herself to get Big Macintosh a date with one of her friends.

Chapters (7)

The earth spun through space. Basking in the light of the sun on one side, and of the moon on the other. The eternal dance playing out as it had for untold years. The sun roaring and bright, the moon cold and aloof, while the earth sat in between, bustling with life and growth. Below on the expansive surface of the world, in a country, in a village, in a house by the forest a yellow pegasus walked out the door to check on her animals. She was not particularly brash, nor brave, or all that strong of will. And the day was not of particular importance. Still, on that unimportant day, the unassuming pony would uncover a long held secret.

Comments and stars appreciated.

Chapters (6)

Celestia, Nightmare Moon, Discord, the Elements of Harmony. All things that once clashed 1000 years ago. What happened in that ancient time, whose echoes can still be felt millennium later? Was it truly just jealousy that changed Luna into the cruel Nightmare Moon? How did a mad being like Discord become the ruler Equestria? Just what exactly are alicorns, and how did Celestia and Luna come to be? There are many answers the history books and the princesses have not mentioned, or have choose to keep secret...

Chapters (14)

Fluttershy finds an interesting item in the woods: a mask. Such a simple thing. And yet, it causes quite a bit of a stir in Ponyville.

Chapters (2)

When the call to go to war in foreign lands has finally arisen, Shining Armor takes one last look at the pictures that adorn the hallway and staircase. Doing so reminds the unicorn of times of innocence, peace, and devotion to the greater good.

Chapters (1)

Can you ever truly know somepony, no matter how close they are to you? When a neighboring monarch and friend of Celestia's nears the end, she and her faithful student embark on a journey to seek the aid of those who reside in the lands far beyond Equestrian borders.

Twilight and Celestia only ever wanted to understand what's going on, and to return to their normal lives. But, when they look to solve the greatest riddle ever told, the answers they find... Might not be the ones they seek.

Chapters (3)

Caught in the middle of a struggle between Equestria and a neighboring country, Blueblood finds himself alone in unfriendly territory. Through trials and hardships he finds himself under the wing of a veteran soldier, and the arrogant, spoiled stallion begins a slow metamorphosis into the prince his country needs.

Chapters (16)

Blueblood needs to learn some humility. With the help of Celestia and a few "friends" he will learn his lesson, whether he wants to or not.

Chapters (5)

If we couldn't use copyrighted material we couldn't write fan fiction, right?
Answer: Of course we could, We just have to tip toe around certain words and phrases. This is an example of such a fic. This is loosely based off of "Party of One."

Everyone is out of character or extremely warped.

This was written based on very ignorant understandings of how the SOPA/PIPA thing works.

I shouldn't have to explain who is who in this story.

Chapters (1)