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With Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gone over the Summer with their sisters, how will Scootaloo cope? As Scootaloo finishes the latest meeting of the official Rainbow Dash Fan Club, she gets a visit from Rainbow Dash, who is unfortunately late to the party. After a short talk, and a confession from Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash decides to train Scootaloo herself. Scootaloo's adventures over the Summer are filled with surprise, disappointment, entertainment, and more!

***Author's Notes:

Holy jeeze... I made the first chapter a /bit/ more depressing than I wanted it to be.

Oh well. :scootangel:

Also, taking critiques. That is, if ya'll wanna critique it.

...AND BLARGHLESHNARGLE. Forgot to put in Apple Bloom's accent. :U
..oh well. Slightly un-canon dialogue is fine... right?


BLEARGH. Didn't mean for the third chapter to be so short... Oh well. All's good for now. The rest of the chapters will make up for it, when I finish/publish them.


And w00t. Chapter four! :D
I feel like I did horribru with this one!

Me: I'm sorry, Asian father, I get right next time! D:
Asian Dad: No, son, you bring dishonor to your famiry! Now you go back to piano before attempting writing again! Fright of the bumbre bee, backwards, now! D:<
Me: Yes, Asian father. Dx


Chapter five. Short.
Gonna edit it and make it longer; Wanted to give you all content though.
Still alive. Just... problems here at home. Nothin' to worry about; I'm strong. I can handle it. :D


Chapter six is up, and sorry it took a bit. I made it a bit longer to make up for it, though. owo''

Chapters (6)

Octavia and her childhood friend Allegro con Brio have grown distant ever since he moved away when they were thirteen. Now, caught in a dream, she must relive a series of scattered memories of him through the helpless eyes of an observer cursed with the gift of hindsight.

Tagging it as a "romance" fic seems a little inaccurate, but fairly close

Chapters (1)

When Applejack unwittingly gets caught up in Twilight's perfectionism, she quickly learns far more about the unicorn than she ever expected...

Chapters (1)

After Hearts and Hooves Day, Twilight goes to Canterlot to make a confession to her one special pony. However, when she does, Twilight discovers that Princess Celestia has long been under the effects of a love curse.

Can Twilight Sparkle break the curse and save Princess Celestia's heart, or will she accidentally burn down Canterlot in the process?

A Twilestia story.

On hold until further notice.

Chapters (2)

Luna knows everything about Twilight Sparkle, From her childhood up to everything she has done in the year since Twilight freed Luna, but why does she know these things?

On the other hand Twilight is going crazy turning against her friends as though something is eating at her and shes powerless to stop it.

Chapters (6)

After a mishap at a local cafe leaves Twilight and Fluttershy heavily in debt, the two decide to enter a tournament in order to pay it off. However, they aren't the only grandmistresses planning on winning it big—do they stand a chance against The Black Queen?

Chapters (1)

When Ditzy Doo loses her job at Cloudsdale Mail and Freight, she gets a job at another shipping company... only to find out their definition of shipping has nothing to do with delivering packages! Desperate for income to support herself and Dinky, will Ditzy be able to make it as a pony matchmaker?

(Occurs between Seasons 2 and 3 of the show.)

Chapters (19)

February Write-Off Third Place Winner! It's just a normal day in Ponyville when Pinkie's Pinkie sense alerts her to an impending Mary Sue fanfiction. Things take a horrifying turn for the worst when Ponyville is invaded by not only not only one of the obnoxious characters but two! Now the very fabric of reality is in danger as the two OC ponies fight for dominance and only Pinkie can save the integrity of the fourth wall. We're doomed.

(Had to be shortened to from 10.3k to fit the contest parameters. If this becomes popular enough I might post the full version after the contest. Is actually only about 9.6k words on my computer so I'm not sure why it's so much higher here.)

Chapters (1)

***Newly edited and with a new ending***

In the northern city of Snowhoof, Ice Crystal was born blind. After living the first years of her life without one of the senses most take for granted, she was blessed with that sense at age 5.
But while it seemed a pure blessing, the curse of loss and misery soon came to consume her life, and now threatens to pull her into a plot that would bring her very unique talent down onto all of Equestria.

***Thank you to Ormag_Necros for the cover art!***

Chapters (16)