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Twilight Sparkle is concerned for her friend and assistant Sweetie Belle. After all it must be hard, being the only AI in all of Equestria.

Warning: contains Sweetie Bot!

Cover art by 1APEEPA.

Edited and added a new chapter.

Chapters (2)

She is as beautiful and graceful as the moon, and just as hard to reach. He is a young artist with much to learn about the world. When he accepts her challenge to create an artistic masterpiece, will he win her heart, or learn a terrible lesson in the nature of beauty and love?

Chapters (2)

After a mishap at a local cafe leaves Twilight and Fluttershy heavily in debt, the two decide to enter a tournament in order to pay it off. However, they aren't the only grandmistresses planning on winning it big—do they stand a chance against The Black Queen?

Chapters (1)

As the Cakes make a very special gingerbread house the act reminds them of their lives together; hinting at those they loved, challenges they faced, and the struggles that continue even after lovers say "I do"...

Inspired by the image "Artist Training Ground Day 22" by Egophiliac. Used with permission.

Chapters (17)

A single changeling is blamed for making Chrysalis' plan to take over Equestria fail. He's banished and thrown out of the hive, ending up somewhere far away.

Luckily, he ends up not too far from a certain well-known village, where he can feed to his heart's content.

Needless to say, not everything goes according to plan.


Now with a French version, courtesy of Wansdich, here.
Fanart! Check it out here. And even more here!
Now in ereader-friendly PDF version, by Starflower Hooves! You can view and download it here.
Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (10)

On the Pie family farm, there are only rocks. It's a life Pinkie moved away from. Back home, after a tragic event, her sister Inkie wonders if she should do the same. After all: it's hard to have a life worth living, with only rocks.

Written for the EQD Prereader Battle of June 2013

Edited by Vimbert.

Cover image edited by knighty.

Chapters (1)

Derpy loves her daughter more than life itself. She always looks forward to when her little filly will come home with a wide smile across her face, but what can she do when there is no smile? What can she say when the young pony's bright eyes are blackened and bruised? Sometimes, a mother's wings are all she can offer; sometimes, that's not enough.

Now with a reading by the amazing obabscribbler that can be found here!

Chapters (1)

A loving mother, a dress, and a filly who spends her days dreaming in front of a shop window. Dinky wants to fulfill her dream of being a princess, the only obstacle? A gem covered dress hanging in the window of the Carousel Boutique. Our dreams are what we hold most dear for they give us hope and provide us with opportunities we have yet to achieve.

Chapters (2)

What happens when you see only what you want to see, hear only what you want to hear, and project those views onto somepony against their will? What happens when that fiction becomes reality, and their reality becomes everypony else's fiction?

Ditzy Doo has to deal with it on a daily basis. Try as she might, ponies still see her as the klutzy, muffin obsessed mailmare that she's always been, or at least, that they think she's always been.

Chapters (1)

Every couple of months, Derpy visits the hospital for an appointment that only she and her roommate know about. Since the start, she's convinced Dinky that she's simply had some errands to run.

However, one day she believed that her daughter should learn the truth about where she goes and why. What has Derpy been hiding from her, and what could it mean for Dinky?

(Equestria Daily 05/05/12)

Chapters (1)