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At her coronation after-party, Twilight gets a little freaked out at the prospect of growing into her new life, especially one specific aspect of it. She knows better than anyone that talking her problems over with a friend can help tremendously, but she doesn't have many friends with whom she'd be comfortable talking about this particular problem, let alone ones who would really understand what she's going through.

...unless she broadens her definition of "friend."

Now with a reading, courtesy of PresentPerfect! Go check it out, if you're so inclined.
Ahora en español gracias al maravilloso trabajo de SPANIARD KIWI!
(Now in Spanish thanks to the brilliant work of SPANIARD KIWI!)

Chapters (1)

You'd think that being trapped in stone would mean that, if nothing else, I could get some peace and quiet. Unfortunately, it seems that Celestia has other ideas.

She has appointed these ponies... these 'Keepers', as she calls them, to keep me entertained during my incarceration.

Honestly? I'd prefer the boredom.

Cover art by matrosha123
Spanish Translation by SPANIARD KIWI found here

Chapters (3)

For as long as any of the Cutie Mark Crusaders can remember, Diamond Tiara had always been the biggest bully they knew. But when that said bully dies in an accident, each of them starts to go through their own emotional experience from this sudden change in their lives. Each will learn more about themselves and about the pony who they all thought they knew before she is laid to rest.

***Takes place just after season 3 but before season 4. This story is completed.***

Now with TV Tropes page

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Ascend

Congratulations, Twilight. With Celestia and Luna on their constitutionally mandated vacation, you're in charge of Equestria. The position of Regent is an honored and hallowed one. But maybe it's a bit early to congratulate you. After all, whether it's a nobility jealous of your ascension, or a military unhappy with Celestia's decisions; one thing's certain: your reign will be anything but peaceful.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Bringing Up Blueblood

Sequel to My Little Alicorn and Bringing Up Blueblood.

It has been almost a year since Luna first uncovered the Arcanus E Draconus and used its dark powers to turn her sister into a filly. Since then, she has become more popular than ever, to the point where the Filly Scouts have invited her to officiate their Jamboree, which is being held in Ponyville this year. At the same time, Celestia wishes to reach closure with the infernal tome, as well as escape from her own growing concerns over her future in Equestria.

Little does Luna know that another force is in Ponyville, looking for revenge. And it might just settle for vengeance by proximity...

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to My Little Alicorn

After the events of "My Little Alicorn," everything seemed to be back to normal...except for one pony. Prince Blueblood is now trapped as a colt, his title, possessions and birthright stripped for his crimes. Before Princess Celestia will return him to normal, however, he must prove himself by attending Magic Kindergarten. Even worse, his current situation has attracted the vengeful gaze of two ponies he has offended in the past: the Captain of the Royal Guard and the Moon Princess.

Will Blueblood rise above his past self and emerge a better pony? Or will he sink back into his old depravity, and be stuck a colt for the long term?

Note: This is a sequel to "My Little Alicorn," so you might want to check that out first.

Chapters (14)

There is a world where Life and Death govern all imaginable realms. A world where Watchers guard over their planets and the creatures that roam them. In this world, a young soul goes on a journey to a place he never thought existed, after cutting an untold deal with Death.

Equestria, a place of magical creatures and mysteries, offers him a new chance at life. A chance he will have to pay dearly for. This is the written story of his adventures, some of the sorrows and victories of his life as he goes through great challenges and fights his inner darkness.

At the end of this journey, one begs the question: What is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil side through great effort and sacrifice?

Tagged with Human for the prologue.

Follows show's cannon up until end of Season 2.

Now a published book!
And it's own TvTopes page!

Spanish translation: Here

First chapter published January 2012
Marked as Complete on 31st August 2014
Published (printed) on 25th November 2014

PM me for the full digital version of the now-printed book! (includes text PDF, full cover and fan art)

Chapters (37)

This story is a sequel to Days of Wasp and Spider

Believed dead by their creators, the ponies that will become Celestia and Luna have broken their mental conditioning and escaped into the wilderness. Here they plan the revolution that will free all ponykind, knowing that it is only a matter of time before their ruse is discovered.

Back in their underground arcologies, the ponies' erstwhile masters deal with the consequences of the escape, all the while unaware that something lurking at the bottom of space-time wants them all dead.

A Soot-Covered World, book 2.
Canon species only/no humans.
This story has nothing to do with the Holocaust.
Art by InLucidReverie, used with permission.

Chapters (46)

If you think that your day is a little too short,
With too much to do for twenty-four hours,
Then you fall back on the final resort,
And go back in time with your magical powers.

Princess Celestia, in her infinite wisdom, comes to the conclusion that she doesn't have anywhere near enough time to do everything on her busy schedule. Not a problem for her, though. The solution to having no time is obvious: just make some more.

Chapters (4)

Applejack discovers a dark secret about Rainbow Dash.

She can't cook.

Out of the kindness of her heart, Applejack tries to teach Rainbow Dash a few basic recipes. But what starts as a cooking lesson soon turns into a bit more than that, especially when sparks start to fly - both figuratively and literally. Through this culinary misadventure, Applejack and Dash quickly discover that the potential exists for them to become more than just friends.

But will this relationship prove successful, should they choose to pursue it? What will their friends and Applejack's family think? Will Dash to actually learn how to cook? Only time will tell...

(An AppleDash shipfic, just to clarify. Originally a one-shot, now expanding to a full story.)

Chapters (10)