• Member Since 7th Feb, 2013


A mechanical dog built to fuck small horses

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Bon-Bon and Lyra are both students at Canterlot University.
They started dating and really enjoy one another's company.
Lyra wants Bon-Bon to meet her parents.
What could go wrong?

Chapters (6)

At first, you thought this whole idea would be absolutely ridiculous. Why should you, one of the most popular DJs this side of Equestria, go to a classical music concert? It would totally be a waste of your time, because it's just not your speed! You're used to dropping the heaviest beats, not watching somepony drag strings across strings.

Until you listen to her play for the first time.

(Comments are always appreciated! I like reading feedback from you guys.)
UPDATE 4/22 - Thank you guys so much for all the favorites on this! This story is already way more popular than my first, and I'm glad most everyone who read it liked it!
UPDATE 5/5 - WOW, I'm surprised this story got excepted into Twilight's Library, but it did! I'll get to updating this thing once I figure out some more plot stuff for it.

Chapters (6)

Bon-Bon has the biggest crush on Lyra, her roommate and best friend. However, Bon-Bon has been too afraid to tell Lyra the truth for fear of destroying the strong bond they already hold.

It is the day before Hearts and Hooves day and Bon-Bon has decided that she will ask Lyra out on a date. Bon-Bon decides that she can't take it anymore and must let her feelings for Lyra out in the open.

Bon-Bon decides to follow Lyra around to get ideas on what they could do for their date, if Lyra says yes that is.

Idea by linkman443.
Story by Duke of Canterlot

Chapters (6)

A young filly writes to the newly-crowned Princess Twilight, asking for advice.

She's made one small mistake, though, in assuming Twilight feels qualified to give it...

Chapters (2)

Prism Bolt, the son of Rainbow Dash and Soarin, is destined for greatness. Everypony knows he will be an expert flier, just like his parents. This is not speculation, this is fact. There is just one tiny little problem.

He's afraid of heights.

When Rainbow Dash attempts to encourage her son, she will find that not everything in the world comes as easily to her as flying did.

Once again, original characters and cover art are the creations of the incredibly talented Kilala97. Check out her works and give her some love!

Thanks to Flint Sparks for pre reading!

Chapters (1)

A Cutie Mark is meant to represent the personality and special talent of each pony that has one. Cheerilee's flowers symbolize her desire to help her students bloom, and the smiles represent the cheer that she hopes to bring to their lives.

At least...that's what she tells everypony who asks.


Chapters (4)

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are loved by all citizens across Equestria. It is common knowledge that they are both over one thousand years old. However, no one really knows where they came from, or how they came to be. When the princess of the night notices a strange star in the night sky, all that starts to change.

With Equestria under threat from a powerful new enemy, Princess Celestia calls upon four warriors from an alternate universe; four warriors with a special talent. They are descendants of our world's First Civilization. When they arrive in Equestria, Twilight Sparkle soon finds out that they are not so different from the princesses after all.

Rated T for language and violence.

NOTE: This story will contain spoilers for the games: Assassin's Creed II, Uncharted 2 and 3, Red Dead Redemption, and inFAMOUS 2, as well as the short film Assassin's Creed Embers. Read at your own discretion.

MLP © Hasbro
Assassin's Creed © Ubisoft Entertainment
Red Dead Redemption © Rockstar Games
inFAMOUS © Sucker Punch Productions
Uncharted © Naughty Dog, Inc

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to For Queen and Country

Twilight Sparkle always had a feeling that ponies were not alone in the universe. When he arrived in Equestria, she was proven right.

After he uncovered and subsequently overthrew a plot to kill the two princesses, they sent him back to his world. However, the curiosity of Princess Celestia was still unsatisfied. She had a glimpse of this other world through the mind of this one man, this agent of a service known as 'MI6', but wanted to know more. To this end, she resolved to send her former student there, in an effort to understand more of the human race and, perhaps, meet their mutual friend once again.

Who was this friend, you ask?

Bond. James Bond.

Chapters (6)

Winner of Tchernobog's AppleDashLight Contest.

Applejack, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash could never have been said to be ordinary ponies. So it really shouldn't be all too surprising that they've managed to lead unconventional love lives as well. Love lives that they might have neglected to tell their friends about.

But they’re not worried; the magic of friendship has taught them well, and they are confident the bonds they've formed with their fellow ponies will result in nothing but heartfelt congratulations and acceptance when they make their relationship official.

They are stupidly, stupidly mistaken.

Cover art by the magnificent Conicer.

Edit: Was featured from 4/6/2014 to 4/9/2014. Thank you to everyone who read, commented, or supplied feedback.

Chapters (1)