• Member Since 7th Feb, 2013


A mechanical dog built to fuck small horses

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Fluttershy finds a foal outside her cottage and decides to adopt her. She names the filly Loving Miracle and raises her to be a kind and caring child. But after an accident at home, will Miracle still be able to live her life as normal? And will her mother still love her?


Omg! My first story to hit the featured box! Yay! :D

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Honey Pie

Pinkie Pie and Sweetcake ought to be able to live happily ever after. After all, he helped save Ponyville, and Celestia herself publicly acknowledged him as her subject, despite the fact that he's a changeling. The ponies of Ponyville should welcome him with open arms. It turns out, however, that the fact that some of them don't is going to be the least of his problems.

Cover art by dreamingnoctis.

Chapters (5)

Necromancy gets a bad rep.

Oh, sure, some ponies like the whole cliche of the evil zombie master, pulling his puppet strings to make corpses dance and kill for their amusement. And yeah, you kinda do have to work with dead bodies a lot, and most ponies find that a bit creepy. Oh, and you learn a lot of spells to kill things and gain power from it.

But, come on, that doesn't mean all necromancers are bad... right?

Feature on Equestria Daily

Chapters (10)

Commander James Bond was one of MI6's top operatives. Having succeeded in countless missions and bringing down international terrorists such as Le Chiffre and Dominic Greene, Bond is sent to Istanbul to retrieve a hard drive containing the names of every agent involved in undercover affairs. The hard drive in question has fallen into enemy hands, and it's his job to get it back.

After disastrous events in Istanbul during the mission, James finds himself in an unfamiliar land, and soon becomes entangled in a tale of international espionage.

Only one man can protect Equestria and its princesses in this new time of crisis, and his name's Bond.

James Bond.

A sequel has been published: An Equestrian Princess in London.

Chapters (13)

Celestia has always watched over her little sister. When she has to banish her sister to the moon, she works to right some wrongs in Equestria so that her sister will be happier upon return.

However, the biggest change Celestia made has gone completely unnoticed by Luna since her return. Celestia calls Luna into her study to bring Luna's attention to one of the biggest changes of Luna's life.

(Note: romance tag NOT for princest.)

EDIT 3/26/14: In the popular stories box! Thank you all very much! This is my first really popular story, and I couldn't be more grateful for all the positive feedback!
EDIT 3/26/14 (again): Featured! Oh my GOD. This is just too awesome. I'm going to have a celebratory bowl of Lucky Charms and wonder how I came to earn the support of you lovely people.

Chapters (1)

No marriage is without its challenges, especially not that of Spike and Rarity. Despite the fairy tale-like circumstances surrounding their courtship (Beauty and the Beast is a popular reference made at dinner parties), their relationship is far from perfect: indeed, the combination of her overwhelmingly large dress orders and his frequent extended trips across Equestria as Celestia's personal envoy makes it seem as though neither one of them has any time for their significant other. Yet there is one key factor, one constant variable in their lives that will always be there to remind them of how much they love and care for one another, no matter what issues they face.

Thank Celestia they have Claire.

Featured 3-27-14!
My third foray into the Kilalaverse. Don't know what I'm talking about? Click here to find out!
Pre-read by the Lady herself, Ms. Kilala.
Spike, Rarity, and MLP: FiM in general © Hasbro/Lauren Faust
Crystal Clarity © kilala97 of DA

Chapters (1)

On a normal weekend, Cheerilee assigns everypony an assignment from a unit she has been using for years. She considers it to be the most important one of the year; to teach the fillies and colts about the differences between ponies, and how they can all work together to do more than they could on their own. Unfortunately, a confused trip to the library by three fillies raises questions the teacher can't answer.

In an effort to make sure she teaches everything she can to the best of her ability, Cheerilee enlists the aid of Twilight Sparkle to help rewrite the textbook she has been using for years. As the days tick by, however, she is forced to deal with something she thought she had a handle on a long time ago.

Chapters (16)

For as long as Rainbow Dash could remember, her life was simple, straightforward, and planned out with one goal in mind: become the best flyer in all of Equestria. Simple. But when she unwittingly comes across a tool that allows her to relive the memories of her ancestors, that simplicity is challenged when she discovers dark secrets hidden in her family's past as well as Equestria's history that not only challenge her perceptions of reality, but threatens to alter her very psyche.

As she's thrust into the remnants of a centuries-long war, as she questions the morals of those around her, as she battles to separate reality from fantasy, will Rainbow be able to hold on to her own beliefs or will she embrace her family's blood-stained traditions and finish what they started?

Chapters (22)

Lark Wolfe is 25 years old and he has a terrible fate. Bitten by a werewolf, he now spends his life traveling from town to town as a bard, trying to find a way to cure himself. Something happens, he finds himself in Equestria, and then more things happen. There is going be to a lot of music in this, as he IS a traveling violinist. I'll put hotlinks in the story to whatever he's playing. Also, Lark speaks with a very slight British accent. it's most entertaining to read if you think that way.

Chapters (32)

Vinyl Scratch's Hearth's Warming wishes come true.

If you have any objections with the story, just share them with me and I'll do my best to resolve your issue!

Chapters (1)