• Member Since 7th Feb, 2013


A mechanical dog built to fuck small horses

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Sometimes I just hated going to school with all of those stupid foals. None of them were as pretty or awesome as I was back then. They all thought that I was really mean to them, but what did they know?

At least, that's what I thought at the time. One day I had to have a talk with Ms. Cheerilee about it, and I didn't like what she had to say...

Find this story and more in a print copy! Just click these words here!

Now with a dramatic reading!

Chapters (1)

The changelings are banished, the day is saved! Yet a victory for one must be a defeat for another, and this particular victory has left one changeling stranded in Canterlot, alone and broken. A certain pink party pony is also alone in the Canterlot night, hiding her depression from her friends. She cannot, however, hide her feelings from a changeling. What will become of this unlikely pair?

As featured in Twilight's Library.

Cover picture by Ruirik

Chapters (5)

There's only so much failure a changeling can tolerate. For Shade, once was enough. Years of training and preparation in the hopes of achieving a new life for himself and his colony wasted because of the negligence of their leader. It's time to try a different approach; if force won't work, then maybe peace and diplomacy will. What could go wrong?

A chance encounter in a creepy forest; A tree filled to the brim with books; A brief and sudden rain shower. These are all things that will change Shade's life forever.

Chapters (22)

Rainbow Dash has never been to the eye-doctor. One afternoon Twilight takes her to the clinic to check her eyes after a minor flight accident. They end up finding out something that makes no sense whatsoever to any pony in Ponyville.

Woke up this morning to see that my random story that was published for no reason got featured 2/28/14. I'm not complaining, but it isn't a work of art :P. I guess anything a teenager writes about multicolored ponies amuses you.

Chapters (3)

A continuation of a very short science-fiction story called "Knock" Which consists of these two sentences:

"The last man on Earth sat alone in his room. There was a knock on the door."

Recommended to read this short
Wikipedia page of the story.

Character and story tags are subject to change.

Chapters (1)

Claire, the dracony daughter of Rarity and Spike has always been known as a strong fearless female. But it wasn't always like that, there was once a time where she did indeed have fears, and they almost consumed her. But one night, while she was cowering in fear from the monsters that were born from her own imagination. Her mother entered her room and taught her the most important lesson of her life.

Another one-shot inspired by the artwork of Kilala97.
Pre-read and edited by Brownie A La Carte
Spike is of legal age in this story.

Chapters (1)

When one life was ended
Another will begin
With a body now mended
The shadows dwell within

Before he was weak and unable to act
In this new world he can change that fact
But these dark powers are not easy to control
In order to do so he needs a pure heart and soul

They see kindness as tricks
And his honesty as lies
A hatred they affix
His form they despise

Only one can understand
And assist with his plight
With experience firsthand
She will aid this creature of the night

I own nothing but my computer
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro
Cover art by Pridark

post Twilicorn, pre Tree of Harmony and will not be using season 4 events
Will be adding category and character tags as the story progresses
Thank you to MP3Jack for editing and thank you to Zamairiac for providing feedback on the first 2 chapters. Check out their stuff, its good

Featured 10 Feb 14 - 13 Feb 14

Chapters (3)

Nearly 3 years after being married, Sweetie Belle is almost ready to give birth to her and Button Mash's first child. Just how will the new-born parents handle their new challenge of life, being parents.

Chapters (4)

An Earth Pony Filly loves to go around and help others with her inventions. One day one of the Elements of Harmony discovers her talent and decides to get a bit too nosy. But the little filly Saving Grace has nothing to hide, right?

This is a story of self discovery, but it is also something a tad different.

Editor: skultech
Credit for Story Art Goes To: Playful Foxe (Previously known as Kyro King)

Note: This has nothing to do with religion, it is just a name.

Chapters (11)

Zecora had travelled far from her homeland, a place full of bliss and joy, in search for a new life with many joyful companions and trustworthy friends. But when ostracized from everypony nearby, isolation clung to her and drilled loneliness into her heart, leaving her in despair, with only her regretful memories and broken hopes as company.

Set before the episode 'Bridle Gossip'.

"The flow was top-notch (story-wise), the characterization unbelievably well-done, the quality of the written words surprisingly deep and of a higher quality." -Abramus5250
"Can somepony give Zecora a hug? She needs it right now." -Tidal

Chapters (1)