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Twilight Sparkle and Spike have a fight, and Spike says something he doesn't really mean. Angry, Spike leaves for the night to calm down and comes back the next day-only to find his wish came true.

Contains future Spilight.

Chapters (1)

Caged within this shed are the most perilous creatures known to writer-kind...

Plot Bunnies

These are random ideas, of random lengths, in no particular order other than how they pop into my mind and each one will probably have nothing to do with any of the others.

Many feature Spike, as he is my favorite character, some will be complete and utter crack, some I may use at a later date, some I may not, but if anyone feels like adopting of of these cute little critters, just apply to the story owner (I.E. Me, Blood Brandy), and remember the rules, no water and no feeding after midnight.

Chapters (11)

Spike is just your average dragon going about his day, but it takes a mysterious course. Today, Spike will discover the most powerful artifact ever to grace Equestrian soil. An item so powerful, that even Celestia fears it, and Nightmare Moon quivers in her hooves at the mere mention. Something so powerful, that Equestria wouldn't stand a chance if it fell into the wrong hooves...

Peanut butter.

A collaboration with the amazing electreXcessive

Chapters (1)

The flu; all ponies have had it at some point in their lives. It's a simple yearly ordeal that leaves you feeling crummy for a week or two, then you're fine again, right? Oh how wrong of a misconception that is. This is not the story of the feather flu, this is the story of the black flu; the worst flu pandemic in Equestrian history.
(There is adult SpikeBelle shipping [as in age, not content] and no, there aren't any zombies.)

Though this story is fictional, I'd like to point out that this will be an accurate representation of a worst case scenario pandemic in our world. And after the recent outbreak of H7N9 in China and NCoV in Saudi Arabia, I felt as though I needed to write this story. So I hope this story will both entertain and educate you.

Chapters (11)

After an irritating encounter with Penny, Sheldon retires to his home-away-from-home, his Batcave, his Fortress of Solitude: his office. But the physicist gets more than he bargained for when a strange interdimensional worm hole appears in the Biology department.

Trapped in an unfamiliar, scientifically impossible world. Sheldon has the perfect opportunity to flex his astonishing social skills, or lack thereof. Completely oblivious that the fate of Equestria rests in his hands, Sheldon embarks on a journey of self discovery and love and tolerance... except he doesn't discover anything, and love and tolerance is a waste of time.

Well, maybe he'll learn the value of friendship along the way. But that isn't likely

Chapters (12)

Cutie Mark Crusaders Time Travelers, yay! ...Wait, what?

When older versions of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Spike appear from the future, Twilight and her friends are in for the time of their lives. The Crusaders have gone back in time on a mission that may decide the fate of time itself! They are fearless, they are resourceful, they... completely messed up right from the start, huh?

Now it's a literal race against time to set things right, as powerful enemies from the future attempt to claim the past for themselves. So join the Elements of Harmony and the Crusaders of tomorrow in an epic story of danger, hope, despair, betrayal, revenge, love and swashbuckling high adventure!

Just remember the golden rule: Time travel doesn't make sense!

Chapters (4)

Spike X Owlicious. A rare ship. Here is a bunch of stories having to do with their love for each other.

Chapters (1)

Ponyville lay still and quite bodies scattered all across the ground. Silent overcomes the small town, a chillness overtakes, every breath held, and all laid fallen. All but three...

Okay so this is just a quick little one-shot written for the Writer's Weekly Challenge from the Talkative Friends group. Feel free to point out any mistakes that (most likely) in the story. See you guys later!

Chapters (1)

After waking up in a cavern, Spike finds himself struggling to find an exit. While looking for a way out, he finds a strange pony who's also been trapped there, and the two attempt to leave. What Spike doesn't know is that some meetings aren't always by chance.

Chapters (1)

Maple Sugar is searching for hope. The lair of an ancient wyrm might be an odd place to look, but desperate times call for desperate measures...

Chapters (1)