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CO-AUTHORS: All of the Above and Flint Sparks

Spike has a secret, he used to be a bank robber. And if you asked his opinion about it, he'd say he was a damn well good one.

However when the number one assistant lifestyle isn't cutting it for him, Spike makes a decision to pull off one more job. However with his old team scrambled and his thief skills rusty, the dragon has a lot of work to do.

Chapters (2)

After long consideration, Sunset Shimmer decides to return to Equestria to make amends. Everypony is very skeptical about this but Celestia decides on a test of sorts to see if she truly is sorry. She has to live with Twilight and Spike for 1 year, at the end of that year her fate will be decided by Twilight and Spike.

A HUGE shoutout to Love at Sundown by trahzo. That fic gave me the idea of writing a Spike x Sunset fic.

Chapters (20)

Spike had given up on dragons, considering them all to be delinquants after he met with some of them during the great dragon migration.
But one night after getting into an argument with his friend Twilight, he began to have strange dreams where a strange being would talk to him claiming to be a dragon spirit of a long lost race of dragons with beyond extraordinary power and that Spike himself may be one.
Now Spike is in danger from the very Ponies he called his friends and may even re-awaken a war without end, the eternity war is threatening to return and Spike is the only dragon with the power to stop it.

Chapters (4)

Tonight, on a very special episode of My Little Pony…

Spike may have finally found someone who can reveal the identity of his parents. But when that someone is Discord, has our little dragon bitten off more than he can chew?

~-Spike jumped up from the couch in excitement. "Then you've actually met them!?"

Somehow, Discord's grin managed to stretch even wider. "Ohhhhhh yes. In fact, I've known your father since the day we were born! And your mother… well let's just say she and I are intimately acquainted…"-~

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has always relied on her friends for moral support. But when the biggest competition of her life comes, who's there to support her?

Entry for SpikeDash competition, but really, I'm just doing this out of the love I have for this pairing. I raise my glass to all the supporters and lovers of the pairing, as well as Vexy, who's words of inspiration were "DO IT FILLY!"

Sorry for the minuscule size of this chapter, I wanted to finish as fast as I could. FORWARD TO THE CHARGE! Also, this is only going to be about four chapters, so yeah...

Chapters (1)

What if Spike was never born into a lifestyle filled with ponies? What if he was raised as a dragon? What if he stumbles upon our favorite little bunch of ponies?

He finds out the hard way.

Don't ask where the Romance tag comes into play.

A sort of 'what if' story I thought up of. Let's just assume everything in the show went completely fine and according to story, except Spike wasn't there. Experimenting with first person fiction, be gentle. Tags added as they come. Also, the picture may not seem so, but he does have wings in the story. Just thought I would point that out.

Chapters (4)

This isn't the Equestria you know. The days of resolving things peacefully are well past. Friendship is just a luxury. All that matters is Order. That is where the true peace is: in Her Highness' Vision. No alternative, no questions. Either follow it and live by her grace, or deny it and face merciless retribution. The full force of her holy wrath, dealt by her most Vicious Agent.

It's not an easy job, but someone has to do it. Books can't find their way home on their own. Have to get 'em all, and Celestia help those who get between them and their guardian angel. He's a mean one.

And I should know: I'm him.

{Equestria Daily featured, 5/9/2014}

Chapters (21)

Spike meets up with Spyro the dragon who is looking for a dragon egg thief. What they don't know is that the thief is actually a familiar face to the 'Sonic Team' family, and the fact that the egg is truly out of this world.

A first one-shot story.

An audio read can be found here.

Chapters (1)

Spike and Spitfire, one a dragon and the other a Wonderbolt, were unknowingly brought together by a day neither wish to remember in the slightest; Spike nearly levelled the town he loved and called home, while Spitfire witnessed the true might and fury of a dragon, and nearly lost close friends and team mates in the process.

Needless to say, the experience left them both with their own mental and emotional scars, scars which show no sign of healing quickly nor easily.

So when nightmares, guilt, and perhaps a slight twist of fate (courtesy of some annoyingly persistent friends trying to help) brings the two together again, and a potential chance to make peace and move on arises to each through the other, both decide it's at least worth a shot.

But, as is sometimes the case, even the best laid plans can have unexpected results.

Main - SpikeXSpitfire
Secondary - SoarinXDash
Author: Freelancer
Co-author/Editor: Edragon (has since left FimFiction)

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Covers

Twilight is going to have another slumber party and each of the Mane 6 is invited. Rainbow Dash however, can't stand the usual events expected at such a party, so she invites Spike to help even things out. Will they both survive the night?
Cover pic, without title.

Chapters (6)