• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011


Somepony who reads enough MLP fanfiction to actually REQUIRE registration, because by this point it takes too long to open all the story bookmarks and look through them for updates. Yay for tracking!

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This story is a sequel to Drop of Moonshine

Sequel to Drop of Moonshine -

Applejack receives an order from Princess Celestia, for a batch of cider prepared with a very special recipe that involves honey, yeast, and time. She's even invited to taste the special cider when it's ready. But, when Rainbow Dash finds out about the special tasting, the three mares soon have a little too much to drink. What shenanigans will unfold and how will Twilight keep a lid on things this time?

Chapters (1)

After hours at the Sugarcube Corner, a heavy storm thundering outside, Pinkie finds a pony knocking on the door.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (2)

Name: Lyra Heartstrings. Occupation: Cartoonist.

Lyra makes a big splash in Equestria when she gets her new animated series for children on the worlds No.1 network. The show in question: Only Human, which centers around a group of these mythical creatures called 'humans', straight from Lyra's imagination, who become friends as they overcome life's obstacles together.

With the help of her executive producer, Bon Bon, Lyra starts to make an unprecedented impact in Equestria. Making friends, enemies and... other.

Can Lyra make it in the world of television? Will the Equestria take to these new 'humans'? You'll have to tune into the Pub network every Saturday at 1PM to find out!

Cover by Arby-Works

Edited by Spabble

Chapters (16)

Applejack has always struggled to make ends meet at Sweet Apple Acres. After the chaotic events of the Grand Galloping Gala, she returns home to find her farm experiencing a stroke of good luck. Applejack celebrates her fortune with all her friends, all except for one. Rainbow Dash has gone missing, and Applejack decides to find out why.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Past Sins

Side-story to Past Sins - Spike almost lost Twilight to a hangmare's noose, but now Twilight is safe and Nyx is a filly again. Normal life is returning. Still, Spike can't ignore the fact that Nyx just isn't the same as he remembers her. Her temper is more volatile, and, when she gets angry, all he can see is the rage-driven Nightmare Moon of legend.

And thus Spike has to wonder: Is Nyx truly reformed, or is she one bad tantrum away from calling herself Nightmare Moon again?

Chapters (1)

Caramel can't seem to do anything right. When he finds he has a crush on a certain purple unicorn, this proves doubly true.

Story now coming out Bi-weekly thanks to Sanctus, more soon!

Chapters (12)

Cloud Kicker might just have the wildest life of any pony in Equestria. That may just be why Princess Luna wants Twilight Sparkle to study the insanity that is Cloud Kicker's life for a sociology report. Unfortunately for Twilight Sparkle, she is going to have to survive the circle of jealous friends, paramours, enemies, crazy co-workers and disappointed family members that surround this crazy pony. Will Twilight Sparkle be able to complete this assignment before it spins out of control, or will she be reduced to a neurotic mess?

A Winningverse Story.

Chapters (35)

Nightmare Moon always had a backup plan if she ever were defeated; she would slowly regenerate herself and regain her power. The problem is she never expected to come back as a defenseless filly, or to return directly in front of the princesses. As punishment for her past crimes, Luna has given her a sentence far worse than being sent to the moon again. Nightmare Moon must move in with Twilight and report to Luna on the magic of friendship. She's not very happy about it.

By the way I am not trying to rip off Past Sins in any way. Nyx is NOT in this story, this will go in a completely different direction.

Chapters (4)

Twilight gets a distressing letter from Celestia and rushes to Canterlot.
What happened to the princess? What is Luna up to? Why do I sound like the narrator to a bad crime drama?
The first chapter is inspired by a drawing from JohnJoseco. The rest will be my own madness doing its part.

Chapters (20)

It's a normal day for Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle but Apple Bloom is missing...yet again. With Apple Bloom missing the two remaining crusaders decide to held out and have some fun on their own. Imagine their surprise when they find Apple Bloom coming out of Sugarcube Corner with Diamond Tiara!

Second Learning to Love Story. Have to read the first one to get some of the stuff mentioned in this one.

Cover art found here: http://diamond-tiara-lovers.deviantart.com/gallery/?set=32585929&offset=0#/d4pvlcj

Chapters (6)