• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011


Somepony who reads enough MLP fanfiction to actually REQUIRE registration, because by this point it takes too long to open all the story bookmarks and look through them for updates. Yay for tracking!

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In an attempt to end the constant war between the Cutie Mark Crusaders and their biggest enemies, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, or at the very least tone it down a bit, Cheerilee decides to put the five of them together in the same group for the upcoming camping trip. What's the worst that could possibly happen?

Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon shipping inside. Thou hath been warned...eth.

This fic was originally inspired by Your Antagonist's 'The Serenade of Silver Belles', which you should all go and read.

Was originally going to be just a SilverBelle fic, but decided to expand it to also include background stories for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Chapters (5)

[Romance] [Drama] [Comedy] [High School] [Slice of Life]

The Cutie Mark Crusaders are now in high school, and while they've already found their special talents, they are still being tormented by Diamond Tiara, as well as Silver Spoon. After Sweetie Belle notices Silver Spoon's behaviour when Diamond Tiara isn't around, the white mare wants to befriend the bully, much to the disapproval of her friends.

Silver Spoon, on the other hand, solely believes that nopony would befriend another pony without an ulterior motive, making it hard for Sweetie Belle's plans to work.

Chapters (8)

It could have been just another night. Instead, Vinyl Scratch leaves a show to find herself suddenly presented with a chance to make a difference in the life of a filly no one else will look twice at. Now if only she can convince Octavia she's not making a huge mistake...as usual.

Note: This story now has an indirect sequel set several years in the future in The Most Unlikely Places. Cover art by SonicDash777.

Chapters (11)

Cheerilee loves teaching. Despite all the trials and tribulations it presents, it's worth it in the end when her students learn something new. Not even a letter from the Ministry of Education reminding her about the impending teacher evaluations can sway her. But tack on her new relationship, the constant 'help' of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and some strange behavior from Dinky and Sparkler, and her life is about to become a lot more complicated.

This story is set in parallel with The Life and Times of a Winning Pony and The Study of a Winning Pony with the approval of Chengar Qordath, Comma-Kazie and Ponibius.

Cover art used with permission, source is here

Chapters (3)

One would think that the wounded Trixie would appreciate Twilight Sparkle taking her in to nurse her back to health. But for some ponies, leaning on someone else isn't so easy. Their crossing of paths sets them both on a journey that neither of them would've expected...

Chapters (32)

This is a sequel to my other story, A Tale of Two Mares. Read that one first.
Anyhow, Vinyl Scratch and her trusty new wife Octavia are living in San Franciscolt, trying to make a decent living, raise a foal (or two), and not drive each other the neighbors crazy.
Some old favourites, and some ponies that are notorious for being awful, will come to make their lives a little easier(?) and some new ponies as well, for better or for worse.

Oh my Celestia, I just made that sound like the most boring story ever. You'll just have to read the first one.

And, the awesomely adorable cover pic is by my trusty (me gusta the word trusty, it seems) brony friend, RainbowShy1241. He's a very good artist (obviously) and he made that for me! Yay!

Chapters (16)

Octavia isn't the type of mare to mix up with suspicious crowds. She stays away from ponies who are different from herself, never giving them second thought, never considering the fact that they might be friendly.
But what happens if Octavia doesn't have a choice? What if she needs one of these uncouth ponies she so despises, and avoids at all costs? And mostly, what will her family say if she goes as far as to fall in love with one?

Rated teen for some minor sexual themes

This beautiful new cover pic is by the great and powerful (in my opinion) RainbowShy1241. A big huge thanks to you, because it's awesome!

Chapters (37)

Vinyl Scratch, also known as DJ-P0n3, is one of the most famous DJs in Canterlot. But lately, she's been feeling like something's missing in her life. And then a gray Earth pony mare shows up at her club one night...

Author's Note: I wanted to do something different with the Octavia/Vinyl Scratch pairing. In all the stories I've read, Tavi was the reserved, more quiet one while Vinyl was the party girl. But what if it were the other way around? What if Vinyl was the more reserved one and Tavi the wild girl? This is my attempt to expand on that idea.

Chapters (5)

My life was simple. I used to be a cellist, of Canterlot's pride and nobility, and a very happy pony with where I was. I should say I landed myself here; it was nopony's fault I agreed with Vinyl on this ludicrous idea. I will, however, blame Vinyl for the guards outside. And for my doctor. And for Princess Luna.

That's all on her.

So, in the off chance that we don't get out of this room in (literally) one piece, my name is Octavia, beginning log: one.

[Log Note: Click on the "initializing" for the formatted GDocs version, which is highly suggested.]

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash awake to find themselves in a mysterious, compromising position. It's up to the brilliant mind of Twilight to deduce what series of events led them to this.

This story has sequels entitled Twilight Holmes: Sabotage After Sunset followed by Salting Snails.

Written for the Annual Twidash Contest.

Dramatic reading Part One and Part Two!

Let's Read blog by bookplayer here!

Remaster edited by Formerly Committed and Shellsh0cker.

Chapters (1)