• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011


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Companion story to Souldin's Open To Interpretation

Rarity, Twilight and Applejack discuss one certain moment during the fight scene against the Changelings between Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, in wonder of what REALLY happened. But what of Pinkie's mention of the two Pegasi snuggling together, nibbling each other's ears, and getting all lovey-dovey?

Here's what was going on all along with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy!

Chapters (1)

After the invention of radio, DJ-P0n3 (aka Vinyl Scratch) holds the first Equestrian talk show with her co-host Octavia. Octavia quickly finds out her superior is very eccentric, leading their broadcast to be constantly derailed, yet somehow remain popular. These episodes were recorded for historical significance and transcribed. These are the Vinyl Scratch Tapes.

[Update 1/25/13]: Fully updated to contain all of season 1 and 2, correcting a vast oversight on the part of the author. Sorry it took so long to update it fully on Fimfiction, guys.

Chapters (9)

Fluttershy often dreams of being able to cuddle up with the pony who means more to her than a friend. When said crush comes barging through the window one very early morning, is her wish about to come true? FlutterDash.

While this is not my first fanfic this is my first time uploading one to this site and so, if there are any errors regarding the structure then it is more than likely due to my unfamiliarity with this site and its uploading system. Although this is my first Friendship is Magic fanfic I welcome any and all criticism, which will make me just as happy to receive as it would praise.

The method of writing this short story involves connecting various fan arts and creating a narrative which involves each one of them. As such I wish to credit the artworks of DiegoTan's 'Rainbow Dash n Fluttershy hug', Strebiskunk's 'Bedshy' (which also serves as the cover image), Miokomata's 'Gotcha' and 'Best night ever', Haileyguilford's 'Morning', Juicy Cactus's 'Your real Christmas present', and Fajeh's 'Flutterdash' as sources of inspiration for this fanfic.

I do not - nor do I claim to - own any characters or artwork I use in this story - they belong to their respective series and owners.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Past Sins

Hearth's Warming is a time for friends and family to come together, celebrate harmony, and welcome the new year. Nyx is looking forward to just this as she rides the train to Canterlot with Spike and Twilight. She's going to meet her extended family for the first time and wants nothing more than to make a good impression. Yet, the sheen of the holidays can't hide the trouble caused by meddling grandparents, relentless reporters, and a paranoid uncle.

Chapters (12)

What brought Rarity and Applejack together, nopony knows, but you can bet your last barrel of cider that nothing this side of Discord could separate them.

An ongoing series of slice-of-life snapshots. This barn here'll be clop-free, y'all got it?

These stories are in continuity with Luna's Librarian and If the Flight Suit Fits.

All chapters originally written as separate entries for flash-fic blog Thirty Minute Ponies (TMP). Many thanks to TMP for inspiring me to write!

Lift Carefully - Applejack and Rarity hatch a plan to 'help' Twilight by stealing her journal. What they discover is more than they bargained for.

Among the Hills a Winding Way - Confused about her feelings for Rarity, Applejack seeks comfort from her apple trees, who are eager to listen.

Torn - Rarity finds a philosophical Applejack irresistible and finally makes her move. Will an old hat be the only thing torn by night's end?

Drama-Induced Audience Apathy - Rarity thinks angsty drama will spice up their love life. Applejack is a bit more practical.

Ejection - Twilight and friends are determined to see Applejack and Rarity separated. How will the lovers cope?

Not Again - Applejack isn't feeling like herself. Can her marefriend Rarity help straighten her out?

The Honorable Thing - One more disappointment for Applejack might be one too many.

The Best and the Worst - Rarity's having problems with her work and her magic - nothing that an attentive and perceptive marefriend can't help with.

Crossed in the Mail - Letters bearing bad news can make a mare say things she might regret. Sometimes it's hard to remember that we don't have to endure life's troubles alone.

Tickets - With Mac gone to Appleloosa and Granny needing ever more care, the pressure mounts as AJ is left to fend for herself. A certain dressmaker's attention to detail may come handy.

Calendar - Some dates are more worth remembering than others.

Suddenly There Came A Tapping - The Cutie Mark Crusaders are on the run, forced to flee, and about to learn something that hopefully won't earn them cutie marks.

A Meditation Upon the Day's Toils, or, 'Bark' - Who's a good little dog? You're a good dog, Winona! Yes you are!

Slow and Steady - Big Mac notices a whole lot more than he lets on.

Tailoring the Conversation - Oh, what wisdom from the mouths of fillies! Especially the ones who've been peeking in the barn at really inconvenient times.

The Quiet Revelations - Applejack has a nice quiet sit on the front porch to think a few things over. Maybe a little too quiet - or maybe it's just right after all.

Answers Above - Rarity has something to ask; for other ponies this would be a formality, but for her, it will be out of this world.

Happily Ever After, Checklist Never Ending, Part 1 and Part 2 - With Twilight Sparkle as your wedding planner, you're in good hooves. Right?

Winter by the Pond - There's something Applejack hasn't been able to ask, and isn't sure if any living pony can make it easier for her.

Diminished Distance - Headed for their honeymoon, Rarity and Applejack find there are still things to learn about each other - things they'll wish they could forget.

Facing Worlds - Rarity said some things she shouldn't have at the latest Apple family reunion.

Subtle Like a Hurricane - A lady never begs, especially when public displays of affection are at stake.

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Past Sins

Side-story to Past Sins - Slowly, the wounds inflicted by Nightmare Moon's reign heal. Ponyville is being reconstructed, and the last refugees are leaving the castle. Nyx is with Twilight. Celestia and Luna rule Equestria and guide the sun and moon once more. Everything is as it should be.

But some things are never washed away. These are the things that remain to remind us of the past. They remind us of the good times we've had with friends and family. They never let us forget the mistakes we've made. Everyone has them. Twilight has them. Nyx has them.

And, on occasion, when you share your scars, your photos, and your trinkets with another, they just might share theirs in return.

Chapters (1)

Applejack reached up with a fore hoof to touch the brim of her hat. It was habitual, almost unconscious. She could feel, nestled safely underneath the hat, her two most precious treasures--a single blue feather and a small snippet of purple mane.

They were precious, more precious than anything besides her family and her farm, because they were only pieces of them she'd ever have.

Chapters (1)

Rarity is alone on Hearts and Hooves Day, and she's not happy about it. A friendly afternoon in the park with Applejack promises to turn their friendship to something more – or at least it would, if either of them would simply talk to the other about it.

Between her awkward sort-of romance with Applejack, her desire to help Fluttershy find a special somepony of her very own, family, friends, and the general day-to-day chaos that is life in Ponyville, this fashionista's got her hooves full.

Side story to The Life and Times of a Winning Pony and the rest of the Winningverse. My thanks to Chengar Qordath and Comma-Kazie for their support and pre-reading assistance.

Chapters (2)

When Octavia and Vinyl Scratch decide to combine their respective musical styles into a new genre that will celebrate not only their talent, but also their unique bond, they feel confident that they're the pioneers of the new age. So when the two find their music challenged by another pair of musicians, they set out to make sure that theirs is the best. However, the rival two aren't bad artists themselves, not to mention they’re certainly not… of the same persuasion as Vinyl and Tavi. In the snow-wrapped streets of Manehattan, can they risk exposing their new found -and still taboo- relationship, or will they be doomed to second place?

Incredible cover art by JackiePhantom13! DA: http://jackiephantom13.deviantart.com/

Link: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/04/story-mixing-relationships.html

Chapters (12)

In the most important day of Rainbow Dash's life, the only one of her friends that is missing is Pinkie Pie.

The only thing left of her is a letter.

A letter in which the pink pony poured all of her heart...

A letter in which there is everything she wished to say to the pegasus...and couldn't find the courage.

Chapters (3)